What to plant with

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In science, there is the concept of "symbiosis". Symbiosis - it is useful the cohabitation of several species. In garden science there is the concept of "compatibility of cultures". This concept is similar to the concept of symbiosis, but more locally. If plants protect each other from pests (smell), mutually stimulate growth - they are compatible. But there are plants in the plant world that categorically do not get along with others. Vivid examples of such plants are fennel, hyssop and wormwood.

What to plant with what?

There are many compatibility tables, which indicate that with what to plant next. As a rule, the information in these tables is inconsistent. This article compiles a summary of the compatibility and incompatibility of garden crops. There is the concept of "dynamic plant", i.e. a plant that has a beneficial effect on all cultures and maintains a general tone. These include dandelion, yarrow, chamomile, nettle, valerian. Helper plants can be called spinach and lettuce. Since they release into the soil substances that enhance the growth of the root system. Boldly plant marigolds and nasturtium have a strong spicy smell, they disorient the insects, therefore it is recommended to plant them between beds with vegetables.

It is strictly not recommended to plant near all types of umbrella plants (except carrots). If you plant a number of plants that pull out the same nutrients from the soil, or plants of the same type, the soil will quickly become depleted, and the plants themselves will feel uncomfortable. Poorly combined low and tall species, if a low-growing plant loves the sun. This is due to the fact that a tall plant will shade it. And on the contrary, get along together perfectly if the short shadow loves. Avoid landing near the nightshade. After the Colorado potato beetle gnaws potatoes, it will certainly begin to eat tomatoes, or eggplants. Again, one type of disease from one type of plant is quickly transmitted to another. But if you plant onions and garlic between tomatoes, tomatoes will not get phytophorosis. Tomatoes generally belong well to the neighborhood of parsley, carrots, legumes, beets, radishes. But do not carry dill and kohlrabi.

Feel free to plant white cabbage and radishes, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes or celery. But parsley is contraindicated, as a neighbor cabbage. The most unpretentious of all plants is radishes, only beets can compete with them. Good cohabitation of onions and carrots. The smell of carrots scares onion fly, and onions - carrot. Carrots generally get along well alongside cucumber, peas, garlic, radish, and tomato. And only "dill" loves ".

Onions and Potatoes Do not tolerate legumes. Since leguminous crops enrich the soil with nitrogen, this leads to the fact that the bulbs and tubers are very small, and the tops are unnaturally high. And an excess of nitrogen causes scab in potatoes. It is interesting that at the same time black beans planted around the perimeter around the potato field will drive away moles. It is good to plant garlic next to carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes. Does not like to grow next to legumes and white cabbage.

The right decision would be to plant celery next to the beans, tomato, cabbage, cucumber. But next to the carrot and parsley will not get along. The taste of strawberries is noticeably improved from the neighborhood with beans. The same effect has spinach on the salad.

Corn loves the neighborhood of beans and cucumbers. When planting, it is important to take into account the root system of plants - the depth and area of ​​distribution, because plants, protecting their territory from other applicants, release phytoxins through their roots into the soil. An illustration of this incompatibility is wheatgrass and gooseberry. Pyrei is extremely negative will affect the shrub. Whereas dahlias all the same wheat grass easily displaced. If you put black currant, raspberry or strawberry next to the sea buckthorn, the sea buckthorn root system will force them out. Sea buckthorn gets along badly with all kinds of solanaceous crops. Raspberry bush suppress blackcurrant. Cherry can not be planted next to the gooseberry, currant or raspberry.

Excellent results will give Rowan, planted on the edges of the potato field. If you plant a spruce in the middle of an apple orchard, and slightly restrict its roots, this will force your apple trees to bear fruit and protect them from a number of diseases. Apple and pears will certainly displace plum, cherry, apricot and cherry plum. And tomatoes will grow best next to apple trees or between currant bushes. If you want to avoid dangerous diseases, then remove the bird cherry from the site - it is the carrier of the glass-case, the hawthorn is due to harmful apple pests. The buckthorn and sedge can infect your plants with glass rust.