Starting school


Successful schooling of a child at school depends not only on the degree of preparation for obtaining new knowledge, but also on how parents organize the process of attending school. Consider the following factors:

  • Regime day baby.
  • Formed a child's idea of ​​what awaits him at school.
  • The routine of the parents.
  • The participation of grandparents in the educational process.

So, we will understand in order. When a child goes to school in the first grade, the mode of his day changes. He has new responsibilities. This becomes a very serious test for the little student. When classes begin, he has to get up and go to bed at an earlier time. Therefore, you should accustom him to this new regime in advance.

  • Example.Close friends decided to find out in advance the schedule of classes. Then they consulted and decided: all summer before school, to raise a preschooler in the morning at a time when he would get up to school. Of course, not all children agree to immediately reorganize and start preparing for bedtime at the “nursery time” - 21 hours. My acquaintances simply purposefully filled the daytime of the preschooler with active games, trips to the section and trips to the cottage to the grandparents. By evening, the child felt tired enough to fall asleep at the moment of adopting a horizontal position. During the beginning of his studies, he no longer had problems with an early rise and an evening sleep.

Strong stress in a child can cause ignorance of what awaits him at school. Even if he went to preparatory classes, he can read and write. Go to the toilet, drink water, buy a bun, all this in the school setting will be his first. The teacher at the first classes should teach all this. But he still has to get used to the teacher! The main task of parents is to explain to the child that they should not be afraid to ask the teacher about something, ask to go to the toilet or drink water.

  • Example.One friend took a vacation in late August. A couple of days before the start of her studies, she conducted her daughter along the corridors of the institution, showed the location of the restrooms. Further there was an explanation of how to use a public toilet in order to have less contact with microbes. Then showed route to the school cafeteria. On the way, I paid attention to the fire evacuation schemes. The plan of the school on the diagram allowed us to better remember the structure of the internal stairs, passages and corridors. Mom's support helped her daughter very quickly figure out where that is located.

Best of all, if the parents have the opportunity to meet the child from school. This is due primarily to the safety of the baby. Even the constant repetition of the fact that it is impossible to talk to strangers, crossing the road in the wrong place and not going to the construction site may not save the child from trouble. What is more important - an imaginary sense of freedom or a guarantee of security?

  • Example. It so happened that in the same family, the wife went to work, and the husband worked at home (he created websites to order). When the child went to school, only his father could take him. On the way, they talked about what was new in school, about the character and actions of classmates, about the structure of the world. Several times a week, the son went to martial arts, and his father - next to the gym. At first, the child was waiting for the arrival of the mother in order to make lessons with her. Then I learned to do them myself. Is it any wonder that in his 12 years he is completely independent, who can not only stand up for himself on the street, but also help his parents at home?

Calm preparation for school (without fuss and haste), benevolent atmosphere in the house and mutual understanding with teachers will help your child to get used to school faster. Remember that assessment is not the most important indicator of the skills and knowledge of the student. Sometimes communication skills are valued much higher. Let your love and understanding help him understand it!