How to faint specifically and safely


How to faint specifically and safely? Let's just say: you can provoke a swoon, but no one guarantees safety to you. In addition, our article is not intended for advice that can be harmful to health and danger to life. We urge you to talk about your problems with loved ones, because we are all adults and responsible people.

What is dangerous loss of consciousness?

What is dangerous loss of consciousness

Before you decide to faint, let's talk about the fact that any condition that leads to loss of consciousness is associated with two unsafe factors, such as:

  • lung hyperventilation;
  • oxygen starvation of brain tissue.

Therefore, conscious provoking syncope is a very dangerous undertaking. But since you so need to create a similar situation, let's talk about the simulation, that is, about how to lose consciousness by pretending. In this case, you face only one danger - exposure. But if you competently approach the organization of the play, then no one will guess, of course, when there is no doctor around by chance. In order to properly simulate loss of consciousness, you need to know what a real swoon is.

What is a swoon?

This is an acute disorder of consciousness, which is caused by the lack of blood and oxygen to the brain. Usually fainting lasts a few seconds. If the duration of unconsciousness is more than a minute, it requires emergency medical care, since such a condition can be life-threatening or have complicated consequences. The main causes of fainting are:

  • Heart rhythm disorders or myocardial infarction. The heart beats too fast, irregularly or slowly, but in all these cases the blood supply to the brain is temporarily limited.
  • The most common occurrence of vasovagal syncope, that is, a sudden drop in blood pressure and pulse, caused by an excessive reaction of the nervous system. This form of fainting affects healthy people and is often caused by fear, pain, or mental stress.
  • A sudden change in body position can also lead to loss of consciousness (orthostatic syncope). This type of fainting often occurs in thin and tall people, who tend to have low blood pressure. In this case, the pressure is not enough to supply the brain with blood in the required quantity.
  • Sharp contraction of blood-carrying vessels to the brain, or brain vessels, can also lead to a decrease in blood flow. In addition, changes in the carotid artery, usually arteriosclerosis, can cause syncope when a person turns his head sharply.

For a realistic process, it is necessary to know the main signs of loss of consciousness:

  • person sharply throws into heat;
  • may be nauseated;
  • thoughts are confused and overlapped;
  • head spinning, ringing in the ears;
  • general weakness appears;
  • possible temporary hearing loss.

We master acting skills: how to provoke a swoon?

We master acting skills: how to provoke a swoon

Having studied the theory, you can proceed to the formulation. From the beginning, choose a course of action, the cause of your fainting, and the corresponding symptoms. The reason should not be serious, since your fainting should end quickly, and you are not at all interested in the arrival of the Ambulance.

The most innocuous option - low blood pressure. If you were completely healthy before, the reason for a sharp decrease in pressure can be:

  • hunger;
  • dehydration;
  • you are in a hot or poorly ventilated area;
  • sudden fright;
  • stress due to deep feelings.

It is necessary to carefully develop the script. First, determine the goal you are trying to reach with loss of consciousness, and where the presentation will take place. You have to keep everything under control so that your debut will not fail in disgrace:

  • Try to keep as few viewers as possible, you do not need undue attention. In addition, among the audience there will always be some clever man who will confuse all your plans.
  • If you are timing your "performance" to some important event, then you should not faint in its full swing. The best time will be before the start of the unwanted event.

Then you have to think about how everything will happen: standing or sitting. What will you feel before fainting, how much you will be unconscious and, most importantly, where and how to fall. It is best to rehearse the production in conditions as close to reality as possible.

As mentioned above, usually unconsciousness lasts a few seconds: about twenty, but not more. This is due to physiology. If the cause of your fainting is low pressure, then when you fall, your head will be at the same level with your heart, blood circulation will be restored, and your mind will visit you again. But no need to jump up sharply after exactly twenty seconds. A person in your state usually needs a few minutes to return from non-existence.

Then think about how to reassure others, so that they let you go unaccompanied, and you retreated from the scene as quickly as possible.

Precautionary measures

How to specifically and safely faint

So that after the presentation you don’t have to go to a traumatologist, work off your fall:

  • Come up with a non-invasive way of falling, having previously practiced on a soft surface.
  • Do not fall forward, because you have to expose the hands, which is quite implausible when fainting. And without hands you will surely break your head.
  • It is best to fall slowly, for some moment you can grab onto something - it will slow the fall and reduce the risk of injury.
  • You can lose consciousness by the wall: leaning your back on it, slowly settle, and at the end fall on its side.

Do not forget that artificially induced syncope will inevitably lead to disruption of the supply of brain cells with blood and oxygen. Maybe you are lucky, and the first time without tragic consequences. However, hypoxia is one of the main causes of the destruction of the cerebral cortex. Is it worth paying the price for this experiment?