Phalaenopsis orchid breeding at home

Home and hobby

Phalaenopsis is one of the most popular types of indoor orchids. This plant feels great in warm houses and apartments and blooms almost all year round. The reproduction of Phalaenopsis orchid at home is, albeit a laborious, but quite feasible process.

Brief description of the plant

The name of the orchid Phalaenopsis is derived from the Greek

The name of the orchid Phalaenopsis comes from the Greek language and is literally translated as resemblance to a night butterfly. Homeland of this plant is considered to be eastern India, the Philippines and Northern Australia.

The large and fleshy Phalaenopsis leaves are arranged in several layers and thus create a rosette. Flowering shoots are usually curved with inflorescences gathered in clusters at the ends of the stem.

Phalaenopsis flowers bloom 2-3 times a year, and the palette of colors is simply amazing: they are monochromatic, striped, with colorful spots.

Such an orchid is not capricious. For good plant growth, it is enough to maintain a warm temperature regime, water the soil 1 time in 7 days and feed it every 2 weeks with fertilizer.

Phalaenopsis orchid breeding at home

Multiply Phalaenopsis orchid in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • branch of children;
  • cuttings;
  • growing peduncle.

It is necessary to immediately clarify that growing seedlings from seeds at home is too long a process that is not popular. To describe it in our article, we will not, but immediately move on to other methods.

Peduncle separation method

This is the easiest and most affordable method that will be able even to beginner growers. The reproduction of Phalaenopsis peduncle separation method takes place in several stages:

  1. After the flower discards the last inflorescences, the peduncle is cut off at the very base of the stem. This should be done with sterile instruments so as not to carry the infection.
  2. Then each stem must be cut into pieces 4-5 cm long. This should be done so that in each segment in the center was a sleeping kidney.
  3. All sections, including those of an adult orchid, are processed with a crushed tablet of activated charcoal.
  4. Now you need to prepare a greenhouse. To do this, spread wet sphagnum moss across the bottom of the wooden box.
  5. Evenly place the cuttings on the box and cover the greenhouse with polyethylene.
  6. If the temperature at 25-28 degrees is observed, the flower stalks germinate successfully.

In addition to the greenhouse, the flowered peduncle can be placed in a glass bottle with water, and the dishes removed on a warm window sill. Amateur flower growers claim that in this case almost all the buds wake up.

Reproduction cuttings

The division of the adult orchid Phalaenopsis is possible

The division of an adult orchid Phalaenopsis is possible only if the flower has a large rosette with 6-8 leaves. Gradually, the whole process is as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the orchid from the pot without damaging the root system.
  2. With a sharp sterile knife or pruner, the adult plant is divided into 2 parts, capturing several upper leaflets and air growths.
  3. Place both flowers in a pot with new soil and a small addition of sphagnum moss.
  4. With proper care, the new cutting is tightly fixed in the pot 2-3 years after planting.

When dividing a plant, it is important to remember that the mother orchid after dividing requires more careful maintenance and regular vitamin supplements.

The way the orchids are planted by children

This is the most popular way of seating Phalaenopsis at home. After a while, when the buds of the orchid "fell asleep", children appear in their place. Initially, they are only a few small leaves. However, with proper care, the root system cuts through with them. Children remain to grow on an adult plant until the rhizome reaches 4-5 cm in length. Only after that you can start reproduction.

The whole process takes place in several stages:

  1. The baby is carefully separated from the stem with a sterile scalpel or pruner.
  2. Place the cut on the stem of an adult plant and the baby is treated with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal.
  3. After that, the baby is recommended to dry during the day.
  4. Next, the shoot is planted in a new pot with a small substrate and waiting for the roots to appear.
  5. For best results, the pot can be covered with a plastic bag, creating a semblance of a home greenhouse. At the same time it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime of 22-25 degrees.

While the root system will take root in the new soil, the lower leaves of the kids will turn yellow. But you do not need to pick them off, with time they will finally dry out and fall off on their own. For better rooting, the soil in a pot is sometimes treated with special phytohormones. But be careful: when you spray the soil, the solution should not fall on the leaves.

Sometimes even in an adult plant kids cannot appear on their own. In this case, for this method of breeding the kidney will need to be stimulated. There are several options for how to incline Phalaenopsis to breed:

  • ensure drought and daytime difference - nighttime temperatures;
  • carefully open the sleeping kidney and process it with a special paste;
  • division of the rhizomes of an adult plant.

All these procedures should be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the plant. And after receiving the children adult orchid will need additional feed.

The average life span of a Phalaenopsis room orchid is 5-7 years. To prolong her stay in the house, you can use reproduction in one of the following ways. In addition, a new plant can always be presented to a woman as a gift or put up for sale.