When to plant watermelon seedlings

Home and hobby

Previously it was believed that watermelons can be grown exclusively in areas with a hot climate. Now there are about 51 varieties that can easily adapt to the conditions of the middle band. The number of bred hybrids is growing every year. Whichever variety you choose, it is important to plant the seedlings correctly.

How to plant watermelons?

Watermelon has female, male, and even hermaphrodite flowers. Berry is pollinated by cross method. Flowers on watermelons grow on the shoots in the leaf sinuses.

  • To plant the melons, you need to choose the windy side. Planting berries in the south and south-east garden beds.
  • The soil is needed with a neutral reaction. It is better if it is sandy or sandy. Minerals and organic fertilizers are applied for digging in the fall. You can use ash and flour from dolomite. Avoid close location of groundwater. This can hurt the difficult root system watermelon. Their roots are in the form of a rod, growing deeply, 1 m. Into the soil. The processes of the accessory system are located almost on the surface of the earth.
  • So that the water does not overly flood the soil, and the sun warms the surface sufficiently, they make ridges 15 cm in height with an angle to the south side. Watermelon will grow well on a compost heap. Secondary planting after similar varieties is not the best option. If earlier cabbage grew on the ridge, then you can safely plant future watermelons.
  • As for the landing options, it is possible to plant the berry by the soil method, focusing on the local climate. To do this, it is necessary to choose the right hybrid or variety. Sow watermelon is, if the earth warmed up to 10 cm in depth of the soil. After the first shoots germinate, it is necessary to make a thinning. When the phase reaches 4 true sheets, repeat the procedure, choosing only strong ones. The distance is left for 1m. In greenhouse conditions, the distance can be 70 to 70 cm.

When to plant watermelon seedlings?

Planting watermelons for seedlings: technology

There is a method of planting the method of seating. This method will help to cope with the problems of the quickly ended summer, when the fruits need a lot of time for pouring. In the climate of the middle band, the period of formation of watermelon berries in summer does not correspond to that required for the ovary. In early May, you can begin to seedlings. Roots do not always take root well when transplanting. The composition of the soil includes sand, peat, sod land. K 5 l. soil add dolomite flour, 100 gr. double superphosphate, 50 gr. saltpeter and sulfuric potassium. Rassadu plant in pots 0.3 l.

Growing watermelon seedlings: features of care

Before seedlings warm up the seeds for 30 minutes. in the water 55C. It is strongly not recommended to make incisions on grains. First, they should be planted in wet sand at a temperature of 25 ° C. As soon as the seeds give the first shoots, transplant them into pots, pour some sand. Then they should be covered with foil and put in a warm place for a week. After 7 days, shoots will emerge. The watermelon light day should be 12 hours so that the fruit growth does not stop. In cloudy weather, turn on fitolamps for long shoots. If there are 3 true leaves, add liquid fertilizer from minerals, mullein to the soil.

We need to wait for mid-June, so that the temperature was sufficient for the growth of berries. Eliminate sudden frosts. If they are not foreseen, plant the seedlings in the soil. After seating, the first whips will appear. Feed the watermelon with kuryak or liquid mullein. The first is higher in concentration, take the ratio of 1:20. Korovyak take 1: 8. It'll be enough. Feed seedlings with superphosphate. The next feeding will be closer to the formation of the ovary. During this period, feed the plants with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

The watermelon's long, strong root system will help it grow in hot conditions in the sand. Watering is rarely - on 1 square. m 3 buckets. And during the flowering of watermelon culture - 2 times a week and more. By the ripening period, watering is reduced so that the plants grow.

The main rule for growing a culture is a constant optimum temperature of 25-30 C. Drops of watermelon are dangerous before sudden heat drops. The fruit will fall sick and wither. When the plant grows slowly in the middle climate zone at 15 ° C, the fruits are covered with a film. In order to avoid condensation it is enough to put nonwoven material or gauze to absorb excess moisture. To get large fruit, you can cut the upper part of the stems.

How to grow watermelon seedlings?

When to plant watermelon seedlings?

Many people ask: is it possible to grow the fruits of watermelons at your summer cottage? Seeds no older than 3 years are suitable for sowing. If you plant fresh, there is a risk that the fruit will not take root. Seed germination should be 99%. The desired effect will give a soak for 5 minutes. in hot water. You can harden the seeds through temperature changes.

Germinated seeds are sown in the first weeks of May. If the seedlings are in greenhouses, then the greenhouse is aired for the whole day. It is necessary to feed the seedlings with manure solution for 2 times. Ripening fruits are grown in greenhouses after previously sown tomatoes and cabbage. In the center make the hills, they are landing. 3 sprouts are distributed in 2 frames. For pollination by bees, greenhouses open from the north on sunny days. Pinch watermelons do not need, but if the sprout produced a lot of lashes, then pruned those on which there is no fruit. There are 4 fruits per 1 plant of large varieties of watermelon, and up to 6 for small varieties. 15 kg can be collected from one frame. watermelon.

Watermelon seedlings at home: planting method

To grow watermelon at home, you should take care of the container under a fairly strong root system. A 50, 50 by 30 cm wooden box is suitable for growing. You can make it yourself. When there is no box, take a bucket or basin as a base. If the tub, large pots, pot will be transparent, then wrap them in black fabric. The roots should not turn green and dry out from the sun. Buy fertile soil, rich in trace elements. Enrich the soil with lime to equalize the acid balance to 6 pH. Before planting seeds, hold them for 10 minutes. in water with temperatures above 10 ° C until germination. The separation of germinated seeds is prohibited.

Plant 3 seeds at a depth of 3 cm. After the appearance of new sprouts, select the strongest. On the windowsill, the future of watermelon will be good. Keep the frame ajar can not, the plant may freeze. As soon as the first fruits begin to tie, do not lower the room temperature too sharply (25 ° C). At night, it should be around 18 ° C. Do not allow moisture. Otherwise, the seedlings will die.

If you do not grow fruit in the summer, then get a lamp with luminescent. Lighting should be maximized, aimed at the watermelon. You can put in front of the mirror lamps to reflect the rays. First feed nitrogen and phosphorus. After the first ovary, add potassium to the soil. In a container, place a support for the young shoots of watermelon. At a height of 100 cm. Secure the main stem of the fetus. After the appearance of flowers thin out the future berry. Do not be afraid to do this, leave only 2 fruits of the plant. Otherwise, all the juices and minerals are distributed incorrectly. This will adversely affect the growth of the fruit of the watermelon. When the fruit has grown to 10 cm in diameter, wrap it in a net or gauze fabric and tie it to the support. Remember that such a large, as in greenhouses, homemade watermelon will not. It will grow with a thin skin, weighing 1 kg.

Watermelons are grown seedlings and planted directly into the ground. It is best to use the first method. This will allow you to get an earlier harvest. In addition, these berries will be much tastier. Optimum temperature, watering and fertilizing will help to speed up the ripening process.