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Diffuse changes of the parenchyma of the pancreas and liver - Women's magazine

Diffuse changes of the parenchyma of the pancreas and liver


Have you ever thought about how complicated the human body is? Such a number of organs, and each of them is responsible for certain vital signs! And sometimes you will feel bad, something will ache inside, but you don’t know how to figure out what the problem is. It is good that there is a modern medical technology that will help to be examined and to establish the diagnosis. For example, which of us did not do an ultrasound of the internal organs?

It happens that you leave the ultrasound cabinet and walk for a long time, digesting the heard diagnosis. For example, the results showed that diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma occurred in the body. Immediately and not reprimand. And one question worries: what is this diagnosis?

Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma - what is it?

Disease development factors

Have you heard such an expression: "I love beautiful and incomprehensible words"? This is about our diagnosis. But about everything in order, but first find out what parenchyma is.

From the point of view of medicine, parenchyma is a set of functional elements united by one organ. It produces pancreatic juice, which is the basis of the splitting of food.

Diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the liver and pancreas are only a symptom of the presence of pathology, but not the disease itself. Changes in the parenchyma are evidence of the replacement of healthy gland tissue with fatty tissue.

Disease development factors

Diffuse changes may be caused by such factors:

  • unhealthy diet, abundant consumption of fatty foods, spicy, sweet or salty;
  • excessive nervous tension, stress;
  • alcoholism;
  • smoking;
  • pancreatitis of varying degrees of exacerbation, including chronic;
  • prolonged use of toxic drugs;
  • diseases of the biliary tract, liver;
  • genetic predisposition.

Signs of diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma Diffuse changes have certain signs of manifestation:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • weak appetite;
  • frequent indigestion or constipation.

Determining the symptoms of such changes is the main disease:

  • acute pancreatitis - nausea, vomiting, severe left-side pain in the hypochondrium, cardiac arrhythmia, hypotension;
  • chronic pancreatitis - pain increases with the progression of the disease;
  • fibrous inflammation - allergic reactions, diabetes;
  • lipomatosis is an irreversible process, it is almost asymptomatic. In the neglected state, the parenchyma and, as a result, pain on the left side of the hypochondrium are compressed.



Diffuse processes signal disturbances in pancreatic function. Our task is to find out the degree of danger for the organism of these processes. The main method for diagnosing diffuse changes is ultrasound. It allows you to determine the degree of change in the density of tissues of the gland, to establish the area of ​​the inflammatory focus. Increased echogenicity on ultrasound means that the tissues are compacted, and this is a sign of deviation from the norm.

The presence of changes in the parenchyma causes a more thorough examination and clarification of the degree of diffusion, as well as the determination of its source. For this purpose, endoscopy, laboratory analysis of blood composition, and urine testing for the presence of pancreatic enzymes are performed. Also done tomography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. In general, the doctor, using the entire arsenal of modern medical technology, observes the patient and forms a history.

Features of treatment

No matter how cynical it sounds, the diffuse changes in the parenchyma that have occurred cannot be treated. The process of replacing normal tissue fat parenchyma is irreversible. However, one should not immediately fall into despair: the disease to be treated is a source of diffuse processes in the presence of pathology.

You need to start with a fundamental change in lifestyle and nutrition. In fact, the treatment is primarily aimed at improving the quality of life for the patient.

Treatment methods

In fact, there are only two treatment methods - diet and drug therapy. Here you can also add a healthy attitude to life, which involves, above all, the rejection of alcohol and smoking.

Therapy is designed to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Thus, in violation of the digestive system, enzyme-containing preparations are prescribed to the patient. In chronic pancreatitis, in addition to diet, physiotherapy is prescribed. If diffusion is caused by diabetes, then drugs are prescribed to level the blood sugar level. Excess will not and herbal treatment.

Diet with diffuse changes in the parenchyma

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition in diseases of the liver and pancreas is very important. After all, we know that many products not only provide the body with energy, but also have a healing effect.

First of all, the patient is recommended a fractional and balanced diet. It is necessary to remove from the menu products that irritate the mucous membrane and cause the secretion of gastric juice. You must forget about any alcohol-containing beverages, especially beer, spicy seasonings and spices. No chips, hot dogs, etc.

You can safely include such products in the menu:

  • wheat bread (yesterday or slightly dried);
  • lean meats and poultry;
  • lean fish;
  • one or two eggs per day;
  • milk products;
  • butter and vegetable only in finished products;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • cereal cereals;
  • soups from cereals, but not broth;
  • fruits and berries of non-acidic varieties, baked apples;
  • You can drink weakly brewed tea, but rather a decoction of wild rose.

Summarize. By themselves, moderate diffuse changes in the parenchyma have any person, the more they appear with age. The main thing is that such changes do not entail irreversible consequences. Our task is to prevent the occurrence of such a disease. Remember that in many people with diffuse changes in the pancreas, alcohol is the cause of the disease. So get rid of bad habits, eat right and watch your health!