Purple color in psychology

Know yourself

Fortunately, the world around us is bright and colorful! There are thousands of different colors in it, on which our mood directly depends. Properly chosen colors in the wardrobe and interior allow you to attract an interlocutor, help to become more confident and even lose weight!

What does purple color say in psychology?

Purple color in psychology

Purple is a combination of red and blue. For this reason, people who love purple constantly need to find a balance between the balance of blue and the activity of red. Violet color in psychology is not in vain considered to be reconciling, connecting opposites. A person who chooses this complex, unusual color is able to unite, at first glance, incompatible things. From here originate creativity, non-standard thinking, a creative view of the world.

Violet color helps people who are creative and sensitive to the world, as well as those who experience nervous tension and emotional disconnection. This is the color of balance, harmony, balance. It combines body and spirit, physical needs with spiritual needs. Purple balances the male and female energies in the body.

Purple in psychology symbolizes not only the unity of opposites, but also the creation on the basis of something new - this is the mystery of the purple color. Since ancient times, he has been associated with mystery, mysticism. The ancient Aztecs considered the purple color of wisdom and comprehension of truth, in ancient China, it symbolized courage, and in Buddhism it is understood as "the color of the spiritual father." The presence in the aura of a person of violet shades speaks of his altruism, the desire for higher consciousness and the possession of a high level of spirituality.

Purple in psychology: interesting facts

Purple color in psychology

  • Purple color is ideal for meditation.
  • Violet is often chosen by pregnant women.
  • Some psychologists believe that now on Earth there comes a time of social change, transitions and recovery - the purple era.
  • "Crystal" children, whose purple color dominates in the aura, are born with a very high level of awareness and change the world around by their presence alone. These are happy children who know how to love, accept and forgive.
  • People who prefer the purple color, strive for freedom, going beyond, expanding the boundaries of space.
  • Violet is the color of inspiration; it is loved by philosophers and poets.
  • It is a color that helps purify and heal the body and mind.
  • Violet color in psychology speaks of great sensitivity, insight, emotionality, impressionability.
  • If you like purple, then you want to emphasize the individuality of your character, stand out from the crowd, attract attention to yourself.
  • This is the color of grandeur, always present in the clothes of rulers and clergy.
  • People who prefer purple can easily distinguish the slightest fluctuations in the mood of the interlocutor, have innate intuition and are often advisors to managers.

Purple color in psychology

The effect of purple on the psyche and health

  • This color is very useful for brain concussion, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and internal inflammation, as violet supports the human nervous and immune systems.
  • Purple color rejuvenates the human body, contributing to the production of melatonin.
  • Purple improves heart and lung function.
  • This color has a relaxing effect on the emotional state, it contributes to a good concentration of attention, reducing mental stress.
  • Violet tones increase stamina.
  • Purple is recommended by psychologists with negative mental states: neurosis, loss of faith in yourself, loss of the meaning of life, despair.
  • Color therapists believe that the purple color has the ability to keep the lymphatic system and the spleen in tone, relieve painful sensations, reduce the pulse rate, and intensify the work of the brain.
  • The strong effect of purple on the subconscious allows a person to get rid of inner deep fears and reach a high level of consciousness.
  • Violet color gives the ability to heal itself, increases efficiency. People under his influence can sleep a little and work hard.
  • Violet in psychology helps to learn to accept all the events with a calm heart and gratitude.

Purple color in psychology

Purple color: the advice of psychologists

  • The effect of violet on the psyche is very strong, so you need to know the measure, because the long-term exposure to violet can cause melancholy, a state of depression and depression.
  • Violet color is not very recommended for people suffering from alcoholism.
  • Do not get carried away with too dark tones of purple. It is better to use lilac or pale purple hues.
  • Purple in the interior and clothing is desirable to combine with yellow, gold, orange, green.
  • For those for whom purple as the main color seems too heavy, fit the details of purple. In clothing, these can be accessories and costume jewelry (for example, a purple pendant, a purple belt, a scarf, a hairpin, a handbag, a decorative brooch). In the interior, purple "spots" in the form of a flower pot, dishes, paintings, wall clocks, and rugs are perfectly scored. In the diet, use purple berries (plum, grapes), vegetables (red cabbage, eggplants) - they normalize digestion.

Purple color in psychology

The impact of violet color in psychology is very powerful. It carries the energy of kindness and love, contributes to the unity of body and spirit. Purple color symbolizes joy, dignity, the power of creation, greatness, wisdom.

Paint your life, turn on bright, juicy shades, and then your life will certainly change for the better!