Disadvantages of work at home. part 2


Of course, there are disadvantages to working at home. They concern the skepticism of relatives, the attitude to work exclusively as a hobby and the complete absence of social guarantees.

Let's continue the list of negative moments in work on "our territory".

Loneliness as a lack of work at home

In normal work, you can chat with colleagues, and at home the notion of home-work is mixed and there is no one to communicate. In fact, the way out is obvious - to invite guests 1-2 times a week to yourself or to get out of the house to friends of the whole family. You will be able to relax a little, take a break from working moments, and then with new forces begin your activities.

Jealousy men as a lack of work at home

This item is reminiscent of walking on thin ice - one wrong step leads to the cod of the intended road and a revolution in the usual direction of life. It is no secret that men love to rule. And while some clearly designate the boundaries of what is permitted for their companion, others slowly boil inside. It would seem - you sit at home, with other representatives of the male do not communicate, what else to wish for? But no! Jealousy can be associated not only with love feelings.

The birth of a baby usually implies that a woman becomes dependent on her spouse. He can generously allocate money for cosmetics or accuse him of tranzhyrstve and stop giving even food. In any case, a number of complaints can always be put forward to the wife sitting at home: either she didn’t clean her up, she didn’t bring her up, she didn’t cook her food that way. And when the new mommy starts making money on her own, the man may feel detrimental. He thinks (sometimes only on a subconscious level) that he did not take place as a family earner, since his half works on his legal leave. And there is also the fear that a spouse can freely dispose of earned money and buy something for himself without his demand, walk with friends in a cafe (suddenly, not only with friends), feel independent. Because of this, carping can start on level ground, attempts to show the inconsistency of a woman as a mother, accusations of something else.

The only right decision, alas, no. If you love him, then gently, time after time, praise for no reason, emphasize that you would not have been able to cope without his help, and how great it is that it gives an opportunity for self-realization. If you feel that you have stepped far forward, and he pulls down, then either pull it to your level, or prepare a "alternate aerodrome." It is very difficult to live side by side with a person who does not want to take into account the interests of his half.

Difficulty concentrating at work

The biggest difficulty lies in the fact that the house is subconsciously perceived as a place of rest. And at that moment, when we go to a regular job, our attention is switched. At home, however, they constantly distract every little thing: washing, cooking, calls at the postman's door, social networks ... The most effective way to learn to focus on work is to introduce the “transition” ritual.

You can invent your ritual. For example, you go home in a bathrobe or shorts. But if you decide that it's time to make postcards for sale, as you dress in a strict shirt, pants, stabs your hair and sit down to create. Or you get an aroma lamp and create an amazing atmosphere for the creation of unique jewelry made of polymer clay or wool. Choose something, repeat time after time before starting work, and you will understand the effectiveness of the method.

Lack of guarantees as a lack of work at home

You can not be 100% sure that your products will be bought. Or in the fact that tomorrow there will be no competitor, knocking down the price in half. Or that you generally pay for the work done. But understand that the imaginary guarantees of official labor can easily be broken after another reduction, a crisis in the country or a change of policy within the company. But if you gradually develop a wide customer base, you can be confident in the future and make a profit. The most important thing is to improve your skills and comprehend something new. Consult with those who work in a similar direction, feel free to ask for advice on how to avoid "cheaters" or unscrupulous buyers.

This concludes the list of drawbacks related to work at home. The beginning of the list is in the article Work at Home. Disadvantages. Part 1. If you can add something of your own, then write more boldly in the comments - we will discuss options for resolving the situation.

Especially for LadySpecia.rul - Katbula