How to learn to weave kumihimo

Home and hobby

Kumihimo is an ancient Chinese art of weaving cords, with which you can create not only beautiful, but also really useful things. Recently, kumihimo gains great popularity, because having mastered the simple weaving technique, everyone can create original and stylish accessories.

In ancient times, cords woven by the kumihimo technique were used by warriors who fastened armor to them, while women fastened bows to their belts. To get a stylish and beautiful thing, you need to follow a few tips.

Kumihimo: a description of technology for beginners

Kumihimo: technology description

Kumihimo is used to get original bracelets made only from threads, to complement gifts or simply weave stylish laces. Fans of hippie movement always wore woven into their hair or wore colored baubles on their hands, which were a mandatory attribute. Despite the fact that this work requires perseverance and some skills, this art is captivating and addictive. With the help of the kumihimo technique, you can create hollow as well as flat or rounded laces.

For the work you will need to take a unique device, which is called Marudai. In the Middle Ages, very large woodworking machines were used. Today it is possible to use much smaller, compact devices, the diameter of which is 10 cm, for the manufacture of which can be taken cardboard (only thick) or plastic.

Such a machine can be made independently - a circle is cut, a small hole is made in the middle, with a diameter of not more than 1 cm, small notches (exactly 32 pieces) are at the edges, so that the threads will not be confused or fall into the wrong compartment. With the help of a pen or a pencil, 16 compartments are planned on the machine, as well as a diamond, which will mark the start.

It is very convenient for work to take simple coils of cardboard, which will not let the threads get tangled. You will also need to prepare in advance the colored threads - the iris is perfect.

Weaving Kumihimo: schemes and description of work

Weaving Kumihimo: schemes and description of work

To make a round charm, you must adhere to the following pattern of weaving:

  • It will take 2 colors of threads - green with red. 16 threads, about 50 cm long are cut. At the same time 5 threads red, and 11 green colors.
  • To measure the desired length, you can use this method - the circumference of your wrist is measured (if the charm is placed on the arm) and is added 6 cm, multiplied by two - the length of strings will be obtained, which must be cut.
  • The edges of the threads are carefully threaded into the central hole of the machine for kumihimo, then the knot is tied, and the threads are slightly pulled in front. Now they will need to expand on the notches, taking into account the color range. The ends of the threads are strung on the paper spools, so that they will not be confused during operation.
  • The lower left and upper right threads in this pattern of weaving are working. Consequently, they will be intertwined during the work.
  • The thread is taken and shifted to the notch to the left of the center (start). This thread should be on top of the rest.
  • The 2nd thread is rearranged into the notch to the right of the lower center of the machine. As a result, the right thread will fall on the right, and the left on the left.
  • The device rotates in the opposite direction of the clockwise direction so that on the place of one department is the one that is located to the right of the start.
  • The lower thread on the left is rearranged from the left to the top, and the upper right is on the lower right.
  • Once again, it turns in the opposite direction of the clockwise direction to the next section, and again the actions are performed with the strings described in the previous paragraph.
  • It is important to remember that in the process of weaving it is impossible to tighten too much, otherwise the finished cord will be very thick, and the pattern will be curved.
  • A lace with a knot will be formed on top of the machine, and not very large tassels are made on the bottom of it.
  • As soon as there is a very short thread, you need to remove the cord from the machine, after which the tips are woven into a knot, otherwise the bauble will simply fall apart
  • Using scissors, trim the ends of the threads so that the tassels are of the same length.
  • To decorate the cord, you can use a large bead, which is first pushed into a loop made of a thin thread. Then the cord is inserted into this loop, then passed through the bead.

Baubles kumihimo: the subtleties of weaving and design

Baubles kumihimo: the subtleties of weaving and design

Kumihimo provides the ability to weave stylish and original baubles, which no one else will have - hollow, flat, round, plain, colored. To work, you need to take a ready-made machine, which is sold in a kit for kumihimo, or make it out of cardboard. If the machine will be made independently, you need to make sure that all the notches are located at the same distance. To make it easier for novice craftsmen to work, it is recommended to paint the sectors in the colors of the threads used.

For baubles you can use iris or floss. Self-made cardboard reels will simplify the work and will not give the opportunity to mess up the threads. Exactly 16 strands of equal length are cut.

The prepared lengths of threads are threaded into the center of the machine, and a neat knot is tied down at the bottom, while leaving a not very long free part. It is the initial position of the threads that will influence the design of the future bauble. In one section there should be exactly 2 strings.

Starting to work, one thread is removed from the first section, after which it is placed in the opposite sector (it is necessary to move from right to left). Exactly one sector turns the device in the opposite direction of the hour hand. According to this scheme, the thread moves from the adjacent department (direction from right to left), rotates exactly one part in the opposite direction of the hour hand. According to this scheme, we must continue to weave the bauble until the threads become very short.

A brush, which was left at the beginning, can be used instead of jewelry, ties. Special fastener hardware can be purchased at the store. When choosing a metal buckle, you must consider the width of the finished baubles.

Kumihimo: photo

Kumihimo: bracelets



Kumihimo: photo bracelets

Kumihimo lace

Due to the originality and uniqueness of the patterns, you can create using threads of various colors, baubles and bracelets, which will become a unique accessory that emphasizes your style. Therefore, kumihimo weaving technique of laces is very popular not only in Japan, but also in other countries. Having mastered the technique of kumihimo, needlewomen create stylish and beautiful bracelets, amulets, cords and even belts.