Useful plant ayr

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Air - it is in nature a herbaceous perennial plant can most often be found on swamps and along river banks, where the soil is sufficiently moist. It is called the Japanese cane or Air the Swamp. This plant is often used for decorating terrariums and artificial reservoirs.

In addition, it should be noted that Air is a medicinal plant. It has a whole list of properties: antiseptic, diaphoretic, hypotensive, expectorant, antispasmodic, stimulant, healing, etc.

Interesting fact

Acad was not only used as a medicinal plant, it was an excellent spice. In the Middle Ages, the candied root of this plant was sold with great success in Europe. It was considered an exquisite oriental sweetness and was called “incense cane”. The secret of making candied root, as well as Air itself, kept in terrible secret until 1574, when one of the European ambassadors in Turkey ferried a strange plant to Austria. His friend was a specialist in rare plants in the Vienna Botanical Garden - he successfully raised a mysterious specimen. And it turned out that this is a common and well-known marsh grass of Europeans. How surprised the botanists were waiting to grow something completely exotic!

What does Air look like?

Its thin, growing densely growing leaves are decorated with white or yellow stripes. It has a large, horizontally located yellowish-green rhizome, which is fixed in the soil with numerous cord-like roots. Both the leaves and the root have a characteristic pleasant smell. The stem of the plant is oblate. The inflorescence is single, the ear is 10-12 cm long. The flowers are greenish-yellow, rather small. Appear in the period from May to June. Fruits - a trihedral seed box - juicy, red color.

Useful plant Ayr

As a houseplant, Airvy is grown quite rarely, but for busy people it is simply perfect: it tolerates drafts, poor soil, and moderate cold without problems. All he needs to grow is heightened watering.

Grassy Acres (Acorus gramineus) are most commonly grown. This plant species is originally from Japan. It is characterized by erect, linear leaves and a slightly flattened, massive rhizome.

Care for AIRA

This is a rare plant that suffers more from heat than from cold. At high temperatures, Air becomes vulnerable to pests.

The plant feels best in the shade; you should especially beware of direct sunlight.

The temperature for growing the Aira can be close to 0 ° C, the highest temperature limit being 16 ° C.

The plant is very moisture-loving, poorly tolerates dry soil and low air humidity. It is best to place an airbag pan with water.

The plant prefers slightly acidic or clay soil. It is recommended to replant it in the spring.

The calamus is propagated by dividing the rhizome, in principle, this can be done at any time of the year, but preferably in the spring.

The only problem with growing Aira can be the lack of moisture. In this case, the leaves begin to turn brown and dry. To "revive" the plant is enough to remove the damaged leaves and provide abundant watering.

Especially for - Olga