How to find out snils on the passport via the internet


As the cat said Matroskin: "Mustache, paws and tail - these are my documents." It may be possible to identify a cat by these characteristics, but such a “metric” will not be enough for a person. What can I say: today sometimes even a passport is not an argument, we need a variety of codes, certificates. Let's talk how to find out the passport via the Internet.

Why do you need a SNILS?

Why do you need a SNILS

Since 2002, Russia has a compulsory pension insurance program. Within the framework of this social program, the rights of every citizen of the Russian Federation to retire are formed and capital is created for pension payments. Pension law is confirmed by work experience, and the basis of future payments are insurance payments that employers pay for each employee.

To participate in the program of obtaining the right to a pension, you must be registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. After that, the fund issues a certificate of state-insured pension insurance. It indicates the insurance number of the individual personal account. This number personifies the data when sharing information between all Russian state institutions.

In addition, the account accumulates information that will be used for the accrual, payment and recalculation of a future pension:

  • data on the length of service and the amounts of insurance contributions to the pension fund;
  • information about all positions held;
  • information about self-credited amounts to the insurance account;
  • information about the current status of the individual retirement account.

SNILS is used not only for the accrual of pension payments, it is also used in the preparation of registers of individuals:

  • to obtain public services of a social nature;
  • to provide social benefits;
  • for using the electronic service on a special Internet portal of the State Services of the Russian Federation (

To register on the portal, you need to use the SNILS and open a personal account to receive public services.

How to get SNILS?

SNILS can be obtained in several ways. Consider them:

  • registration of the personal account occurs in the pension fund by the first employer;
  • an account is received independently, personally submitted to the PF department a statement of the established sample;
  • children under the age of 14 have a personal account issued by parents or guardians in the pension fund at the place of residence;
  • military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies can issue SNILS at the place of service or residence.

Is it possible to find out SNILS via the Internet?

Is it possible to find out SNILS via the Internet

Our advanced citizens would like to know SNILS, without leaving the apartment, using the Internet. What does the FIU think about this? Information Internet portal of the pension fund explains:

  • Since the individual personal account contains confidential data on the insurance experience, amounts and pension capital accumulated on the account during the entire period of a citizen’s work, there is no possibility to access them through Internet resources.
  • Only the Pension Fund of Russia has a database of SNILS, and only pension fund employees have access to it. All citizens who have a state separation certificate have the right to receive information, including the HUD insurance number, only personally. Such information is an extract from the database and is provided after confirming the identity of the person who applied for the passport.

How to find out the number of SNILS passport or via the Internet?

For those who can not imagine life at all without the Internet, there is still one opportunity to clarify your SNILS using the website

  1. To do this, open the site, click on the tab "Pension savings" and select the service "Extended notice on the status of insurance HUD".
  2. The information that your computer will provide after that, among other things, will contain SNILS.

There is only one thing: you can use this Internet service if you previously, when you still remembered your SNILS, registered on the site and opened a personal account. In this case, do not forget the password and login to it.

Advice: when you become the owner of SNILS, go to the site, register your personal account and use the option "Remember me for this site." Subsequently, you can easily use the services of the site, including in order to refresh in your memory SNILS.

There are also online resources on which you can not clarify SNILS, but check its validity. You can use, for example, the site, where you will be asked to enter the number of the insurance account and, by clicking "Check", make sure that your code is valid. But the FIU warns about the unreliability of the protection of information on such sites, so be extremely careful.

How to find out a person's SNILS passport

How to find out SNILS of a physical person using a passport? There is nothing easier. To do this, you will need to get to the branch of the pension fund that serves the territory where you live, and contact your staff with a question of interest. After examining the identity documents, PF employees will provide any of your personal information contained in their database.

Once again we make a reservation that online confidential information regarding your individual personal account is neither provided by passport nor by last name. There are two more ways to remember your SNILS, but they are also not connected to the Internet:

  • Find your retirement insurance certificate. The SNILS is listed on the front of the certificate just above your last name in the form of a unique code of eleven digits.
  • You can contact the personnel department at the place of work and check SNILS there.

Whatever one may say, you can find out your passport SNILS only in person in the department of the pension fund of your district.