Schemes baubles direct weaving

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The art of weaving baublescame to us from the culture of the Indians. Hippies appreciated them first as decorations. But gradually the brightness and style of baubles attracted the attention of young people, and then of the older generation. Today they have become not just unique accessories, but talismans that bring good luck.

Schemes baubles direct weaving

Make baubles can be different ways of weaving, different textures and with any patterns. But for those who only dream of joining fans to create accessories with their own hands, it is best to use direct weaving method.

How to weave baubles direct weaving?

To weave baubles with direct weaving according to a pattern with a leaf pattern, you will need a long skein for the background, 16 light green threads and a pin.

  • To begin with, tie all the threads, making a knot, and then pin it to a fixed surface with the help of a pin. Tie a dark knotted thread with a double knot to a light green thread located on the left edge. Then tie the background thread with a double knot to the green thread next to it. Until the entire row is finished, continue to tie all threads of green color with a background thread. After this, the end of the thread for the background should be on the opposite side.
  • Now make another 2 knots to braid the green thread located on the right edge. This will start the next bottom row. Continue to twist the green threads in double knots until you reach the end again. The end of the thread for the background at the end of the row should be on the left. When weaving nodules from right to left, mirror them to those that were made from left to right.
  • A few more rows weave a background thread from right to left and from left to right. As soon as you reach the place where the drawing of the sheet should begin, do not weave the background thread to the end, but on the contrary, thread the dark color with a green thread, making 2 knots.

Schemes baubles direct weavingSchemes baubles direct weaving

  • Those knots of light thread, which are designed to perform the pattern, should always be the opposite of the knots connected by the background thread. Now weave as many knots in this row as you need to create a pattern.
  • After the background color reappears in the row, start braiding the green threads with a dark thread for the background, pointing the knot in the opposite direction.
  • When moving to the next row, first thread the green threads for the background, and then make a few knots around the background thread with a green thread. Weave the main thread knots continue to the end of the row.
  • Using the scheme for baubles, which are performed by direct weaving, unfold it sideways, just as the bauble itself will be on the arm. This will make it easier to read the selected schema.

How to use schemes for baubles direct weaving?

To create such baubles, first of all, you need to choose from which you will weave them, since any suitable material will do for this: paper clips, glass beads, beads, threads, ribbons or floss. To create a really beautiful bauble, the bestpick up your favorite scheme or draw it on a sheet in a cage yourself.

  • For weaving patterns on baubles with direct weaving, you can use 2 or more colors of thread. The number of required colors is determined by the scheme. The main thing is that they combine with each other and carry positive energy.

Schemes baubles direct weavingSchemes baubles direct weaving

  • All threads should be collected in a knot so that they do not spread out during weaving. They are mounted as indicated on the selected scheme. There is no difference in what it will be used for and where it is mounted - on the table, or the sofa, no, the main thing is that it is convenient for you.
  • Threads for making baubles with direct weaving are best taken at least 1 m long, since they must be longer than a future bauble at 4.5 p.
  • When creating a pattern on a bauble, the background thread does not need to be cut off. It is more correct if it goes from the ball, as it is very difficult for it to determine the necessary length. If the main thread ends suddenly, then a new background thread should be carefully tied to its tip.
  • When knots knit, you should pay attention to the direction of movement of the thread. This is usually indicated by arrows. If the diagonal arrow points to the right, it means that it is necessary to do the interlacing of the double knot with thread from left to right. If the arrow is drawn in the other direction, then the knitting of the double knot is carried out to the left side with a thread that is located on the right.
  • If a broken arrow to the side is drawn on the diagram, it means that you need to weave a single knot in one direction, and the second node in the other.
  • To make a picture, you should fasten the contour thread, and then knit the background color knots. If it is necessary to start the contour, instead of the main thread the knot is knitted from the background.
  • If you need to add a third color, then a thread of a different color is tied to the main thread, and it will knit the number of patterns that are needed. In this case, the main thread remains on the reverse side. When she is needed again, she is simply picked up. The wrong side in this case will lose aesthetics, but the face of the bauble will pleasantly surprise.

How to use schemes for baubles direct weaving?

For everyone who wants to add a bit of luck to their lives, an excellent way to achieve this will be to create a direct weaving of baubles that came to us from the Indian tribes of distant America. The easiest way to do them, using the schemes. Making baubles with direct weaving is most suitable for those who have just decided to master the weaving of such unusual, but very cute jewelry..