
Home and hobby

Violet is a plant from the violet family. There are about 500 of its species, which mainly grow in the northern hemisphere, where the climate is predominantly temperate.

When caring for violets at home, you need to pay attention to several important conditions.

The location of violets in the room

Violet - light-loving plant, but this does not mean that the flower should stand in the literal sense of the word in the sun itself. The room should be very bright, but the plant should be positioned so that it does not fall burning rays of the sun.

Usually violets are planted in the north window. If you placed the violet on the window with a lot of sun rays, then you need to hang thick curtains on the window. Such curtains will cover the direct rays of the sun, not making the room too dark, and leave the amount of light that is necessary for the normal growth of the plant.

Pot for Home Violets

Pots usually take plastic. Violets like very small containers. It is better to forget about the big pots, because the violet in them does not look like a delicate flower.

Soil for violets at home

For violets need good quality drainage. Half of the pot filled with expanded clay, add a little charcoal and covered with ordinary earth. Do not use special mixtures that replace drainage, as they do not allow moisture to pass through, and the plant begins to die.

Watering and fertilizing violets at home

Moisture - the most important when caring for violet at home. Water the plant from the bottom with warm water. In practice, it looks like this: they take a pot from a pot and pour water there, add fertilizer and put a pot with a violet there. This is done about once a week. Frequent watering of violets from above leads to plant rotting., starting from the roots and leaves. Pour violet only when the ground in the pot becomes completely dry.

Fertilize the plant somewhere every 2 weeks at the time of flowering violets. During the period of calm, the plant is fertilized once every three to four weeks.

When the violet flowers begin to fade from dust, they can be lightly sprayed with warm water.

Transplanting and reproducing violets

Every year, violets are better to change the land and grow them again in the same pots. For reproduction of violets at home, use a healthy leaf of violets and plant in a separate pot so that it begins to germinate. If the plant simply stands unchanged or begins to wither, do not pay attention to it and do not assume that the leaf just died - this is not so. It is better to first put the sheet in a container with water and hold the plant there, until the violet has roots.

Sometimes the violet itself can form several inflorescences in one pot. When this happens, the flower no longer looks so beautiful, and it also becomes crowded, so it needs to be repotted. To do this, the plant is released from the soil and divided into two parts. This is done easily, do not be afraid to injure the roots. Sometimes the plant itself splits into several parts. This is one way natural breeding violets.

Formation of violet bush

They say that if violet bushes are processed, they will look very nice and compact. In the axils of the leaves are flower buds. In order for them to develop well, you need to begin to process the leaves from the bottom, since they seem more lifeless than the upper leaflets. After processing the plant bare stem of a violet. The older the plant, the larger the stem, which makes the flower not as beautiful as before, so the stem is sprinkled with earth.

Of course, you need to also remove the faded flowers and spoiled leaves. You should also sometimes turn the violet to different sides of the world. Then it will grow more magnificently and evenly.