Exercise slimming buttocks


Many women are not satisfied with their "view from the rear." Of course, in many ways the shape of the buttocks and thighs depends on hereditary factors and body type. But nothing is impossible, and correcting the figure in these problem areas is quite real. For this it is necessary, in particular, to choose suitable exercises for slimming the buttocks and thighs.

Why exercises for the buttocks and thighs so in demand?

Exercises for slimming buttocks and thighs

What woman does not dream of a thin waist and a beautiful, smooth line of the buttocks and thighs? But if the volume of the first case is simpler - you only need to regularly do physical exercises and follow a certain diet, but with the buttocks and hips, everything is much more complicated. After all, it is in these areas that 2/3 of body fat is concentrated, and the body is not in a hurry to say goodbye to the "strategic" layer. The shape of the buttocks and hips depends on 2 factors:

  • gluteus muscle;
  • layer of fat, which is located above this muscle.

The task of any complex is to incorporate slimming exercises for girls and other body parts that:

  • make the buttocks rounded;
  • tightened hips.

For the impact on both problem areas, experts recommend a combination of cardio (jogging, aerobics, walking, cycling) and strength training.

Exercises to study the buttocks

Exercises to study the buttocks

  • Squats (considered the most effective exercises for the gluteus muscles)
  1. Put your feet to shoulder width.
  2. Holding your back straight, we sit down until the buttocks become parallel to the floor.
  3. We return to the starting point.
  4. Perform 20-25 repetitions in 4 sets.

To complicate the exercise, you can clamp the fitball between the back and the wall. Squatting in this way is important not to release the ball.

  • Stretching on fitball
  1. Belly we lay down on fitball. Palms rest on the floor.
  2. We bring our legs together, bend our knees at a right angle.
  3. Squeezing the buttocks, trying to tear off the hips from the ball.
  4. Do for 1-1.5 minutes 3 sets.
  • Hip rises
  1. Lie on your back, palms on the floor, knees bent.
  2. We tear the torso from the support, starting with the tailbone. It is important to feel the tension of the gluteus and thighs.
  3. Go down to the starting point.
  4. Perform 20-25 repetitions in 4 sets.
  • Leg lifts
  1. We lay down on the side. The upper arm rests on the waist, lower - on the floor.
  2. Raise the straight leg as high as possible.
  3. Lower the leg to the starting position.
  4. Perform 20-25 repetitions for each leg. Distribute the load on 4 sets.
  • Slow running in place
  1. We take the emphasis lying down, we place our fingers wide.
  2. The back and legs make a straight line.
  3. We press the muscles of the press, we begin to alternately move the legs, simulating a slow run on the spot.
  4. Do in 2-3 minutes in 3 sets.

Exercises for the inner thigh

Exercises for slimming the buttocks and thighs at home should include a load for the muscles of the inner side of the thigh.

Exercises for the inner thigh

  • Plie squats
  1. Become back to the wall, heels together.
  2. Slowly we start to squat, not tearing off the heels from the floor.
  3. Do 8 repetitions in 2 sets.
  • Sumo squats
  1. We stand in a wide rack, the foot spread to the side.
  2. Squat until the moment when the hips become parallel to the support, we move our knees back a little.
  3. We return to the original.
  4. Do 15 repetitions in 3 sets.
  • Weight transfer
  1. We stand in the rack for sumo squats.
  2. Move the case left and right.
  3. Perform 25 reps for 3 sets.
  • Leg lifts with fitball
  1. We lay down on the floor, with feet we clamp fitball.
  2. Raise the legs until they form a 90 degree angle with the body.
  3. Do 20 repetitions in 3 sets.
  • Fitball resistance
  1. We sit down on a chair, we clamp fitball between the knees.
  2. Squeeze the ball, straining your thigh muscles as much as possible.
  3. We carry out 25 times in 3-4 approaches.

Complex for the outer side of the thighs

Complex for the outer side of the thighs

  • Jump squat
  1. We become in a starting position for squats.
  2. We begin to squat and at the moment when the hips are lowered to the parallel with the floor, jump forward.
  3. Land on the forefoot.
  4. We do 15 times in 3 sets.
  • Side impact
  1. We squat down on the haunches, shifting the body to the right.
  2. Relying on the right leg, raise the left and pull the heel to the buttocks.
  3. Sharply throw the heel sideways.
  4. Change legs.
  5. We carry out 3 approaches, the number of repetitions varies depending on fatigue.
  • Triple leg retraction
  1. Starting from a standing position, holding the back of a chair.
  2. Raise as high as possible in the left leg.
  3. Perform 12 times on each leg in 3 sets.
  4. We lay down on one side, leaning on one elbow.
  5. Bend your knees and bring them forward.
  6. Raise the upper leg, staying a little in this position.
  7. We return to the starting point.
  8. Change the side.
  9. We do 20 times in 3 sets.
  10. We get on all fours.
  11. We move the right leg to the side to the tension in the muscles of the thigh.
  12. Change the leg.
  13. We perform 15-20 times in 3 sets.

How to increase the effectiveness of exercise?

Exercise for slimming the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and legs is only effective if:

  • regular workouts;
  • gradual increase in loads.

These are truisms, but there are still important additions to physical exertion, designed to correct the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs:

  • massage. Slow, smoothing movements of the outer and inner thighs warm up from the bottom up the movement of the lymph;
  • proper nutrition. It is desirable to increase the amount of protein foods (meat), cereals, rationalize the amount of carbohydrate products (cereals, vegetables, fruits) and minimize the consumption of fat (fast food, fat meat, lard) to a ratio of 3: 2: 1.

To bend the figures pleased their owner and attracted admiring glances of others, it is enough to show patience and perseverance. A well-chosen exercises for slimming the buttocks and thighs will help correct deficiencies. The main thing is to exercise regularly.