How to stop jealous husband


Jealousy is different, you can be jealous of anyone and anything. But, jealous, we are engaged in a self-destructive process. In addition, jealous husband, we heat up the situation, destroying family comfort and, in the end, the relationship itself. How to stop being jealous of her husband? How to deal with jealousy?

How to stop being jealous of your husband for your ex-wife?

  • First of all, we should understand and accept the fact that each of us has a past and cannot get away from it. It is possible that your husband and his ex-wife have some common problems. For example, common business or common children. In this case, they will continue to communicate.
  • The situation of your husband's communication with his ex-wife should alarm you only in one case - if his trips to her noticeably increased. And the reasons for the trips are unreasonable - the shelf fell off, the socket does not work, we urgently need advice or something else in the same spirit. If your husband communicates with his ex rarely, and only when needed, you should not worry.
  • In any case, how often he would not visit his ex-wife, you, at this time, are constantly experiencing torments of jealousy. Try to explain your feelings to him. However, the most important thing is for your husband to understand you, you must speak in a quiet and calm voice. Should not sound accusing intonations. In general, do not mention the word "you" in a conversation with your man. Do not tell him: "You are insulting me with your trips to your ex-wife!", It’s better to say this: "I hate it when you go to your ex-wife!" Try to explain to him what you feel, tell us about those thoughts that are in your head at the time when he goes to her.
  • Try to understand Does your man have any feelings for his ex-wife?. Carefully find out by whose initiative they diverged. If the initiator of the divorce was your man, you can calm down.
  • Remind yourself, as often as possible, that your husband is not your property. He is the same person with his rights and freedoms, just like you. The shorter the leash on which you will hold it, the more he will try to escape. And when he succeeds in this, he will try to escape far away in order not to fall on the leash again.
  • Do not raise a man to the rank of god and his idol. He is a man just like you.
  • Remember, thoughts have the ability to materialize. Therefore, with your jealousy, you can inadvertently push your husband to the fact that he really wants to return to his ex-wife.
  • Increase self-confidence! Do you think his ex-wife is prettier? And what is this expressed? She is slim? So go on a diet, go jogging, sign up for a fitness club, become even more beautiful! How to increase self-esteem, read the article Love to yourself: how to increase confidence.

  • Learn trust your loved one. Indeed, without trust, it is impossible to build a full-fledged relationship filled with love (the article Confidence in Relationships will help you: how to achieve and maintain it?).

How to stop being jealous of a husband for children from an ex-wife?

  • First, learn for yourself once and for all, there are former wives, but there are no former children. If they are, they are already. With children it is impossible to divorce, take this fact as a must.
  • Think if your husband left your child, and would never have met him, and would never have helped him, would you have decided to give birth to a baby? If your man pays attention to children from his ex-wife, it says only about his decency, and that you are lucky that you married such a man! Think if he left the child from his first wife, how could he, in the future, deal with you?

  • Ask your husband to take you with him when he goes for a walk with the child. You will be able to get acquainted with the baby, see how their meetings are taking place and, perhaps, it will calm you.
  • Your jealousy of the husband's child from the first wife, Most likely, it will pass when you give birth to a joint child. Try talking to him about this topic.

How to stop being jealous of her husband to work?

  • Jealousy for the work of her husband may arise in two cases: when he gives her too much time, and when he often travels on business trips. All this makes you doubt: is he at work? What if he sits with his mistress in a restaurant? But what if ...?
  • To begin with, answer the question: Spending a lot of time with your work, does your man earn enough money? If you answered yes, then you can rejoice, you got a hardworking man who wants something similar in life. Would you like it if he didn’t work anywhere and lay on the sofa for days, but would he be with you?
  • If you jealous of your husband to work because the women's team dominates his work, ask him to take you to a corporate party, or, if you are happy owners of your own summer cottage, you can invite his team to barbecues. After talking with his colleagues, most likely you will see that they do not pose any danger to you.
  • If you are not working, engage yourself so that there is no time for jealousy. Sign up for computer courses, belly dance courses, for whatever you want, in one word. Take a general cleaning in your apartment, tie your favorite wizard while he is on a business trip. In a word, do not leave yourself free time to think about a possible betrayal by her husband.

  • Psychologists believe that drawing is very reassuring. You can draw anything, and not necessarily these drawings should be artistic masterpieces, you draw for yourself. And, if you still want to draw beautifully, find on the Internet training videos that teach you to draw.

How to stop being jealous of your husband to your friends?

  • By controlling her husband's every trip to friends, you will annoy him, and he will even more strive to run away from home to friends who will not “cut” with whom he is calmer. If the house is constantly indignant and dissatisfied wife, and I want to go to friends who are easy and comfortable with.
  • First of all, stop constantly reproaching him and showing his displeasure. It only alienates you from each other. More often admire him. "How cool you are sharpened the knife, for me, for some reason, it does not work out like this!" Try to admire his strength, courage, skills and abilities.
  • Try often telling him about men who are worse than him. For example, to tell about the man from the queue in which you stood today, that he did something ridiculous. And to finish the story with the words: "Yes, you wouldn’t have done exactly that!"

  • Let your husband quietly watch a movie, or let go of a football game. He will certainly appreciate it. And he will have less and less desire to go somewhere without you.
  • Call him for a walk, talk about something pleasant. Most likely, your husband will soon fall in love with such walks, and will spend less and less time with friends.

Forever learn for yourself, any man will rush home only then, when he is comfortable and cozy there. In your hands to make your husband hurry home, not giving you a reason for jealousy.

I wish you happiness and mutual understanding!

Especially for Vitalina