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Escholzia - Women's magazine


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Eschsoltia is a herbaceous perennial that comes from the Poppy family and reaches a height of 40 cm. Despite the fact that the plant is a perennial, many gardeners grow it as an annual. Externally eshsholtsiya very similar to the poppy, only it is not only orange, but white, yellow and red, as well as all their shades. These flowers differ from many others in that in inclement weather, as well as at night, they close.

Eschsoltsiya: when to plant plant?

Essholtziya: when to plant a plant?

Eschsoltsiya most often planted directly into the ground, in October or in May. If the plant is planted for the winter, then already in early spring you can admire strong shoots that you need only to feed, cut and weed. Flowers planted in autumn will bloom much earlier than those that were planted in spring.

Before planting the soil in the ground, you need to take care in advance that the soil on which the plants will bloom is dry and sandy, and the site itself is sunny. Next, make shallow grooves in them and plant small seeds. In order to get sparse, you can mix the seeds with sand. Sprinkle with soil and grind with peat so that the soil does not become solid. If the planting is autumn, from above, pour dry leaves on the ground, so the plant will calmly survive the winter.

How to plant seeds for seedlings?

  • This culture has a rather thin root system, it is very easy to damage it, so it is advisable to place the seeds in special peat tablets.
  • Place the tablets in a plastic container and pour a small amount of water into it. Wait until the water is absorbed, and the excess liquid to drain. Put one seed in each tablet. For this fit an ordinary wet toothpick.
  • Sprinkle the seeds with a little water and cover with glass. When there is no glass, the usual film will do.
  • If you follow this recommendation, in 2 weeks the first shoots will appear. You can remove the film and move the boxes to a bright place where the temperature will stay no higher than 20 degrees. Do not forget to make watering of the esocholcias as necessary, we must not allow the plant to dry out. In addition, the sprouts need to be watered with a liquid complex fertilizer in order for the flowers to be bright and beautiful in the future.
  • A few weeks before planting, take out the seeds for 2 hours to a cool place outside so that they are hardened. This is necessary so that the flowers after planting in the open ground are not afraid of significant temperature drops.

Features of planting and care

Eschsoltsiya, planting and care, which, depending on the terrain and climate, blooms best in dry and sandy soil, having a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. It happens that the acidity of the soil is very high, so you need to thoroughly dig it and add a little ash.

If you properly care for the plant, regularly loosen the soil and feed it in time, then it will bloom in a month.

Subtleties of care

Subtleties of care

  1. To care for the plant is not difficult at all. For example, watering a flower is necessary only when it is very dry outside. The rest of the time it will be enough moisture from the rain.
  2. As for fertilizers, in no case can not use fresh organic matter, as escholtsiya may die.
  3. A few words should be said about the pests of elimination. With the beginning of the summer she threatened to attack the bean aphids. It is worth not to miss this moment and in time to spray the plant with the proven drug "Commander". If summer is hot, spider mites may appear on the flowers. Against them, there are also their own drugs.
  4. Excessive watering can lead to decay of the roots of the elsholtsii. In this case, you must immediately get rid of rotting areas. In rare cases, the flowers are affected by powdery mildew, they are disposed of with sulfur.
  5. The plant propagates by self-sowing, if gardeners are against it, it is necessary, after the flowers wither, remove them together with seed bolls. After flowering, you can get rid of old shoots, as most varieties quickly grow new ones.

Useful properties of escholcium

Interestingly, a beautiful flower can not only please the eyes of others. Indians have noted its useful properties. For example, the ground parts of the plant, they got rid of toothache, and pollen was used in cosmetology. Benefit also provided a decoction of flowers, they were treated with pediculosis.

Currently, Americans are using drugs, which are based on California poppy, in pediatrics for pain relief. In addition, the drug from escholcii is a sedative, not causing allergic reactions and other side effects.

Eschsoltsiya: photos of flowers

Eschsoltsiya: photos of flowers

Eschsoltsiya: photos of flowers

Eschsoltsiya: photos of flowers

See also:How to grow sparaxis?

In conclusion, it should be added that those mistresses who think about which flowers to plant in a flower bed, can safely acquire such a plant as esholtsiya. The appearance of these flowers, without a doubt, will not leave anyone indifferent.