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Flower solanum - Women's magazine

Flower solanum

Home and hobby

Solanum or nightshade is an indoor perennial ornamental plant of the Solanaceae family, which has more than one and a half thousand species. Copies suitable for indoor cultivation are encouraged by flower growers with elongated dark green leaves, white flowers and bright orange fruits.

Solanoumeshe called coral bush or Cuban cherry.This is an evergreen ornamental shrub that reaches up to 60 cm in height. The fruits of the plant are poisonous. They can cause an upset stomach, especially in children. Therefore, if you have a small child, a pet or a bird, then it is better to refuse to breed Solanum.

Solanum: how to care at home?

  1. Solar lighting is important for Solanum. Therefore, it is better to arrange the plants on the east or west window. Protect it from direct sunlight to avoid burns. Intense diffused lighting is optimal. An insufficient amount of light will lead to a weak flowering, and, consequently, the absence of fruit ovaries. Another signal of insufficient lighting is an elongated stem. In the summer, Solanum is useful to take to the open air. In September, the plant is brought back into the house. The main thing is to protect it from drafts and excess moisture, otherwise the flower may die.
  2. To form Solanum bush was beautiful, you must learn the right way to prune the plant. First, shorten the main stem by half. When the formation of shoots from the side begins, pinch them.
  3. If the bush of Solanum during the period of fruiting is placed on a bright window-sill in a cool room, the berries will hold onto the bushes for several months, until February. Early fall of berries indicate a lack of light or dry air.
  4. When caring at home, Solanum needs to provide a temperature not exceeding 20-25 ° C, in winter the temperature is reduced to 15 ° C. If the air temperature is too high, the nightshade is likely to be infected with a spider mite.
  5. When watering decorative nightshade, be guided by the time of year and soil moisture. In summertime, provide abundant watering, in winter - moderate. In warm weather, spend daily spraying - Solanum loves it very much.

Flower Solanum: breeding features

  • In order for the plant to delight you all year round, you need every season after the leaves wither and the berries fall off. The substrate for transplantation must be breathable, water-holding, with a neutral pH. All these factors will help the plant to grow strong and healthy. An excellent option would be a soil consisting of turf land, humus, sand and peat. Each ingredient will need one part, half of the sand is enough.
  • For fertilizing Solanum complex fertilizers are used for plants that bloom in summer. Top dressing is carried out every week. Once a month it is recommended to use winter fertilizers, during the growing season - mineral fertilizers. During flowering, be sure to treat the plant with insecticide.
  • Solanum often affects greenhouse aphids and whiteflies. To avoid these pests, keep the flower in a well-ventilated, cool place. Monitor the presence of parasites regularly. If the plant is still damaged, spray it with a solution of actellica, remove the infected leaves and flowers.

Reproduction Solanum at home

Solanum breedsseed or cuttings. The seeds themselves fall into the soil of the pot and germinate. Young plants must be dug and planted in separate pots. In order to grow a bush of indoor nightshade from the cutting, then it is necessary to start planting in the spring. For better rooting, the cutting is planted in wet sand or perlite or a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1) is used. When the stalk has taken root, transplant it into a pot with the soil consisting of humus, sand and soddy soil (2: 1: 1). After the tree reaches 15 cm in height, pinching is performed. At the end of the summer, Solanum needs to be trimmed several times to stimulate branching.

A feature of the room Solanum is the rapid formation of a bush and the beginning of fruiting from a young age. Although it belongs to the purely ornamental plants, there is information about its healing abilities. Healers say that from the mature fruits of the house Nightshade you can make a drug to treat a sore throat. Solanum refers to plants that love attentive care. Give him care, and then he will delight you with its beauty for a whole year!

See also: Flower Solyanum: how to care?