Why does a cat's eyes water?

Home and hobby

Pets require constant care and special attention - any deviations in behavior can be signs of a developing disease. Cats are subject to a variety of viruses and infections. Even habitual for many breeds, watering eyes sometimes signal serious problems.

Why do cats have watery eyes?

For many breeds, watery eyes are the physiological norm. In British and Persian lacrimal canals are arranged so that in the corners of the eyes a large amount of mucus or pus is released. That is why these cats require daily care: it is necessary to wipe the eyes and rid the animal of dried crusts. In other breeds, minimum discharge from the eyes is permissible.

Do not panic if you notice small crusts in your pet. If the cat begins to fall ill, you will see in addition to teary eyes and other symptoms. Tearing, or epiphora, as it is also called, does not apply to an independent ophthalmologic disease. This is a symptom that you need to listen to and go with the animals to the vet.

Why does a cat's eyes water?

Often, mucus around the eyes and on the surface of the muzzle around them is a consequence of improper outflow (blockage of the lacrimal canals) or too much mucus. Increased secretion may be a defensive reaction that protects the cat's eyes from irritation.

There are many reasons for a cat to have teary eyes:

  • Allergic reaction. Animals, like people, are prone to allergies. Tearing eyes can be a kind of reaction to household chemicals used at home, changing feed, intolerance to dust.
  • Eye injury. A cat could get a microtrauma of the retina or any other eye damage. Sand that gets into your eyes causes a similar reaction.
  • Infectious diseases and impaired microflora. Quite often, the eyes watery due to various infections. Sometimes cats may have conjunctivitis.
  • Parasites. To plentiful tearing leads to infection with some types of worms and fleas. In fact, it is the reaction of the animal to intoxication, causing a weakening of the immune system.
  • Also, inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eyes β€” keratitis β€” leads to similar symptoms. The mucous eyes are also affected when blepharitis. In this case, the cat very often rubs his eyes with a paw because of the resulting itchiness, thereby worsening the situation.

How to help your pet?

Whatever the cause of increased tearing, it is better not to engage in the treatment of a pet on your own. You can incorrectly identify the causes and harm the cat with treatment. If you increase tearing, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Before you go to a specialist, watch the animals. The time of day during which the epiphora, color and transparency of mucus increase, the behavior of the animal will help to make the correct diagnosis. Be sure to tell your doctor about your observations.

At home, before taking a doctor, you can treat your cat's eyes with special wet wipes, which are sold in a vet pharmacy. Veterinarians do not recommend rubbing their eyes with tea decoction. It contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora. Because of this, the condition of the animal may deteriorate.

An external examination of the cat and taking smears will help the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis. Most often, the discharge from the eyes is treated with various ointments and disinfectants. In cases where they are symptoms of an infectious disease, antibiotics may be added to medications.

Why does a cat's eyes water?

Symptoms for which it is necessary to refer the cat to the veterinarian:

  • The hair around the eyes begins to fall out in clumps, the skin becomes bare
  • The eyelids become red and swollen.
  • Brown crusts are constantly present in the corner of the eyes, near the tears.
  • Cat rubs his paws eyes
  • The animal's temperature rises, it becomes apathetic, stops eating
  • Phlegm becomes saturated in color and becomes thick.

If other symptoms are added to abundant tearing, this indicates that the pet is sick. Some diseases can even lead to flight outcome. The situation when a cat sneezes and her eyes are watering cause:

  1. Calcivirosis is a viral disease that affects the respiratory system of an animal. It has quite bright symptoms of leakage, including discharge from the eyes, nose, sneezing, sores on the tongue, fever, apathetic depression. Also, when calcivirosis in an animal, lymph nodes are enlarged.
  2. Herpes virus (rhinotracheitis) - upper respiratory tract suffers, tearing begins on one or 2 eyes, the animal sneezes.
  3. These symptoms may also be a sign of allergy. So think about what could change in the house or provoke such an animal reaction.

Causes of increased tearing in small kittens

A kitten's eyes may water down a little for other reasons. The fact is that unvaccinated babies can be carriers of viruses that cause lacrimation. The kitten could get an infection while in the womb. Also, epiphora occurs with weak immunity.

In general, it is believed that small tears of a transparent color in kittens are natural. Do not think that this is some kind of serious illness. If the animal is no longer worried, then you should enter into the care of the kitten daily procedures for wiping the eye and getting rid of crusts. It is also very important to fight with parasites: give a kitten a remedy for worms and remove fleas. To do this, you can purchase the Diamond Eyes tool in the Vetaptek. To drip it is necessary, taking the animal by the withers and holding. Better the first time to do it together. Drops instilled 2 times a day.

Sometimes in kittens, as well as in adult animals, watery eyes can be a sign of infection. With conjunctivitis begins the development of mycoplasmosis, herpes and chlamydia. Usually, in case of diseases the eyes water for a long time - more than 2 weeks. If the drops do not help during this time, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

In order for the animal does not hurt you need to comply with prevention. So many diseases and as a result of tearing can be avoided if a cat or a kitten is vaccinated in time.

  • Always look at the behavior of the animal: the smallest nuances may indicate diseases. Try to relieve the cat in a timely manner from the crusts on the eyes.
  • If your animal often walks on the street unattended, then after each walk, try to carefully examine it. Wound after fights in the eye area will help cope with furatsilina.
  • If you have a small kitten, then he needs to wipe his eyes for prevention. You can use boiled water, decoction of chamomile or special means for kittens.
  • It is also necessary to carry out timely deworming. The drug against parasites can advise the doctor. Usually for animals walking on the street, the procedure is carried out every six months, in spring and autumn.
  • Tearing can be a sign of a cold. Therefore, make sure that your pet is not supercool.

Eyes are watery in almost all cats. Depending on the breed, someone has more, someone less. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically wipe the eyes of the animal and clean the corners of the tears. If an animal has other symptoms (sneezing, apathy, anorexia, fever), then an urgent need to consult a doctor. Observance of these rules will help your pet not to get sick or recover quickly.