Deceitfulness is a valuable character trait.


How often parents say to their children: "But lying is not good!" And at the same time, they themselves are a little heart-stopping. Are the parents themselves a model of honesty and righteousness? Not usually!

Judge for yourself: the reasons for the lies - the mass. It could be anything:

  • unwillingness to upset another person;
  • habit, without which it is difficult to live;
  • the desire to avoid punishment or blame;
  • the behavior of another person, signaling the reluctance to know the truth.

And in each case it can be justified. But is it really important to maintain truthfulness in any situation? Oddly enough to realize it, but it is a lie that rules the world.

I have one friend. It would seem - the dream of many women: do not drink, do not smoke, speaks the truth. But somehow when there are gatherings with friends, few people communicate with him. And all because they can drink, open their heart, give out their secrets. It is impossible to rely on him. One of them is two: either he will keep silent about the double situation, if he is asked "head on," or he will answer the truth, which not everyone needs. And for some reason, the extreme will not be the truly guilty person, but it is the one who blurted out too much.

Where to go far: have you ever encountered adultery? For example, not you and not you, but someone from your friends decided to change his "half", And here is a rather ticklish situation: tell or let them understand? In truth, one would have to say, "Ah-yay! How bad!" and report back where it should be. But if the beloved girlfriend cheated on her boyfriend, wouldn't the girls support her? Even as support !!! And they will add "It is my own fault! I did not appreciate it!" (or something else in the same style "Do not ..."). The same thing happens on the part of guys: if a friend changes, then everything is fine. And if he - what she is a bitch and so on and so forth.

There are situations with a more joyful finale. I had one married couple, where the girl recklessly lit with the guys. After the wedding, all the boyfriends gave "a turn from the gate" and became an exemplary wife. Yes Yes! With delicious pancakes on a platter, order in the apartment and children next to each other. Currently more than 10 years married. But after all, her husband is not at all aware of how ingratiating the bachelorette party went, that the former boyfriend was as a stripper on him ... Maybe now he wouldn’t care. And yet somehow it is hard to believe that if she suddenly tells him the habits of the past, he will simply say, “Well, that is in the past,” and calmly heal with her further. Unfortunately, in practice it often sounds: "How could you (could)!" And it does not matter how long it was.

What can we say about the work: late arrivals, outstanding tasks, intense dialogues with clients. Is it really so important to tell the truth? "You know, our director did not take the time to consider your question, so we have not solved your problem at the moment ..." It is much more pleasant to listen: "We are doing everything possible to solve your problem. Unfortunately, we cannot give a definite answer yet ... "

Who is considered a sociable person? Only the one who is able to communicate with almost every interlocutor, regardless of his religion, political beliefs and financial situation. It is the outgoing people who are trying to take to work in a bank, in a shop, in a cafe. Those who smile cutely to each client, bring additional income to their company. Think about it: those who can deceive if necessary, and not those who always tell the truth.

Therefore, it is necessary to accept the fact that the ability to deceive is quite a valuable quality of character. The ability to maneuver in the flow of deception and truthfulness makes a person truly unpredictable and happy. Cheating is what is next to the mind, but not a lie. The art of cheating is one of 64 duties wife according to ancient writings. To deceive or not is up to you!

Especially for - Katbula