Happy couple - sergey and anna


This couple has everything - like in a fairy tale: no matter what happens around, they would just have to "live, get on, and make good". Because they have each other, they love each other - and this is the most important thing!

Tell us where and how did you meet?

Sergei: We met in the summer on the beach, thanks to a mutual friend Valera.

Anna: I remember very well the day when our common friend introduced me to this blond boy with blue eyes! It was June 25, 2009. I just managed to finish school, as I immediately began a new life.

How much are you together?

Sergei: We have been together for 2.5 years, of which we have been living under one roof for 2 years.

Anna: Maybe this is not so long, just for some reason, it still seems to me that we just met yesterday.

How did you understand that you want to be together?

Sergei: When I met Anya, then probably the first such key point was her honesty and openness, the desire to always meet. It really hooked me. Well, the more I recognized her later, the more such “moments” opened up for me, and each was the key!

Anna: And I probably just fell in love. Seryozha is the best man in the world! I'm glad I met him. The key point was that our feelings were mutual. Seryozha is a caring, loving, ambitious, interesting, handsome, intelligent and reliable person, he will always come to the rescue, and yet he does not throw words to the wind and always does what he promised! I want to go hand in hand with him throughout life.

Have you ever quarreled, and did you get to partings?

Anna: We never quarrel. There are misunderstandings on some issues, but we try to talk and settle everything.

Sergei: Sometimes, we quarrel over trifles, when some people do not observe one golden rule ... (Smiles and looks at Anya)

What is the rule?

Sergei: When a husband is angry, it is better not to touch him !!! Let it cool, and then it must be flavored with a couple of kilograms of oranges and mashed potatoes so that the "hamster would come to his senses and calm down"! (Laughs)

Do you have any family secret of reconciliation?

Anna: Probably, the method of reconciliation is that in our couple a person who is wrong is always trying to make amends with warm words or treats.

Have you had hard times in your life and how did you overcome them together?

SergeiA: It is difficult to answer this question. This is probably because the concept of "hard times" is quite a loose one. To some extent, it is difficult for everyone from time to time ... I think that you can cope by going along to rest. At sea, for example. Or anywhere - just to get away from the house, where some problems have accumulated. We just try to find as many vivid impressions as possible.

What allows you to maintain a relationship so far?

Sergei: Joint plans for the future, the desire to be there together!

Anna: Love, mutual understanding, the desire to be always together, create something in common, achieve success and be happy - this is what preserves and even strengthens our relationship.

Did jealousy take place in a relationship, if so, how did you cope with it?

Sergei: There is no jealousy, and there wasn’t, because we didn’t give each other any reason for jealousy. If you give a reason, often give - then it will no longer be love, I think.

Anna: If we were jealous of each other, it was just a joke. I think jealousy is the first sign of mistrust, therefore in our relations there is none!

Did Passion Have a Place? And is she still in your relationship?

Sergei: Yes, we are very passionate!

Anna: Yes, the passion in our relationship persists all this time. I think it is supported by our common interests and goals, immense respect, mutual understanding and devotion. And a terrible attachment! We simply cannot be apart or apart, “like Siamese twins” - this is about us.

What is love for you?

Sergei: Love is when you appreciate a loved one for being there and not wanting to lose, and you can also go to a meeting and give up on something, seeing the same attitude towards yourself.

Anna: Love is probably the greatest concept in the world. Love is an endless list of feelings that you experience. This is when you feel your closest and even kindred person.

Especially for womeninahomeoffice.com - Ksenia