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How to whiten your teeth at home without harm enamel - Women's magazine

How to whiten your teeth at home without harm enamel


The owner of a crystal white Hollywood smile, perhaps, dreams of becoming everyone. But for various reasons, we are in no hurry to go to dentistry. In this regard, many are studying how to whiten your teeth at home without the harm of enamel. Here is the topic of our conversation today.

We will return the former whiteness to the teeth

teeth whitening

Beautiful, dazzling and snow-white smile was always in fashion. That is why representatives of the opposite sex equally strive for such a standard. Of course, it is best to entrust teeth whitening to a professional. But we postpone the trip to the dentist for various reasons: due to a lack of finances or because of the simple fear of people in white coats. And some of us are so afraid of dentists that only the sound of a drill reduces teeth and a nervous tic begins to actively develop.

That is why the question of how to whiten teeth at home quickly, has become so urgent. There are many means and methods that somehow help to brighten the tint of a tooth by several tones. It is necessary to carry out such procedures extremely carefully, since any mechanical bleaching leads to damage to the enamel. And as you know, the appearance of cracks or the thinning of this protective layer can not only provoke hypersensitivity, but also cause the development of caries.

Before we consider the pharmaceutical preparations and self-made preparations used for teeth whitening, let's pay attention to contraindications. So, from the independent removal of plaque should be abandoned in such cases:

  • in the presence of several fillings, especially on the front teeth;
  • with the development of inflammatory or infectious processes in the oral cavity;
  • in violation of the texture of enamel and its excessive sensitivity;
  • during gestation and breastfeeding.

We study the range of pharmacy tools

pharmacy tools

In the pharmacy or any specialty store you can find various sets of dental care, which will help restore their original whiteness. Advertising is always tempting, and we are exposed to it every day. And another girl smiles from the TV screen, showing off her gorgeous smile and snow-white 32 teeth. But is it always worth believing ads? This is what we have to find out. And reviews of people who tested on themselves pharmaceutical means will help us.

The question of how to whiten your teeth at home is very ambitious, and you will not get an unequivocal answer to it except for the conduct of special dental procedures. But the reviews of people say that the following pharmaceutical preparations helped them in bleaching enamel:

  • pastes with a high coefficient of abrasiveness;
  • rinsing solutions;
  • stripes;
  • the pencils;
  • caps;
  • brushes.

Now about everything in order. Dentists recommend using sparing toothpaste, which will not violate the texture of enamel. To date, the range of toothpastes with a high coefficient of abrasivity is simply huge. If you want to achieve a result and really lighten your teeth by several tones, choose a paste, the abrasiveness of which varies from 150 to 200 units. This information you can find out, having carefully studied the packaging.

Do not forget that the constant mechanical effect will negatively affect the health of teeth. Initially, microcracks are formed, which will not be visible to the naked eye, and subsequently you may suffer not only from hypersensitivity, but also from a number of other dental ailments.

Bleaching brushes exist. Oddly enough, a seemingly ordinary toothbrush can whiten your teeth, provided that a special substance is applied to its tips. These brushes have a rubber bristle, and either activated carbon or calcium carbonate is applied to the tips. As you can see, the plaque will be removed by mechanical cleaning. According to many reviews, people using whitening brushes, did not notice much difference.

On the domestic market, you can find many different rinses. Their manufacturers guarantee 100% teeth whitening, however, reviews of people say that this is just a marketing ploy. The main whitening role will play a paste, but the rinse will protect the enamel. According to reviews, the use of rinses does not bring results except for fresh breath.

Chemical bleaches: good or bad?

chemical bleach

Pencils, strips and caps are referred to as chemical means of whitening tooth enamel. We begin our review with stripes. As a rule, such strips contain hydrogen peroxide and additional substances. Upon contact with the surface of the tooth, the peroxide begins to work actively, as a result of which the pigment is destroyed, which colors our teeth in such an unaesthetic yellow color.

If we consider the effectiveness of the strips from the point of view of the mechanism of influence, then we can well assume that they will help, but the feedback from people suggests otherwise. Some users not only significantly damaged the enamel layer, but also got burned gums.

Pencils and caps also have a dubious reputation in terms of users. They help to lighten teeth on several tones, but the consequences can be very different: from the destruction of teeth to chemical burns of the mucous coating of the oral cavity. Before you buy any of the above tools, make sure you have a certificate and get the support of a dentist.

Traditional medicine remedies: affordable enamel brightening

traditional medicine

Often, in their practice, dentists face the same question, how to whiten teeth at home with soda. Of course, any qualified doctor will be against such initiative, because the beauty and snow-white smile will delight you for a couple of days, but the treatment and restoration of enamel will be delayed for months.

Baking soda is an inexpensive and affordable product. By its properties, it will act as the abrasive substance that will clean the tooth enamel. It is not necessary to be carried away by such whitening manipulations in order not to harm your health, in particular, enamels. There is a perception that soda can be used a maximum of once every seven days. To do this, apply a little soda to a wet gauze cut or cotton pad. This slurry should be applied to the teeth with massaging movements, abundantly rinsing the mouth with purified water.

Some craftsmen add baking soda to the paste and brush their teeth twice a day. This can not be done categorically, since the destruction of the enamel layer can lead to irreversible consequences.

Professionals also often hear from their patients how to whiten their teeth with hydrogen peroxide. It is a component of strips and caps designed to lighten the enamel. Pure peroxide, reacting with the pigment, destroys it. The result is a slight whitening of the teeth and thinning of the enamel layer.

hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can do no harm if proportions are calculated correctly. It can be used for bleaching in two ways:

  • in pure form;
  • in the form of a solution.

In pure form, the peroxide is applied with a cotton pad to the teeth, and then cleaned with a regular paste. In the second case, about 35-40 drops of peroxide are diluted in 100 ml of water and rinse out the mouth. Then the mouth must be rinsed with purified water.

In addition to the above tools for teeth whitening, many people use the following substances:

  • Activated carbon;
  • ash from eggplants;
  • lemon juice;
  • tea tree oil extract;
  • strawberries, etc.

Please note that you cannot whiten your own teeth if they initially have a grayish tint. To determine the color of tooth enamel enough to attach a blank sheet of offset paper.

The owner of a brilliant smile everyone wants to be. Before you decide to carry out manipulations at home, answer the main question: what result do you want to achieve - whiten your teeth or harm them. If you choose the first answer, do not be stingy and go to dentistry. Be healthy!