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Polycystic ovary - what is it - Women's magazine

Polycystic ovary - what is it


What could be worse for a spawn of a woman than infertility? The culprit of the fact that she can not get pregnant in any way, often becomes polycystic ovaries. Symptoms and causes, and most importantly, the possibility of a cure - this is what the conversation will be about. Do you think such a diagnosis is a sentence or can you still become a mother?

Cystic attack on the ovaries: surrender or to be treated?

Polycystic ovaries: symptoms and causes

According to statistics, about 5-10% of women of childbearing age worldwide suffer from polycystic ovaries. This disease occurs on the background of hormonal failure. Rather, it is not even a disease, but a symptom. What is the essence of the gynecological problem - polycystic ovary, what is it?

If polycystosis develops, then these organs take on an unhealthy appearance, they are covered by many cysts. They increase dramatically in size. The normal process of maturation of the egg is broken. The ovaries are covered with bubbles, inside which there is a liquid. It is for this reason that polycystic is called a "pearl necklace." The disease is accompanied by an increase in the content of male hormones.

The causes of the disease are not fully established, presumably it develops in violation of the hormonal balance. This problem can lead to stress, heredity, frequent sore throats and colds. Scientists also found that there is a direct link between the formation of cysts on the ovary and the lack of sensitivity of the body's cells to insulin.

How dangerous is this pathology? It interferes with pregnancy and increases the risk of miscarriage if fertilization does occur. Polycystic not only threatens the reproductive abilities of women. It can trigger the onset of diabetes, breast cancer, stroke, heart attack and obesity.

If the disease is detected in a timely manner and the treatment is carried out correctly, then it can give positive results. This is confirmed by the cases when women with polycystic pregnancy become pregnant and normally have a child (and not just one). But it is necessary to be treated seriously!

Polycystic is primary - while the woman remains normal weight and insulin levels, and secondary - is found in women who are obese and high in this hormone.

What signs indicate polycystic?

In polycystic ovarian symptoms and causes are closely interrelated.

In polycystic ovarian symptoms and causes are closely interrelated. Manifestations of pathology are caused by hormonal abnormalities. The primary signs (which appear before the failure of the menstrual cycle) include:

  • oily hair and skin;
  • acne;
  • rapid set of kilos;
  • unstable mood, attacks of aggression;
  • weakness, depression, a woman gets tired quickly;
  • increased formation of pigment spots.

Then specific signs of polycystic are detected:

  • the main symptom is menstrual delays (up to their absence), a change in their character: discharge becomes scarce and rare. During menstruation a woman suffers from severe pain. They can occur in the intervals between periods;
  • fat deposits on the abdomen;
  • male pattern baldness: hair at the crown is lost and bald patches appear on the forehead;
  • seborrhea;
  • facial hair growth;
  • intimate contact pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • respiratory arrest during sleep;
  • basal temperature remains unchanged throughout the cycle, although normally it should rise in the second half.

Of course, each woman may have their own set of symptoms. These are only the most characteristic signals indicating the development of the problem.

Is it difficult to detect the problem?

Based on the patient's complaints and the absence of conception with regular sex, the doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis. Survey needed. A woman will be asked to take a test for hormones and undergo ultrasound diagnostics.

With such a pathology, an increase in the concentration of male hormones is detected in the blood. On ultrasound noticeable increase in the normal size of the ovaries (up to 3 times).

In addition, endometrial biopsy and scraping can be performed.

Treat, can not operate!

Drug treatment of polycystic

If a woman is attentive to her health, then symptoms can help her to suspect polycystic ovaries. And the treatment, of course, must begin with a visit to the gynecologist and examination.

But do not think that the case will necessarily end with the operation. Today, doctors extremely negatively refer to such a method popular in the past as partial excision of small cysts (wedge resection). They concluded that after a fragment of the ovary was removed, the work of the reproductive organs and the health of the woman as a whole deteriorated significantly. In addition, this method does not guarantee that there will be no recurrence of the disease. Therefore, the operation resorted to only in exceptional cases.

Drug treatment of polycystosis includes the use of such medicines:

  • hormonal drugs. At the initial stage, the patient is prescribed hormone-containing oral contraceptives: Mersilon, Logest, Diana 35. They should be taken 3 months in a row. This normalizes the cycle, leads to the appearance of ovulation and a decrease in the size of the ovaries.

The use of such modern drugs as Decapeptil and Zoladex gives a good effect. But it is necessary to be treated systemically and undergo the entire course of therapy.

Progesterone and contraceptives are also prescribed. Marvilon, Janine;

  • for acne - Isotretinonin;
  • to normalize blood pressure - Metformin;
  • Vitamin therapy is carried out using ascorbic acid, taking vitamin E, PP and B-complex.

In addition to drugs, the patient must undergo a course of physiotherapy and massage. This helps start the cell renewal process. Hydrotherapy is recommended for patients with polycystic ovarian lesions. If the hospital cannot offer such procedures, they can be performed at home. To do this, you need to prepare a bath with coniferous or herbal decoction. It should be no longer than 15 minutes, and the course of treatment should include from 10 to 15 procedures.

If during the year, drug therapy has not yielded any results, then resort to surgical intervention (laparoscopy). Since the effect of the operation lasts no more than a year, after it the doctor usually advises the patient to become pregnant as soon as possible.

Herbs instead of hormones: is it possible to defeat polycystic without drugs?

polycystic ovarian treatment of folk remedies

Not many women are happy with the prospect of taking hormones. They fear side effects and therefore wonder if polycystic ovarian treatment can help with folk remedies. Unfortunately, herbal "drugs" are not able to cope with this disease. But in combination with medication effects, they improve the prognosis of the disease.

In the treatment of gynecological problems, including polycystic, you can use such folk remedies:

  • Borovskaya uterus - 1 tbsp. l herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiled water. Insist hour. All this portion should be drunk during the day;
  • alcohol infusion of boron uterus. 80 g of plant materials pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for a week in a dark place. Drink this composition should be three times a day for 1/2 tsp;
  • tampons with mummy. Bintik is impregnated with this substance and used in the form of tampons in the vagina. Manipulations take 10 days;
  • decoction of mint and thistle. They are taken in the same proportions. To reduce the level of androgens enough to drink 2 cups of this composition per day;
  • medicinal drug from burdock. A tablespoon of the roots of this plant pour 200 ml of boiled water. Let it stand until morning. Take 1 tbsp. l before meals 14 days;
  • special herbal collection from polycystic. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients: licorice root, rosehips, cuff leaves, hawthorn (3 tbsp.), Thyme, shepherd's purse, mint (1 tbsp.). All shatter, pour in a thermos, pour in just boiled water. Keep 12 hours. Take 1/3 of Art. l before meals 2 months three times a day.

Important note: herbal medicine is allowed and it makes sense to resort only if the disease is not running.

How important is diet?

Treatment of this pathology should begin with simple and affordable methods, one of which is proper nutrition. A woman who has ovarian disease should follow these rules:

  • the amount of calories consumed per day should be in the range of 1800 kcal. This is necessary to tidy up the weight;
  • it is better to have vegetable rather than animal fats in the diet;
  • sugar and sweets should be excluded and salt intake should be limited;
  • will have to abandon seasonings, spices and spices;
  • it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages;
  • meals should be fractional, up to 5-6 times a day.

What worsens the forecast?

Polycystic ovary - what is it

There are things that are categorically contraindicated in a patient with polycystosis, because they further reduce the production of female sex hormones, which are already in short supply. In order not to aggravate the course of the disease, a woman should not smoke, drink coffee and alcoholic beverages, eat fatty foods. She must be careful not to freeze. And it does not help the recovery of the diet and fasting for a beautiful figure. Meals should be balanced.

All women, regardless of whether they plan to have a baby or not, should be attentive to their health. Regular visits to the gynecologist will help notice and cure polycystic disease without complications. Then he will not become an obstacle to the realization of your dream of a child. And if you have already suffered from such a disease, then note that he may descend to you again after birth. Therefore, every six months, do not forget to go and see a doctor.