Why does not kalanchoe bloom

Home and hobby

Not all beginning gardeners know that such a useful plant as Kalanchoe, often grown for its leaves, can also bloom. And it makes it quite attractive. However, despite its relative simplicity, it is very difficult to wait for the appearance and opening of the buds on it. Why does not Kalanchoe bloom? And what to do to the plant finally bloom?

Why Kalanchoe does not bloom and grows up?

Why Kalanchoe does not bloom and grows up?

Kalanchoe is a really convenient plant: like all succulents, it can live for a long time without additional watering, since it accumulates moisture in fleshy dense leaves, does not need particularly frequent dressings, and active transplants are not needed. At the same time, there are quite a few nuances in the care of it, which gardeners will learn after they acquire this wonderful bush home. The bulk of the "pitfalls" is associated with flowering. Abundant and long-term occurs only in the first year of the life of the plant, which inspires all lovers of flora, but for some reason does not repeat after a year. The answer is simple - after the initial flowering at Kalanchoe, a long dormant phase begins, during which it only pulls up and produces new leaves. It has not been possible to find a universal solution here until now, but this does not mean that one cannot wait for secondary flowering.

In order to stimulate the appearance of the buds and prevent the Kalanchoe from stretching out even stronger, it is necessary to constantly trim and form it. Thus, you make a forced distribution of resources: without giving the bush all the power to form new leaves and increase the height of the stem, you direct the released resources to the formation of buds. Here, firstly, it is necessary to immediately remove the flower stalks after they begin to fade, and secondly, shorten the top of the head, which has gone to growth. For beginners, shoots are removed 2 leaves from the top, which provokes the emergence of new shoots. They also need to eliminate a pair of upper leaves. Such actions are carried out until your Kalanchoe bush takes the most soft, round shape.

Features of growing plants in the home

Why does Kalanchoe not bloom at home?

If you made the pruning in a timely manner, do not give the bush a stretch, and the buds did not appear on it in due time, you should look for reasons in violation of the basic rules of care for Kalanchoe. Home - most often lies in the light that the plant receives. Is it provided with enough sunlight? From the southern windows, the Kalanchoe always moves further, since the direct active sun leaves burns on its leaves, and near the northern bush suffers from a deficit of light and can not only stop forming buds, but also wither. The duration of daylight hours for Kalanchoe should be 10-12 hours, as a result of which it is sometimes artificially highlighted. If such a regime is created, but Kalanchoe does not bloom, professionals advise to make a kind of "shake up": put the plant pot in a dark place (for example, a storeroom) for 25-30 days, not forgetting to water it occasionally, but according to a less intensive schedule. When the specified period expires, the pot is placed on the windowsill, watering is resumed in the usual mode. After such a “starvation,” the Kalanchoe often immediately responds by ejecting buds.

The illumination is normalized, the "jolt" is made, and the bush is still not blooming? It is possible that the irrigation regime turned out to be incorrect, and you overestimated the plant's ability to accumulate moisture. Despite the fact that it retains water well in the leaves and in winter it hardly needs weekly (or even every 2 weeks) drinking, in summer, when the air temperature rises, Kalanchoe requires watering frequently, after 3-4 days, and abundant. Otherwise, in the absence of flowering, the death of the leaves will follow, and after the Kalanchoe will die completely. In addition, the bush will appreciate the frequent moistening of its leaves through their simple cleansing with a damp cloth, and sometimes you can wash them with a shower. But remember that this procedure is contraindicated if the leaves of Kalanchoe are not smooth.

Why does Kalanchoe not bloom at home?

Are you sure of the correct irrigation schedule? Perhaps, Kalanchoe does not bloom due to irregularities in the chemical composition of the soil. This may be a lack of any substances, and, conversely, an excess of certain elements. Often, the lack of flowering is caused by increased growth through feeding, i.e. introducing into the substrate a large number of nitrogenous mixtures. At the same time, potassium and phosphorus are used to stimulate flowering, and they are introduced before the growing season. And so that the bush goes into retirement, not starting the activation of growth, it does not feed it after flowering. In general, Kalanchoe is fed only 1-2 times a year, and for this you can use both the above options and complex fertilizers for cacti.

Not the last place in the flowering of Kalanchoe is also occupied by the temperature regime, which inexperienced gardeners most often forget. The summer heat of a bush is not very attractive, and the heating turned on in winter also violates all modes: for the formation and development of buds at Kalanchoe, the air temperature must be kept within 17-19 degrees. Its lowering or raising prevents the normal vegetation. If there are no flowers because of the heat, the pot is transferred to a cool room: in winter it can be a glazed and insulated loggia, where there are no heaters, in the summer there is a storeroom or even a corridor. In the bathroom it is better not to carry it because of high humidity.

The main reasons for the lack of flowering in Kalanchoe are disclosed, as well as solutions to them, but professionals advise to take into account another 1 point: the destruction of the bush by pests. Here it is necessary to determine which of the parasites influenced the plant - the kalanchoe is usually attacked by aphids, felts, mealybugs and spider mites; after that, measures are taken to eliminate them.

Thus, the flowering of Kalanchoe mainly depends on proper care: high-quality pruning, normalization of the irrigation schedule and feeding, ensuring a comfortable temperature regime will lead to the fact that closer to the winter, buds will form in Kalanchoe, which will remain open for almost six months.