How to easily weave from animal gum - simple and 3 d

Home and hobby

Lumigurumi - one of the most popular modern types of needlework. What just do not weave of small silicone elastics! Craftsmen create products from jewelry to interior and clothing. And in this variety, not the last role is played by a technique that describes how to weave out of animal gum.

Peculiarities of weaving animals from gum

How to weave gum animals?

Toy Rainbow Loom involves the use of the machine for creating crafts. It can be of several types:

  • professional, with moving rows of columns;
  • mini-machine Monster Tail with stationary columns;
  • slingshot;
  • hook.

If none of them are at hand, do not despair: you can even use your own fingers for weaving! And if we talk about toys of different sizes, they can be “created” in any of these ways, taking into account one nuance: volumetric animals are obtained only on machine tools. Such toys can be used not only for playing, but also as key chains, decorative elements in the interior, talismans and cute souvenirs. If the little animals make an additional loop, then it can be hung on pencils and pens.

How to weave gum animals: tips for beginners

If you are just starting to learn the technology of weaving animals from rubber bands, then it is better to take on the flat figures. For example, weave on a mini-machine fish.

How to weave gum animals: fish


  1. We start weaving with a tail. On 2 extreme columns we wind on a rezinochka in 3 turns.
  2. On 2 parallel columns we put on 2 irises.
  3. We reset the lowermost loop to the center from both rows.
  4. We transfer loops from the extreme to the second row.
  5. On the second row we put on a pair of rubber bands and we fasten 4 lower loops to the center.
  6. We put on the second and third rows of 6 rubber bands each.
  7. Bottom 4 in the center.
  8. Now the second row of loops worn on the third.
  9. Repeat the previous step for the outermost row.
  10. On the first and third rows wear gum, folded eight.
  11. Then we throw a couple of irises on the extreme columns of the second row.
  12. Drop the bottom rezinochku in the middle.
  13. Repeat the previous action for the lower gum of the second row.
  14. Repeat the previous 2 steps on single irises.
  15. Make 2 rows, repeating steps 11-14.
  16. To make eyes, wind 3 turns on the second and third columns.
  17. We throw off the two columns of the gum base and eyes.
  18. On both horizontal pillars we throw 2 turns of rubber.
  19. Remove the loops and transfer them to the center.
  20. Throw in another 1 gum and tighten it in the middle. Fish is ready.

Another way to make it simple pet snake rezinochek does not require a machine. Fingers or 2 pencils will do.

How to weave gum animals: snake


  1. We put on 2 elastic bands in the form of the eight on the middle and index fingers.
  2. Bottom eyelets in the center.
  3. Repeat the previous steps to the desired length of the snake.
  4. Getting down to the head.
  5. With the index finger, drop the loop on the middle.
  6. Remove 4 loops on the hook.
  7. We carry through them a double iris.
  8. 2 times we repeat the previous step.
  9. Carefully remove the loops from the hook.
  10. On the hook we wind up 4 turns of black rubber - this is the snake's eye.
  11. We put on the workpiece, stretch the eyelets through a pair of iris.
  12. Again all the loops on a pair of gum.
  13. At the beginning of weaving the head, we select a double loop and draw a pair of iris through it three times.
  14. Again we return to the beginning of the head and stretch the double rubber band three times.
  15. We hook on a black iris hook in 4 turns, stretch a double elastic band through it.
  16. We make another 1 broach double rubber band through the extreme 4 loops.
  17. We remove all loops on a single elastic band of a different color, we tighten the loop - we get a snake tongue. The handicraft is ready.

Easy way to weave a spider

One of the fastest ways to create figures of elastics is weaving on a slingshot. By the way, instead of a slingshot from a set, you can use 2 forks, tied with scotch tape. To make cute spider, It will take just a few minutes.

How to weave animal gum easily?


  1. We twist 4 turns of the iris on 1 column of the slingshot.
  2. On the second column we put on a single elastic band of a contrasting shade and drop it down.
  3. We put on a double non-twisted elastic band and put the slingshot aside.
  4. Crochet weave 2 gum among themselves, taking one in the loop of the other.
  5. We make 2 blanks on the model of the previous step.
  6. Shackle 4 lower loops in the center.
  7. We put crocheted blanks on the slingshot posts.
  8. We drag in the middle of a contrast gum.
  9. We put on rubber posts, we tighten the lower loops on it.
  10. We throw the right loop on the left side.
  11. Cut the 3 lower loops on each column.
  12. Tighten the loops between each other - the spider is ready.

Owls are very wise animals that bring good luck. Therefore, they are considered the leaders in popularity among other models of weaving. Weave trinket owl It is necessary on the machine, but even a beginner can master this technology.

Owl Keychain


  1. We have a machine perpendicular to itself. We throw paired irises on extreme parallel rows.
  2. On the parallel central rows we put on 1 more pair of elastics.
  3. Add pairs of diagonal rows so that they intersect in the middle.
  4. Bring rezinochki down.
  5. Again we throw on the central columns, 2 parallel right and 2 parallel left.
  6. We throw a pair of rezinochek in the center for the beak, rounds the figure of the head.
  7. For the hangers, we derive 2 pairs of iris from the second parallel columns.
  8. On the center and the bottom we throw 4 paired irises.
  9. Shrink the bottom layer in the middle.
  10. For the legs, hook up with 4 turns of gum, drop them onto the 1 strap of the base.
  11. We put the workpiece on the extreme diagonal, connecting the left and central columns.
  12. Repeat steps 10-11 for the second leg, connecting the right and center posts.
  13. On the extreme column throwing triple rubber band.
  14. Shrink the bottom layer in the middle.
  15. For the eyes, we wind 4 turns of the iris on the hook and fasten it to the 3 columns to the left.
  16. For the right eye, repeat the previous step.
  17. Weaving the chain down, grabbing the bottom edge.
  18. We shuffle all the remaining hinges on 1 gum and we shrink the product. Owlet ready.

Cute pig with 3D effect of gum

Bulk animal figures weave is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Only for such toys used professional machine. And it is not necessary to use all the columns. For example, for weaving piglet You need only 2 parallel columns in 3 rows and 1 additional removable column in the center.

How to weave animals 3 d of gum?


  1. On a hook we wind 4 turns of an iris.
  2. Twist the gum in half and stretch it through 4 loops.
  3. We put on 2 ends on the first and third columns of the central row - this is a little piglet.
  4. We put on a pair of rezinochek diagonal bars.
  5. Now we put on pairs of rubber bands in pairs on the columns in a circle.
  6. Shrinking 2 lower pairs in the middle.
  7. We repeat steps 5-6 three times.
  8. Making eyes. We twist 4 turns of rezinochka on a hook, pass through it a pair of double elastic bands and put them on the central and rightmost posts.
  9. Similarly, we make the preparation of the second eye and put on the gum on the central and leftmost columns.
  10. Closing the circle is the neck of a piglet.
  11. Next, we return to the same number of irons for the body, repeating steps 5-6, doing 6 rows.
  12. Tighten the circle.
  13. To make the legs of the animal, grab the buttonhole between the leftmost bottom and the central posts, stretch a double rubber band through them.
  14. Take another 1 pair of irises and draw it through 2 double loops of the previous one.
  15. Repeat 3 times the previous step.
  16. We make 3 legs, repeating steps 12-14 and moving in a circle. Piglet ready.

Making bees with a hook

Small animal figures can be woven using only a hook. It is a little such hand-made articles, usually it is small insects. They can be used as pendants on a mobile phone or charms on pens. For example, little bee, completed in just 7 steps.

How to weave gum animals on the hook?


  1. We put 2 dark rubber bands in 2 turns on the hook.
  2. Shrinking these irises on 3 gum light shade.
  3. There are 2 triple loops on the hook.
  4. We pull 3 dark irises through light loops.
  5. We unite loops on a hook on a dark elastic band, we tighten a knot.
  6. We make the wings, stretching the light iris through the dark on the back.
  7. We reduce the wings with one rubber band, tighten it to the knot. The bee is ready.

If you want others to pay attention to your accessories, or intend to please children with original toys, be sure to familiarize yourself with the technology that tells you how to weave animals from rubber bands. You will not need special skills of working with silicone elastics for simple models. But the pleasure you get is tremendous, because lumigurumi is the most rosy hobby!