Low-growing flowers for flower beds. description of the most

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Decorative flowering shrubs for the garden, barely visible above the ground, have recently gained popularity because of its compactness, miniature and, most often, abundant flowering. Such plants are convenient for group and single planting in beds, borders and rabatkah, for registration of the perimeter of the tracks. They also live well in containers on loggias.

Low-growing garden flowers: photos and specifications

The astrantia may not be on the heels of most gardeners in the middle lane, but this plant is among the most attractive undersized species for the site, capable of taking root in a flower bed and in a company with other flowers, and singly. With its buds, an astrantia resembles an aster (as even the affinity of their names indicates), however, when revealed, the flower receives many similarities with the flowering green onions. A set of thin strings, topped with folded petals, make up the core-ball, from which thin and long sepals go.

Short flowers for flower beds

In the most low-growing varieties, the stems barely reach 15 cm, and the more common low-growing species have a height of 30-35 cm. The color range varies pale pink to violet, and red shades are often encountered. In care, astrantion is not demanding, it does not require transplantation more often than once in 7 years. Even the planting area does not matter for this plant: both under the scorching sun and in the constant shade the bush will bloom equally abundantly.

It is well known to all gardeners shrubby cinquefoil. Someone even takes it for weeds, but what is interesting is that it is problematic to grow this flower properly. With a general favor to the landing site and other factors, the silverweed loves an abundance of light and moderate air humidity. Therefore, the slightest hint of a summer drought forces gardeners to irrigate the bushes daily.

Short flowers for flower beds

It is noteworthy that this plant is not only decorative flowering, but also medicinal. In folk medicine, it is known as Kuril tea and is actively used for dysbiosis and other gastrointestinal problems. The height of low-growing bushes does not exceed 50 cm, but they sometimes grow 1.2 meters wide, and are added annually by 5-10 cm. The flowers are small, always gathered in inflorescences, light yellow color, egg, etc. In rare cases, there are red and rose petals.

Krupnotsvetkovy flax is also included in the group of plants commonly found in domestic gardens. Shrubs 35-40 cm tall, covered with five-petal flowers, whose diameter is 3.5 cm, have narrow dark and inconspicuous leaves. The advantage of this undersized flower in its continuous flowering. As soon as the petals of the 1st wave crumble, the buds of the 2nd wave bloom, as a result of which the flower bed remains bright from the beginning of June to the last numbers of September. The color scheme is diverse, most highly valued blue flax. In particular, we love gardeners a cold-tolerant variety "Sky Blue" that does not require transplantation for 5 years and is best established on stony sites.

Short flowers for flower beds

Undersized perennial flowers for flower beds

Perennials are the most loved gardeners, because they are not required annually planted again. So, you can create a beautiful picture and admire it for several years without making any changes. In addition, these flowers are often the most unpretentious: they are not cut, do not move, and, in addition, the period of their flowering is often pleasantly surprising: given the opportunity to admire the riot of colors throughout the summer. What undersized perennials for flower beds to choose?

Anemone, better known as anemone, comes from the ranunculus family. In height, a hybrid-type shrub, Lipsiens, reaches 10–20 cm, has a thick, strong rhizome, and is covered with small flowers (no more than 5 cm in diameter) over the surface. By nature, it is an ephemeroid, because flowering begins in May, while the bush itself awakens in mid-April. Varietal specimens that have created suitable conditions will bloom until the fall, while others will begin to wither in July.

Short flowers for flower beds

To keep the bush attractive for a long time, it was originally recommended to plant in partial shade, pick up the soil so that it was constantly hydrated, and the balance of acidity is slightly shifted by adding lime or ash to get the usual chemical composition of the substrate for anemones. Since the flower grows very actively, in the flowerbeds the anemone is rarely mixed with other plants, or it is often seated. The last procedure is preferably carried out before flowering.

Clematis, in comparison with the anemone, can be considered quite high - the bushes are stretched to 50 cm from the surface level, but compared to the rest of the garden residents, they are really short. All summer varieties bloom round summer, especially if it is wet and cool. Here lies the main problem of their cultivation: clematis are heat-loving plants, in addition, they always need protection from the winds.

Short flowers for flower beds

It is recommended to make bulk soil under the clematis bed to maximally prevent stagnation of moisture in it. Professionals scatter broken bricks or drainage to the very bottom, and the rhizome is actively buried during planting. Frequent transplantation is not necessary for the plant, but if it is required, wait for the beginning of autumn. In the summer, such actions are allowed only with lignification of the shoots. If the clematis is small-flowered (namely, these predominate in the category of short-growing), it does not need to be cut off: you just need to remove the freezing branches in spring.

Primorye’s army grows up in the middle lane, which is surprising. Taking into account the unpretentiousness of the bush, barely stretching out to 20 cm in height, it can be managed by a novice gardener, and even more so by a professional. The long and narrow leaves of interest almost do not represent, but the purple-pink flowers in the form of three-petal gramophone players look great in bulk inflorescences. The size of the peduncle can be 20 cm, which, with the overall dimensions of the bush, makes the greenery completely invisible: it is the flowers that pay attention to themselves.

Short flowers for flower beds

The flowering period is 2.5 months from mid-May, with cases of the 2nd wave occurring at the end of August. It is noteworthy that maritime armies are grown in containers on loggias, but it looks as good in the garden, on the rocky hills or the sea terrace. The only thing from which it is important to protect the bush - from excessive heat. If the summer is given dry and warm, you may need frequent watering and artificial shading of the flower bed.

Annual plants

Annuals prefer those gardeners who want to constantly change the design of the garden and do not tolerate monotony. For them, the decorative zone of the site must be “in motion” so that it does not have time to bother. And therefore, at the end of each season, old bushes are removed, and in winter a new pattern is thought out, and still untested varieties of favorite plants, or completely unfamiliar species, are selected. What stunted annuals can be planted in this case?

Ageratumin is interesting for its fluffy hats, inflorescences, made in delicate scales - purple, blue or white. In landscape composition, this plant, which has the ability to bloom the whole summer and half of autumn, is simply indispensable. Bushes with a height of 10-15 cm form dense carpets overlapping large areas. Under natural conditions, the ageratum is a perennial, but in the middle lane it is re-planted every year, since it is not adapted to frost.

Short flowers for flower beds

The diameter of the fluffy stars-flowers is 1 cm, and the entire inflorescence can reach 10 cm. Despite the fact that this flower is incredibly thermophilic, it does not suffer from rain and wind: such vagaries of weather do not affect the abundance of its flowering. In the penumbra, the brightness of the petals decreases, therefore, it is recommended to plant the ageratum in sunny zones.

Begonia is more familiar to domestic gardeners, valued not only for rose-like flowers, but also attractive wide and carved leaves with an uneven color - white small spots are spread on a dark plate. Its stunted varieties in height barely reach 25 cm, and of them "CockTail" and "Organdy" deserve attention, whose color ranges from peach-pink to coral.

Short flowers for flower beds

Every year, the bush pruned shoots, if you do not want to develop it in breadth, as well as, if the plant is not one-year. Given that the cold begonia tolerates not too well, it is undesirable for her and the scorching sun, smoke, dry air, excessive humidity. The flower beds on which it is located are usually broken up in partial shade, and they are carefully monitored.

You can count more than 50 undersized flowers for decoration of a garden plot, and this is only one of those that are well known in the middle lane. They will fit well into any landscape solution, decorate and compact flowerbed, and a long strip along the track. And if you want to change the appearance of the flower garden, you can simply add here a few tall bushes.