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Irga - Women's magazine


Home and hobby

Many owners of private houses try to decorate their personal plots, not only in accordance with the design innovations, but also planting various plants. Just imagine how wonderful it is to observe when lilies bloom in your garden, apple trees are blooming and jasmine is fragrant. Recently, the irga plant has become increasingly popular in our latitudes. This tree was bred in Canada.

In this article, you will learn how to properly grow irga: planting and caring for this plant affects fruiting, and blue juicy berries are rich in microelements and vitamins.

General characteristics of the plant

Irga: general characteristics of the plant

Irga is only gaining popularity, so it can only be found on a few private plots. Depending on the cultivar, shadberry can grow as a tree or spreading shrub. Feature irgie - beautiful white inflorescences. Flowers can withstand the temperature threshold down to -7 °.

Most often, shrubs irgi planted as a natural barrier or framing pavement. But irgi trees are planted solely for the purpose of obtaining fruits. Varieties that grow in our latitudes are cold-resistant and not picky. If you ensure proper care for the irga, then every year you will gather a rich harvest. This tree bears the fruit of dark purple color with burgundy mesh.

What are the varieties of irgi?

Distributed several dozen varieties of irgi. Unfortunately, not all saplings take root in our climatic conditions. Experienced gardeners prefer to plant only picky and frost-resistant trees.

The following varieties of irgi can be found in our latitudes:

  • spiky;
  • blood red;What are the varieties of irgi?
  • Canadian;
  • alder;
  • Lamarck.

Spiky ryga completely picky. It adapts to heat and to cold. Fruits of an richogus have a fresh taste and relatively small size. Therefore, often such trees are planted for landscaping sidewalks or decorating the backyard plot.

Irga blood red is different from other varieties in bark color. This tree has a bark of bright red color, so it is used to create handicrafts, most often baskets. The fruits of this variety irgi freshly eaten and not eaten.

Canadian irga is considered an ornamental plant. Every year she brings delicious, juicy and large berries, which both adults and children love to eat.

Irga Lamarck can reach a height of up to 4.5-5 m, but despite this, it is attributed to the bushes. Fruits of irgi Lamarck are very tasty and juicy.

Proper care is required for all varieties, but Canadian jungle and Lamarck are considered particularly whimsical.

Canadian Irga: landing and care

Canadian Irga: landing and care

If you decide to grow a Canadian irga in your garden, then you need to know and follow the basic rules for planting and caring for this tree. Irga Canadian can grow as a tree or shrub. Sometimes the shoots of the bush reach a height of 10-12 meters.

Irga Canadian breeds in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • grafting;
  • branch shoots.

Best of all, cuttings or shoots take root in our conditions. Irga is picky, so well-fertilized black soil and sandy soil cover suits her. It is best to plant shadberry hugs in early spring or before winter. Before planting in the hole you need to lay out the drainage and fertilizer. You can use any universal fertilizer or special means for feeding fruit trees and shrubs. Irga is a light-loving tree, but she does not like constant exposure to direct sunlight - it is better to plant it in a slightly darkened place.

Irga Canadian very well tolerates severe frosts, so the bush or tree can not be covered for the winter. If you are still afraid for young seedlings, you can warm the root system a little. To do this, make a mound of earth. Irrigation Canadian irrigation is best as the surface layer of the soil dries. This tree does not like too wet, and even more marshy soil. With very frequent irrigation, the root system of an irgi can rot, and the plant can die.

If you are an experienced gardener, you can propagate canada seeds irgu. To do this, be sure to stratify the seeds, it is best to do this for 2.5-3 months at a temperature threshold of +1 to + 5 °. Five years after planting, a young irga begins to bear fruit. The fruiting period falls on the second half of July and lasts until mid-August. The berries in appearance resemble small apples and have a very sweet taste.

How to plant and grow irgu?

To maintain the shape of a tree or shrub crown should be cut. You can cut off unnecessary branches and shoots at any time - an irga tolerates both decorative haircut and trimming. But it is better to do pruning either before the onset of flowering or after the fruit ripens. In addition to delicious and juicy berries, Canadian irga is very much appreciated for its strong wood. In some countries, furniture sets are made of it.

We grow Irgu Lamarka

Irga Lamarck: landing and care

As already mentioned, irga Lamarck is considered an ornamental shrub. In the period of flowering on the bushes appear large white flowers on the legs, from which later the fruits are formed.

Irga Lamarck breeds in several ways:

  • grafting;
  • jigging;
  • seeds.

If you are planting irgu for the first time, then it is best to purchase two-year-old seedlings. Planted seedlings need early spring or late autumn. Irgi root system is very strong and can go into the soil to a depth of 3 meters. To plant this shrub you need to dig a deep hole, in which you should put fertilizer. You can use a universal dressing, saltpeter or potassium salt. Irga Lamarck takes root in any soil, except for marshy and excessively wet.

The root system of the seedling is buried in the ground no deeper than 7 cm. If you want to get strong and healthy shoots, it is best to immediately cut the branches of the seedling and leave about 5 buds. After you have planted Irgu Lamarck, you need to water the well thoroughly and put the peat layer on top or, as they say, to mulch.

Irga Lamarck, in contrast to the Canadian variety, is very fond of light, so it is best to plant a seedling in an open area. Irrigation should be watered as the surface layer of the soil dries. Watering should be abundant, but not too frequent. Springs irgi need to be cut. If you want to create a beautiful crown of the shrub, then pruning young growths constantly, leaving 3-4 main trunk. Do not forget to timely cut the broken or diseased shoots.

Irga Lamarck tolerates frost well, so you can not cover her for the winter. Also irga of this variety is considered very resistant to various diseases and pests.

Decorate your garden with any kind of irga, and beautiful flowering, and then very tasty fruits will not keep you waiting long. As you can see, these trees and shrubs will be a great decoration for your backyard. And the fruits of irgi are not only very tasty, but also very useful - they can truly be considered as a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements necessary for our body. Irga is not picky at all: provide her the right care, and luxurious crowns will delight you in the spring.