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Ointments for bruises and bruises - Women's magazine

Ointments for bruises and bruises


Perhaps there is hardly a single person who has never received a single bruise. Bruising, swelling, abrasions without deep damage to the skin and soft tissues are the simplest signs of bruises. Local treatment is required to get rid of them. In this case, various external means are applied: ointments, gels, balms, compresses, lotions and poultices.

Special-purpose drugs usually have several functions:

  • anesthesia;
  • removal of inflammation, swelling;
  • restoration of functions, processes;
  • tissue regeneration.

In childhood, we more often earned such injuries: bruises, bumps, abrasions, etc. Mothers were in a hurry to apply a healing compress to a sore spot or apply ointment. Let's first determine what kind of ointment for bruises, bruises and edema most suitable for children?

The choice of treatment

pick up ointment for bruises, bruises and swelling for children

How to choose an ointment for bruises, bruises and swelling for children? This issue concerns all mothers without exception. It’s just that not all drugs that are effective for adults are equally applicable for treating a child. When choosing the appropriate drug, you should follow these rules:

  1. Choosing a drug, you need to focus on age. So some tools can be used almost from infancy, while others are allowed to adolescents. Also note that an effective pain relieving ointment for the infant will no longer be so effective for a child of school age.
  2. Even if your child has not previously been found to have an allergic reaction to the components of the ointment, an allergo test should be carried out with the purchase of a new drug. To do this, a small amount of the substance is applied to the skin, there is a reaction of the body. If after some time, redness, inflammation, itching does not appear on the treated site, then the drug can be used.
  3. Before applying the medicinal substance to the injury site, a cold compress is usually done beforehand. This must be done literally immediately after injury. Such activities help reduce swelling and pressure on the nerves, relieve pain.

For the treatment of bruises, bruises and edema in a child, you can purchase these drugs:

Newborns and children up to 12 years old:

  • troxevasin;
  • bruise-off;
  • child rescuer;
  • dolobene (from 5 years);
  • heparin ointment;
  • comfrey ointment;

After 12 years of age:

  • finals;
  • Troxerutin (since 15);
  • idovazin;
  • diclofenac;
  • badyaga forte and others

popular lyoton ointment belongs to the group of hyparin containing drugs

All drugs in this category can be divided into groups according to the composition or the basic principle of action. For example, the popular lyotone ointment belongs to the group of hyparin-containing drugs that:

  • have an antithrombotic effect;
  • antiseptic action;
  • pain relief;
  • contribute to the expansion of blood vessels.

Lioton ointment is included in the group of so-called capillary-stabilizing drugs. Its effectiveness is beyond question in the treatment of severe edema and swelling. However, if they are accompanied by severe pain, some loss of functionality, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps severe swelling is associated with internal damage, such as a torn ligament or a bone fracture.

Available lioton in the form of ointment and gel. The gel can be used to resolve bruises on the face. Even where there are abrasions. It will have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect, the wound will heal well and quickly, there will be no trace of the scar.

A large group of drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which includes diclofenac. Medications are strong enough to cope with the task (relieve swelling and inflammation) quickly and efficiently. However, such ointments should not be used with long-term treatment, as side effects are possible.

Greater popularity gained ointments, gels and balms based on medicinal plants, for example, the same badyaga and comfrey. Drugs help reduce puffiness, eliminate inflammation, have a resorbing effect.

But the finalgon, an anesthetic ointment for bruises, also contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes in tissues, while providing a warming effect. Ointments with this effect are used for edema and sprains.

Bruise bruise discord

What helps indovazin ointment?

Besides the fact that you need to carefully approach the choice of a drug for external use, you should know how bruises are treated in different parts of the body. Especially careful to be if hematoma on the face. So remedies that are effective in treating bruises, such as on the leg, can aggravate the condition if they are used to treat a bruise under the eye.

As mentioned, the ointment should not be applied to the injury site immediately, it is recommended to hold the ice compress for a while. In addition, if soft tissues are damaged at the site of the injury, the wounds should be pre-treated with an antiseptic. Choosing the appropriate drug for use on the face, pay attention to the composition and purpose of the medicine. It is desirable that the composition contained vitamin K, and in the appointment it was written: "from hematomas on the face."

What helps indovazin ointment?

The drug is prescribed to reduce the level of inflammation.

The drug is prescribed for

  • reduce inflammation;
  • restoration of vessel walls;
  • improve microcirculation;
  • reduce swelling and hyperemia;
  • pain relief.

The tool is effective in

  • polyarthritis,
  • inflammation of the nerves
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • radiculitis
  • hemorrhoids,
  • psoriasis,
  • fibrositis,
  • synovitis and other diseases.

Often used as a prevention of varicose veins and for the treatment of injuries after various injuries. Why not use ointment indovazin to eliminate swelling and bruising? In principle, it is possible, but carefully. Despite the fact that the tool has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, eliminates swelling and redness, it has a number of contraindications and side effects.

Side effects include, for example, various types of skin allergies. Prolonged therapy can cause headaches.

Among the contraindications we distinguish pregnancy and lactation, age restrictions, as well as ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypersensitivity, hemorrhagic diathesis, bronchial asthma. Caution does not interfere with the combination of ointments with antibiotics, other nonsteroidal, hypoglycemic drugs and anticoagulants.

Folk remedies for treating bruises, edemas, bruises

With such a huge selection of pharmaceutical products, there seems to be no need for traditional medicine. But there are cases when the necessary medicine will not be on hand, and there will be no pharmacy nearby. If there is such an opportunity, ointment for bruises can be prepared independently.

For example, based on chopped fresh burdock root. Gruel is filled with vegetable oil and infused day. Apply this ointment warm 3-4 times a day.

In the absence of burdock root, but having the fruits of sea buckthorn, juice can handle the place of damage. It will be no less effective. To heighten the effect, you can add some natural honey to the juice.

Experts advise, before applying this or that medicine, carefully study the instructions, especially with regard to the possibility of application in your particular case. Although ointments for bruises, swelling and bruises just in case should be in every home medicine chest, do not self-medicate, if you are not sure that the drug can be used at this time. At home, you can keep some universal means, for example, "Lifeguard". And in which case, at first appear a traumatologist, and only then be treated.