Separate meals


There is a lot of controversy around nutrition, as a miracle system for losing weight, but nutritionists are still leaning towards separate nutrition and note its health benefits and weight loss. After all, a person who practices separate nutrition, thinks about an integral part of his diet, eliminates harmful foods and eats a lot of vegetables and fruits, which can not but have a positive effect on the figure. Separate food is useful for weight loss.

Meals: weekly menu

The essence of the separate power

  • Proteins and starches cannot be combined at one meal, but together with vegetables, proteins and starches can and should be eaten. This combination reduces the overall glycemic index of food.
  • When vegetables are eaten together with protein fatty foods, they reduce the harmful effects of fats on the body.
  • The habitual use of meat and potatoes with bread does not allow a separate food system. Judge for yourself, the stomach can not cope with the digestion of such a volume of food.
  • Do not eat starchy carbohydrates with fats, especially in the first stage of losing weight.
  • Do not combine vegetable and animal fats.
  • Fruit should be consumed 20 minutes before the main meal or between meals.
  • You should not eat ready-made dishes that have passed industrial processing, give preference to live foods..
  • There are products neutral, they can be eaten separately with carbohydrates and proteins.

Menu nutrition on Montignac

  1. In the morning: fruit, after a while porridge without butter, low-fat yogurt or yogurt.
  2. Lunch: meat or fish, vegetable salad or vegetable stew with a little added vegetable oil, some cheese. You can not eat bread or cereal side dishes.
  3. Dinner: vegetable soup without oil (do not add potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes and beets), boiled meat, yogurt. Protein dinner can be replaced by a starchy menu, but in order to reduce weight it is better not to eat carbohydrates for dinner.

In order to maintain the acid-base balance let the menu consist of ¾ of vegetables and ¼ of protein foods.

In order to make a menu for separate meals correctly, you need to know which foods belong to carbohydrates, to proteins, which are called neutral according to the classification for this food system.

Meals: weekly menu

  • Carbohydrates: cereals, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, bananas, honey, sweets, alcohol, vegetables and fruits with a high content of starch,
  • Neutral group: vegetables, not containing starch, germinated grains, mushrooms, dairy products, cheese with fat content up to 65%, vegetable oil, nuts, seeds, yolk, avocado, olives, herbal teas.
  • Protein products: any meat, sausage, fish, milk, egg, soy, berries, wine, apples and pears, pineapple, kiwi, citrus.

It may be asked why fruits are attributed to the protein group, because, by the whole logic, they contain more carbohydrates, but because fruit acids interfere with the normal digestion of carbohydrates.

Meals: weekly menu


Breakfast: banana, after 20 minutes oatmeal porridge on the water, green tea.

Lunch: pear, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

Lunch: chicken breast, cabbage salad, cheese.

Snack: apple.

Dinner: vegetable soup, egg.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, yogurt or kefir.

Lunch: orange or grapefruit.

Dinner: boiled fish, vegetable stew.

Snack: pear.

Dinner: chicken breast and vegetable salad.


Breakfast: rice porridge, kefir, green tea.

Safe, an apple.

Lunch: milk, boiled meat, vegetable salad, a glass of milk.

Snack: walnuts or pine nuts.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole.


Breakfast: banana, muesli with dried fruits, kefir.

Safe, 2 kiwi.

Lunch: seafood and vegetables salad, cheese.

Snack: dried fruits.

Dinner: fried eggs with tomatoes.


Breakfast: oatmeal, kefir.

Snack: avocado.

Lunch: steamed vegetables with meat.

Snack: berries.

Dinner: tomatoes with cheese.


Breakfast: wheat porridge with pumpkin, green tea.

Safe, banana.

Lunch: fish with vegetables, cheese.

Snack: nuts.

Dinner: scrambled eggs with mushrooms.


On Sunday, you can arrange a fasting day on apples.

Meals: weekly menu

Separate meals will help you lose weight and improve your health.