Slimming sleep


The benefits of healthy sleep can be talked about for a long time, but a modern person often forgets about the therapeutic power of sleep, prefers to fuss, be nervous, instead of just sleeping. Meanwhile, scientists have proven that sleep contributes not only to a healthy complexion, but also to weight loss.

Sleep for weight loss, how to lose weight in a dream?

The body under stress tends to accumulate nutrients, so that people who sleep 4 hours a day, the risk of obesity is 70% higher, than people who sleep 7 - 8 hours. You tell me, it is also possible to sleep through life, but not without good for the figure.

You can sleep and lose weight, if you use some simple rules:

  1. Breakfast should be dense and consist of carbohydrates. For example, muesli with apple, bread with honey. Eating protein for breakfast is excluded, that is, give up meat, omelet and cheese. From physical exertion shows charging, cycling or light jogging.
  2. At lunch you can eat and protein and carbohydrates: fish, meat, salads. Do not be amiss to walk up the stairs.
  3. Dinner should contain proteins and exclude carbohydrates. The evening shows physical activity, but without fanaticism.

What happens at night after such a day regimen? When less glucose enters the body, it is forced to use reserves of fatty deposits in order to maintain performance at night.

From 22.30 to 6.00 the body is forced to burn its own fat reserves, This is facilitated by low insulin and protein food before bedtime. Glucose is carbohydrates, and we didn’t eat them for the night, and those that we ate in the morning are already spent by the body during the day, so the body works at night due to stored fat, that is, we lose weight.

Sleep for weight loss, how to lose weight in a dream?

The basis of this method is separate food, Eating protein with carbohydrates is only possible at lunchtime.

There are a few items that contribute to weight loss in a dream:

  • You need to sleep at least 7 hours.
  • You can not get enough before bedtime, dine protein food should be up to 20.00.
  • The break between meals should be 4 - 5 hours without snacking.
  • Fruits and vegetables are allowed only in the morning.
  • Exclude the use of coffee.
  • Water and green tea can drink as much as you want.

If you follow this mode, in 5 months you can lose 12 kilograms. Excellent result with so gentle restrictions in nutrition and physical activity.

For those who have time, who want to lose weight without harm to the body and save weight - losing weight in a dream is the best option.

Enjoy your dreams and weight loss!)

Especially for - Elena