Aerobics for weight loss at home


Free aerobics can only be at home, in conditions of independent performance of a set of exercises without paying an instructor’s work and renting a gym. In terms of saving time and money, we should not forget about our figure, natural data. You can always adjust or support the existing lines of the body.

Aerobics for weight loss at home

Aerobics for weight loss at home consists of several parts: warm-up, basic exercises and the final stage.

Warm up

It consists in quiet walking in one place for about 3-4 minutes. Further kneading of the joints begins with the head tilts, hand strokes and ends with flexion-extension of the legs, including exercises for the fingers.

The main part of aerobics for weight loss

Waist Exercises:

  1. Use the light hoop (hulahup) with torsion at the waist for 10-15 minutes. According to the effectiveness of the action, a thin light hoop is preferable to a weighted one, since in the first case, there is an intensified work of the muscles, while in the second - a rocking of the hips and inertial force.
  2. Stand straight, put your legs shoulder-width apart, take 1 to 2 kg of dumbbells one by one into your hands (you can use special models that are worn on the wrist in the form of a wide fabric bracelet with weighting). Do about 15 bends of the hull in different directions (side, back and forth). To increase the load during tilting to the side, the opposite arm rises up, while bending forward, the press is pulled in parallel.
  3. Lie back on the floor, legs straight straight, arms pressed to the sides. During the tension of the abdominal muscles, the back gradually detaches from the floor vertebra behind the vertebra until the perpendicular location of the body is reached. Repeat at a slow pace 20 times.
  4. Sit exactly on the floor (on the buttocks). Keep your hands behind your head, lean back. Very slowly, with a body, do 5 circles in a clockwise direction, and then - 5 against. Control the abdominal muscles.

Exercises for legs and buttocks:

  1. In a straight position, the legs become wider than the shoulders with the legs turned out for stability. Perform a squat at a slow pace, as if pushing off the floor with your feet, while straining your buttocks. Run 10 times.
  2. Take a chair for support and repeat the previous exercise, but standing on one leg. Squat should be up to the level of 90 degrees, repeat 10 times.

Exercises for the hips:

  1. Kneel down, lean on arms bent at the elbows. Keep your back even, tighten the press. Bent at the knee, lift up to achieve parallelism of the thigh with the floor. At the expense of up to 30, the position is fixed, then the foot is lowered. For each leg run 10 times.
  2. Lie on the floor on any side and lean on your elbow (you cannot put your head on your shoulder). Make 10 strides straight in the side, and then make a delay of up to 30 at the top point, keeping the maximum muscle tension. After that, make up, with fixation at the top point. Repeat for the other leg (lying on the opposite side).
  3. Sit on the floor, between the legs, clamp the leg of the chair. Press her legs evenly for 1 minute, then make about 30 pulsating cuts.

Back Exercise:

Lie on your stomach on a flat surface (for example, on the floor), hands close behind your head. From the floor it is necessary to tear off the shoulders and legs at the same time, with the hands being held behind the head. Complete 20 climbs.

The final part of aerobics for weight loss

As a conclusion, you can complete a complex of jumps with a rope for about 10 minutes (on two legs, on one, alternately on different legs). In the absence of the opportunity to use a skipping rope, run on the spot with a gradual transition to walking. Perform slack movements with a slight shaking of the limbs (for complete muscle relaxation).

Video: aerobics for weight loss at home

For those who do not like to do alone, we present a video in which you will learn what functional aerobics is and test it on yourself under the guidance of an experienced trainer.