Diet saucer. key points


Many doctors even do not consider a diet saucer as a diet: its program is so competently composed. Efficiency is proved by the results of domestic stars and reviews of ordinary people. Therefore, when searching for a suitable weight loss system, you should pay special attention to it.

Dish "saucer": highlights

The main rule of this technique lies in its name: the portion of food should be equal to the volume of the tea saucer. And if it is acceptable to neglect other requirements, varying them under a specific organism, then this is fundamental and unchanging. His performance is required. In addition, the number of meals should be equal to 4th. In most cases, this is a complete breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a snack between the latter. It is up to you how dense it is to make each meal: if it doesn’t work out to have breakfast with cereal, let the croutons or fruit salad be in the saucer. Do not want to eat up at dinner? You can boil a couple of eggs and serve with a bunch of parsley. If only the volume of the portion is preserved.

Diet saucer

In essence, this tough diet rules end. But do not think that it allows you to use excessively high-calorie food. Of course, a reduced portion will be less harmful than a full-fledged one, but the excess fat and carbohydrates will still remain, and the weight can either stay in place or stop in 1-2 weeks. The duration of the diet saucer usually is 28 days. But since it is perceived quite easily, and for such a period of time, the body is restructured, many prolong the weight loss period and even make this technique the basic lifestyle. How reasonable the last action can be judged only by the opinions of ordinary people and doctors.

A separate discussion deserves the question of placing food on a saucer. How to navigate? The layer of products laid on the saucer should be thin enough and not to rise above its edges. If it is possible to slightly exceed the norm with vegetables, then with cereals, potatoes, banana, as well as bakery and meat products it is better not to get the volume.

Menu from nutritionists

Of course, there is no clear menu in this method. Each woman creates an individual diet, focusing on the needs of their body. But everyone wants to make the results even more meaningful, and for this, nutritionists have offered some additions to the main rule, which allows to make a nutrition plan that allows you to get the maximum benefit from the diet, but at least damage to your health.

Rejecting fast food, even as part of a saucer, is an unspoken requirement. This includes not only hamburgers with cola, but also various semi-finished products. Any smoked products are undesirable on the table: it is better to take a piece of baked or even fried meat than a few slices of sausage or salami. Sausages, wieners, sausages and other members of this group are also banned for the entire period of the diet.

Diet saucer

Meat products are allowed, but it must be the right meat: recommended lean. Moreover, it is worth remembering: besides it there will be still greens or groats, so the amount of meat eaten will be minimal.

Long breaks are undesirable between meals: 2-3 hours are optimal, and more than 4 hours between lunch and dinner, as the most satisfying, you should not wait. Besides the fact that hunger becomes unbearable, malfunctions in the digestive tract and pancreas begin, and this has a negative effect on the process of losing weight. After 19 hours you can eat if this is the last, 4th meal. It is impossible to add them beyond the specified amount: the exception will be a cup of tea without additives, kefir or warm milk. In the last it is permissible to add a spoonful of honey.

Taboo is imposed on fats: it is margarine, mayonnaise, butter. Sour cream may be present in the diet, but it is better to abandon it. Salads to fill with lemon juice or dispense without dressing, bake and simmer with water. In addition, the meat in the oven will not dry out if you lay it with vegetables or apples. Fish can be cooked in foil even without water: it has a lot of its own fat. As for salt, sugar and various seasonings, it is advisable to be careful with them. And you should give up sugar in general, or at least reduce its quantity in dishes, including tea and coffee.

Composing their menu, many people forget about the importance of drinking regime. The words about 2 liters per day, of course, are unreasonable - for many girls this is too much, especially with a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, swelling appears. It is much more correct to calculate the individual volume, multiplying each kg of weight by 0.03 l. What is better to drink? Of course, herbal teas, not sparkling sweet water. Fresh juices are questionable: they are perceived as a complete meal, so they are more likely the only snack in a day.

Thus, an exemplary daily menu for a diet saucer may look like:

  1. Breakfast: black tea (200 ml), cottage cheese with greens;
  2. Lunch: sliced ​​banana;
  3. Lunch: meatballs (2-3 pieces) with rice and carrots;
  4. Dinner: boiled asparagus with tomatoes and basil.

Diet saucer approved by most doctors and tested by many people, and therefore deservedly gained its popularity in Russia and abroad. It can also be used as a transitional stage, which helps to get used to fractional and frequent meals, to become an assistant in getting used to the right diet and the main advantage in the fight for harmony.