How to grow a home grenade

Home and hobby

How often do we ourselves at home grow an apple tree, a pear, a lemon tree from a bone, or observe this process with neighbors, friends, relatives.

But there is another plant, the fruits of which we like to eat so much, but we have not tried to plant it yet. And in vain !!!

I'm talking about grenade.

However, it is necessary to make a small amendment, it will be discussed now about a houseplant.

However, it’s not surprising how much you can grow a pomegranate in your apartment without too much hassle, because it’s not very whimsical about caring.

As for the natural, so to speak natural, habitats of pomegranate, they are the dry soils of rocky slopes.

Low air humidity and not too fertile soil - the grenade doesn't matter.

It grows and successfully develops before our eyes.

home grenade

The pomegranate tree belongs to the pomegranate family, native places of which are Asia, Transcaucasia and the countries located on the Mediterranean coast.

In its natural habitat, pomegranate is only one species group - ordinary pomegranate.

The appearance of pomegranate

Pomegranate is a deciduous tree plant. It has a good, abundant branching. The branches of the pomegranate tree are covered with bark of brown color with a slight gray bloom.

The foliage can be located either on the shoot itself or on a small leaf stalk. In length, it is, as a rule, not more than seven centimeters. The surface of the sheet plate is smooth.

During the flowering period, single pomegranate flowers appear. They are formed at the tips of the shoots.

Each flower consists of six or five petals. They are very small, so that the diameter of the pomegranate flower reaches five centimeters.

As for the color variations of the petals, we will not see much diversity here. As a rule, pomegranate flowers have a bright pinkish hue. However, sometimes you can find yellowish or white corollas.

The fruit of the pomegranate is familiar to us all - it is a multi-seed berry, very successfully consumed in food.

Using pomegranate

The pomegranate tree is perfect for those who want to practice skills in the art of bonsai.

The plant normally carries all kinds of cuts, you can pinch and bend it, as you please.

However, not only the ease of molding attracts to the grenade, but also the fact that the tree is just perfect fit into any interior, bringing with it a piece of nature in our stone walls. That is why it is used as a houseplant.

Planting pomegranate

  • It is possible to buy a pomegranate still young plant in the store, and then replant at home. However, you can also use this method of planting as cutting.
  • If you are planting with cuttings, the flowering will take place in the first year after planting, and over time, a strong and well-developed plant will be able to reward you with a rich harvest.
  • You can plant cuttings in a specially prepared soil mixture of sifted sand and peat. These components are taken in equal proportions and mixed as thoroughly as possible. The stalk is placed in the soil to a depth of no more than two to three centimeters.
  • It is possible to plant a pomegranate with the help of seeds. However, you will receive a dwarf specimen. If the seeds are taken from the usual for us edible pomegranate, then the plant grown from them will not bear fruit.
  • Seeds are planted in the same soil composition as cuttings, only they are deepened by no more than one centimeter. After landing, the container with the ground covered with glass and is located in a warm place. The place should be very warm, with a temperature regime not below plus twenty six - twenty eight degrees.
  • Such planting conditions directly affect the results of germination.
  • One and a half to two months after the first shoots appear, they will need to be transplanted to a permanent habitat.

home grenade

As a rule, one box or another container is taken under one plant, which should not be less than fifteen centimeters wide. This container is filled with the soil mix of the new preparation.

How to cook it?

  1. Mix turfy ground, leaf humus, sifted sand and peat. They should be taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.5: 0.5. Your land for landing is ready.
  2. In general, the soil mixture for planting pomegranate should be light and good air flow.
  3. Not bad if you take care of the drainage layer. It is placed on the bottom of the tank for planting, and the ground is already placed on top of it and a plant is planted.
  4. Incidentally, the sand in the soil intended for pomegranate trees, add and not necessary.

Pomegranate care

Abundant watering is a prerequisite for the care of all indoor plants. Your grenade is no exception. Watering is necessary when the top layer of land under the planting becomes dry. Thus, you determine the time for watering yourself, so to speak, by eye.

Young plants located in small containers will require an annual transplant from you, and adult specimens should be transplanted to a new location only once every three to four years no more.

In the summer, bright and sunny days it is very useful to take a pomegranate tree for a walk. The place for it will perfectly serve the balcony. A well-ventilated room is also a guarantee of the normal development of indoor green inhabitants.

In the spring and summer pomegranate will require you to feed. It is best to conduct them once every two weeks with the help of complex fertilizers.

It is best to choose and, accordingly, acquire liquid fertilizers that are diluted in water for watering or spraying the plant. This method of dressing is most effective, since useful trace elements dissolved in water are better and faster absorbed by the root system.

Around the beginning of December, there comes a period of peace in the growth and development of the plant. Pomegranate drops leaves. This is quite normal. Rest lasts several months. However, at the beginning of spring you will notice fresh, young buds that will give you new pomegranate leaves.

How to grow a home grenade?

During the rest period, the plant is watered extremely rarely.

In general, the temperature regime for garnet should be maintained in the range of plus ten to plus sixteen degrees. But try to ensure that the plant does not feel the specific differences in the degree ratio.

Winter time dictates its requirements for additional lighting, because daylight hours are drastically reduced.