How to grow leek from seeds

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Leek - the culture is not as actively grown in the middle lane, like onions. However, its taste makes this instance a frequent ingredient in salads and other side dishes. Even just fried in butter, it becomes a great addition to meat. You can grow leek from seeds yourself.

Sowing - for seedlings or immediately in open ground - is the most common way of planting and growing leeks of any varieties. Regardless of the specific algorithm of work, which will eventually be selected, it is worth knowing exactly what requirements this culture imposes on the landing site and care.

How to grow leek from seeds?

The main point, of course, is the soil. It is necessary to abandon the acidified substrate, heavy clay soil or light sandy soil. It is best for leek to choose a site that retains moisture well, has a neutral pH, and receives timely mineral fertilizers. They are a guarantee of the quality of the autumn harvest. Suitable loam or floodplain soil on which radishes, lettuce and even carrots can be grown with it.

Although leeks are resistant to cold, the shoots will not survive the drop in temperature. For this reason, it is possible to sow a plant in open ground only in the southern regions. In the middle lane, especially in the Urals and Siberia, it is grown by sowing seedlings. Winter is already established young leek is not terrible, unless it turns out to be snowless and too cold (from -15 degrees and below). With snow at the same temperature, the bulbs overwinter easily.

Loves leeks and good lighting. The plot for it can be chosen absolutely not shaded - it is not against even direct sunlight during the entire growing season. But with such a love for the sun, the plant makes another demand - good watering. Waterlogging is worse than drought for him, but water should be given at least every other day. However, this rule is only for the hot period. For a cold summer watering is enough 1 time per week. And in the fall, this is generally not recommended.

Planting leek seeds in open ground

How to grow leek from seeds?

  1. The southern regions grow leek immediately in open ground, bypassing the seedling stage. In this case, the sowing is carried out at the end of April or at the very beginning of May, when the soil has managed to warm up well. The plot is selected according to the general rules discussed earlier, the bed is carefully dug up (to a depth of 20 cm). At the same moment fertilizers are necessarily brought in it. Gardeners recommend taking compost and a mixture of potassium salt, superphosphate and urea. Manure per 1 sq.m. It will take about 4 kg (depending on the poverty of the soil), and the mineral mixture - 100-120 g.
  2. The substrate is compacted and scored grooves, the depth of which does not exceed 8-10 cm. It is most convenient to form them with a chopper. For sowing in open ground, seed should be prepared in the same way as for seedlings. After which they are poured into the grooves and covered with the ground. Its layer is 2-3 cm high. Then it is necessary to ram the soil again.
  3. It is worth noting that it was not a constant bed. After some time (1.5-2 months), the seedlings will stretch to 10 cm in height, and the time will come to transplant them. In addition, they will need thinning, because the seeds are filled up quite tightly, and now the grooves are overfilled. Therefore, it is necessary to plant leeks using the same scheme as in the usual transfer of seedlings to open ground. Those. in rows with a depth of 15 cm and a distance of 20 cm between them. When smashing specimens for transplantation, try not to damage the root system.

Leek: growing seedlings

How to grow leek from seeds?

The seedling method of growing leeks is actively practiced in regions in late spring and in cool summer. It is also suitable for a sharply continental climate, when temperature fluctuations are significant and frequent. Sowing is carried out in the middle of March or near its end. Volumetric low tanks are filled with soil from the site where leeks will later grow. If it is not fertile enough, fertilizer is added to it. This is mainly humus and potassium salt. After compacting the substrate, it is moistened and filled with seeds. The box has no more than 1.5 g.

Before you pour the seeds into the ground, they should be processed. To this end, they are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 4-5 hours, and then rinsed with water and dipped into the ground. There are only 2 ways of sowing: continuous "carpet" and rows. If preference is given to the latter, you should first cover the seeds with a layer of river sand, and then the main substrate.

Attention should be focused on temperature. Growth of seedlings and its germination will depend on it. In fact, the temperature should not be allowed to drop below 5 degrees above zero, but this is already a critical value. The best is considered 20-23 degrees. It is under him that the seeds of leeks begin to actively peck. And when the phase of leaf growth begins, you can no longer be so zealous with heat: just keep the temperature around 15 degrees.

The last thing you want to stop talking about seedlings of leeks, is light day. This culture should have at least 10 hours during this period, which is practically unrealistic in terms of the climate conditions of the middle zone in March. Therefore it is necessary to take care of artificial lighting, by analogy used in greenhouses.

Growing Leek: Videos and Tips

As soon as the leek will be transplanted to a permanent garden bed, the main period of its cultivation will follow. Here the care will be in the feeding and hilling. Watering is needed not too frequent. As to the state of the soil, the intolerance of the plant to acidification has already been mentioned. If the pH at the site is the same everywhere, it can be shifted to the side required for a particular culture, adding ashes when digging into it.

Loosening between rows 40 cm wide is made at least once a month. At the same time, the technology of triple hilling is used.

In order not to get weed grass, the bulbs themselves were protected from an excess of moisture, after transplantation they are required to be mulched.

During the growing season it is necessary to carry out at least 3 dressings. They take bird droppings or mullein or other high-quality organic fertilizer.

Harvesting leeks in most cases occurs closer to October, when night-time temperatures begin to fall below zero. Before the collected bulbs are laid for long-term storage, they are necessarily deprived of the roots, and at least half of the leaves are cut. After that, the heads are lowered into the sand with a small percentage of moisture. The temperature at which it is possible to maintain the yield in a usable condition varies from 0 to -3 degrees.

Leeks Karantansky: the cultivation and characteristics of the variety

How to grow leek from seeds?

Karantan leek is included in the group of late ripening varieties: it needs at least 5 months. from planting to harvest. And in some cases, the period is delayed for all 7 months. His summer residents love the middle lane for high frost resistance. For this reason, even with its late maturity, the dates of planting on seedlings rarely shift to earlier numbers. Even if frost unexpectedly hits the fall, nothing will prevent harvesting in September-October. If for most varieties of leeks, it is enough to plant them closer to the last decade of March, then Karantansky is sown at the very beginning of the same month. But not earlier.

Since the variety is quite strong and tolerates cold well, it experiences winter without problems if there is enough snow. Otherwise, the bow may need shelter, otherwise at too low temperatures it will freeze and die. However, its seeds remain viable for up to 3 years. Therefore, there is always a chance to sow the beloved specimen again, if the previous one did not survive the winter. But it is worth remembering that the flower shoot, where the seeds are enclosed, is able to form only next year. Therefore, it can be propagated only after winter.

As for the transfer to the open ground (for seedlings), then the Karantan leek is sent to a new place after 3 months. after sowing. This is usually the beginning of June. And over the next 2 months. In the grooves, which occupied the seedlings, constantly added fertile substrate with a high content of elements such as phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.

Karantan leek is placed so that the space between rows is 30 cm, and between seedlings from 15 to 20 cm. This is due to the size of the crop: the bulbs can reach a height of 20-25 cm, and 5 cm wide. weight - 220-340 g. Before distributing the bulbs along the grooves, their roots are shortened (maximum 3 cm) and removed 1/3 of the leaf length. This will increase the yield of the variety.

Gardeners need to know all the tricks of growing leeks from seeds, including those that are focused on a specific region. This culture is quite undemanding to care, but has its own nuances and features. A good harvest can be obtained by picking the right soil for planting and providing enough moisture and heat for the vegetable.