Raising a foster child


In the modern civilized world, any person, and even more so, a child must have certain rights. One of the rights is the right of the child to grow up in the care and under the responsibility of its parents, and if this is not possible, then by all means in an atmosphere of love and security (material and moral).

That is why society begins to come to the idea that the child should have a family, even a foster. And increasingly, orphans are adopted and become full members of the adoptive family.

Unfortunately, more and more women (and more recently men) for one reason or another cannot know the joy of motherhood (fatherhood). And then only a foster child can make a childless family complete and happy.

But do not be in a hurry to make a decision on adoption. This step must be carefully thought out and discussed in the family circle.

Raising a foster child

What is necessary to know the family who decided to take on the upbringing of another child?

First, there are several types of family arrangements for children:

  • adoption;
  • custody or guardianship;
  • foster family;
  • patronage

Secondly, it is necessary to know about important factors in the nature of the relationship in the upbringing of foster children:

  • the motive of adoption;
  • the presence or absence of secrecy of adoption.

Thirdly, foster families are forced to face a large number of problems, and also need constant psychological help.

A little more about the types of family device.

  • Adoption-adoption in the family of another child on the rights of blood. This type provides for strict fulfillment of certain obligations on the part of the adoptive parents (in particular, the adoptive child retains the rights of inheritance). Those who decide to adopt need to know that the state ceases to provide any help to the adopted child, all the care and material costs fall on the adoptive parents ( an exception is the provision of postpartum leave - if the adopted child is a newborn - and the usual legal child benefits).

It is advisable to think that the relationship of adoptive parents over the years can cool. Who will your child stay with, who will take care of him, will he not become an unnecessary burden for a woman left without a husband? Even if your family is well, do not forget about the complexities of adolescence. Do you have enough tolerance for an adopted child, will you regret your step, enduring his teenage attacks, frequent mood changes, his rejection of family traditions, values, etc.

Raising a foster child

  • Custody-Adoption of a child in the family as being educated. In this case, the guardianship authorities will constantly accompany and control the life of the child. The state pays monthly benefits to the child, assists in education, treatment, rest, and upon reaching the age of 18, is obliged to provide housing. With this type of relationship, the child does not receive the surname of the guardians, the question of his adoption by another family may be considered, there is no guardianship secret, i.e. the child’s blood relatives are aware of his place of residence, etc.
  • Foster family-a special form of raising children at home. This is a kind of family orphanage, where the adoptive parent is connected with the guardianship authorities by a binding agreement, receives a salary, and the length of service is counted for him. State assistance is the same as with custody, plus additional funds for the repair of premises, the purchase of furniture (but a strict report on the money spent).
  • PatronageThis form is similar to a foster family with all types of state aid. Distinctive signs: the tutor in this case can only be an employee of the Authorized Patronage Service who receives salary and seniority. The blood parents of a child may take part in his fate.

If you have weighed everything, thought it over, and your decision to take the adopted child to the family has not been shaken - remember a simple rule: do not indulge him, encourage and punish him if he deserves it, show that you love him not for something, but simply because that you have it, be tolerant and never (even in thoughts) do not allow rash words that you regret his presence in your life, family.

Good luck and prosperity.