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What helps “levomekol” ointment - Women's magazine

What helps “levomekol” ointment


It is a pity that there is no panacea for all diseases. But despite this, you can choose a universal wound-healing drug that has anti-inflammatory effect. Of course, we are talking about Levomekol ointment. Today our task is to find out what helps Levomekol ointment from.

Let's look in the pharmacological reference book.

what helps ointment

For the first time ointment "Levomekol" went on sale in the early 70s of the last century. Since then, much has changed, and medicine has made great strides forward, however, this pharmacological drug to this day is very popular.

Before we find out what Levomekol ointment is for, I would like to pay particular attention to the component composition of this drug. According to the abstract, the composition of "Levomekol" includes two substances, in particular:

  • chloramphenicol;
  • methyluracil.

The first substance belongs to the group of antibiotics, and the second to the immunostimulating agents. Experts say that the additional components in the "Levomekol" are missing, and the immunostimulant in combination with an antibiotic has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Due to this component composition, the ointment has a beneficial effect on the skin, in particular:

  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial.

As you already understood, the pharmaceutical agent "Levomekol" can only be used externally. At the same time, the presence of pus or dead cells of the epidermis does not reduce its effectiveness. Pharmacological drug "Levomekol" is prescribed by specialized doctors for the speedy regeneration of damaged skin, including after surgery.

Universal panacea for epidermis regeneration

What helps Levomekol ointment from? This drug is released over-the-counter in any pharmacy, so you can buy it and store it in your home medicine cabinet, as they say, just in case.

Profile doctors advise to use ointment as the main medicine in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • wounds on the skin with purulent accumulation;
  • furunculosis;
  • burn wounds 2 and 3 degrees of damage;
  • trophic type ulcerative processes;
  • dermatological ailments having an inflammatory and bacterial nature.

Often, "Levomekol" in medical practice is used as a prophylactic agent. Many people leave feedback that Levomekol ointment helps to prevent the development of pressure sores, and also contributes to the speedy healing of postoperative stitches, scars, corns, etc.

The described pharmacological drug has gained wide popularity in the gynecological field. Profile experts prescribe it for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • erosion of the cervical uterus;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the appendages;
  • discrepancies postoperative seams localized on the vaginal walls.

In these cases, as you already understood, the ointment is injected along with the tampons. As practice shows, the complete cure of inflammatory processes takes about 15 days. Do not self-treat, be sure to consult with the doctor. Otherwise, you can harm yourself and provoke the development of complicated consequences.

As already mentioned, there is an antibiotic and immunostimulating substance in the composition of Levomekol. Due to this ointment is actively used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. This tool is applied externally, applying a certain amount of ointment on the skin around the anus.

How to do yourself no harm: study annotation


So, the main purpose of "Levomekol" - external use and application exclusively on the skin. Ointment must be applied to cleansed skin. As a rule, for the speedy regeneration of damaged skin, dressings should be changed 2-3 times a day. After applying Levomekol, a clean cloth or gauze cut is applied on top. If necessary, use a fixing bandage.

If we use an ointment for treating wounds with accumulation of pus, then carefully clean it before each application. For the treatment of wounds that are characterized by deep damage to the skin, ointment should be injected directly into the lesion. If the lesion is extensive, then its entire surface is filled with gauze or cloth cut, soaked in ointment. In such cases, "Levomekol" must be heated to the normal mark of subfebrile temperature, that is, 35-36 °.

For the treatment of small, but at the same time deep damage to the skin, rubber drains are used. They can be made independently from ordinary medical gloves made from latex material. A drainage is inserted into the wound and filled with ointment. In order for the drug to penetrate into the wound, you can use a medical syringe without a needle. The pharmacological drug will drain down and act directly on the damaged areas, contributing to their speedy regeneration.

"Levomekol" is a safe remedy that has no contraindications to use, except for hypersensitivity to an active antibiotic or immunostimulating substance. In these cases, the patient may experience an allergic reaction. As a rule, side effects are represented by a slight reddening of the skin in the area of ​​application of ointment, itching or urticaria.

"Levomekol" is allowed to use for girls during the period of carrying a baby and breastfeeding, but only for the treatment of minor wounds. So the drug will not be absorbed into the blood.

Clean skin is real!

External factors affect the appearance of acne and acne, not only in adolescence. Many girls and representatives of the strong half of humanity in the age group of 25+ also face this problem. And so, having tried many different pharmacological preparations, we desperately look at the skin of our face and do not know how to get rid of ill-fated acne.

We have described above what helps Levomekol ointment according to the annotation. However, reviews of people say that this pharmaceutical can be used for successful and, most importantly, budgetary treatment of acne and acne.

As practice shows, "Levomekol" is used to treat single acne and large-scale rashes. Let's do everything in order. To get rid of a sudden pimple, you need to apply ointment on the inflamed area and cover with cotton wool or gauze cut. After 3-4 hours the redness disappears and you can enjoy the result. If the pimple was purulent, then Levomekol will contribute to its speedy discharge and regeneration of damaged areas of the skin.

With large-scale rashes on different parts of the body, you can apply a thin layer of ointment on the entire affected surface. It is best to perform such therapeutic procedures at bedtime, and in the morning you will be able to eliminate the remnants of the pharmaceutical agent by washing with filtered water.

Representatives of opposite sexes also leave their reviews, which tell about the positive impact of "Levomekol" on the herpes virus. Such a cold on the lips do not like anyone. It not only gives us discomfort, but it does not in the best way affect the aesthetic appearance. If you believe the reviews, the ointment perfectly treats such manifestations of the herpes virus for 5-7 days.

Otitis or sinusitis is no longer a problem.

Ointment "Levomekol" is widely popular in the field of otolaryngology. In many reviews, people say that this pharmacological tool helps to get rid of sinusitis and otitis.

The ointment can be used for the treatment of rhinitis in children of different age categories. For the procedure, it is necessary to soak the gauze cut with ointment and make a tampon of it. Such turunda are introduced into the nasal or ear passages and left for several hours. Reviews of many people who have used such methods of treatment, says that recovery occurs in 5-10 days.

As you can see, Levomekol ointment is a very unique, effective and universal pharmacological drug. However, before using it, be sure to carefully review the annotation and consult a specialized doctor. Be healthy!