Honeysuckle edible

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Edible honeysuckle is considered to be a real source of valuable microelements and vitamins. It was she who first opens the berry season. After a long winter, the bitter taste of its berries will be an excellent component in the diet of both adults and children. 2-3 spoons of fresh honeysuckle berries will not only improve health, but also allow you to cope with the manifestations of beriberi.

Honeysuckle Cultivation

  • For honeysuckle is very important location. It will actively grow and bear fruit where it is very sunny, there are no cold winds and fertile soil. 1 p. in 2 years you need to make a humus under the bushes.
  • Before the onset of winter and before the onset of stable warm weather, it is best to cover the honeysuckle with light material specially designed for this.
  • 1 p. in 5 years it is necessary to thin out the planting of honeysuckle, cutting out several shoots from the middle of the bush. This will provide better coverage for the remaining branches. It is best to cultivate seedlings of several varieties at once, creating a rarefied fit..

Honeysuckle edible: planting and care

  • Honeysuckle belongs to the light- and heat-loving plants, but at the same time it is quite unpretentious and grows well on any type of soil, except for dry and overmoistened.
  • Before planting the soil is best fertilized with potash fertilizer, manure and superphosphate. After planting the bush will begin to bear fruit in the 3rd year.
  • Buds bloom 5 days after the average monthly temperature passes through a value of 0 degrees. The first ripe berries appear in mid-May, just after 35 - 45 days after the start of flowering.
  • Honeysuckle edible belongs to the cold-resistant plants that can withstand temperatures up to - 20 degrees. And its ovaries and flowers easily survive spring frosts up to - 8 degrees.

Honeysuckle varieties edible

To honeysuckle pollinated well, it is recommended to plant several varieties next to it at once. Particularly noteworthy is the honeysuckle variety Blue spindle, which is distinguished by its large size of berries and their early maturation. Consider ripe berries quickly fall off. You will have to collect them all the time, otherwise you risk losing most of the harvest.

The Kamchatka variety is distinguished by its mild taste with a sourness, but the harvest is small with small berries. Barkhatistaya and Berel are famous for their large berries and sweet-sour taste with bitterness. Honeysuckle Blue bird has a sour taste, reminiscent of blueberries. But the first place is rightfully owned by Cinderella. It has a harmonious, soft and sweet taste.

The presence of several varieties on the plot allows them to pereopilyatsya among themselves and significantly increases the yield. Also worth noting are the following varieties: Altair, Avacha, Lebedushka, Morena, Omega, Slavyanka, Commonwealth and Souvenir.

Honeysuckle Care: Features

  1. Honeysuckle prefers neutral or slightly alkaline soils. Why is it desirable to carry out soil deoxidation annually in the summer, adding 2 cups of ash under each bush? The plant requires regular watering, which is especially important before fruiting in early summer.. If necessary, the shrub can be transplanted, because it is easy to transfer this procedure. Groundwater should not be closer to the surface than 1.5 m.
  2. Fertilize honeysuckle in late autumn 1 p. in 2-3 years, using 40 g of double superphosphate, 100 g of ash and 5 kg of compost. During the bud period, every year in spring, edible honeysuckle can be fertilized with 15 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m2.
  3. The plant is unpretentious in the care, but the first 5 years it grows quite slowly. Shaping the shrub with trimming is optional. Starting from year 10, you just need to cut the oldest branches. April is best for pruning. At the same time it is necessary to feed fertilizers, preferably nitrogen.
  4. In May, potash and phosphate fertilizers are introduced into the earth. At 1 m2 - 100 g nitrophosphate and 40 g double superphosphate. Loosening and weeding, and at the end of the month cutting cuttings for rooting. In early June - cutting and planting cuttings, as well as the collection of ripe berries. In July, weeding and loosening are necessary, as well as summer sowing of seeds and care of already established roots.
  5. In August, the treatment is carried out drugs that fight parasites. In September - digging of the soil around the bushes, cuttings during this period are covered with dry fallen leaves. Planting seedlings at a permanent place in October. Next comes the rest period.

Honeysuckle edible: planting and care

Honeysuckle: diseases and pests

  • Compared to other garden plants, honeysuckle does not suffer so much from pests and diseases. All scientists discovered 37 species of insects that eat its leaves and only one - berries. The berries, damaged by the caterpillars of the honeysquae, are colored blue, dry and fall.
  • The greatest damage to plants is caused by the honeysuckle aphid infecting young shoots and leaves. Wingless females lay eggs on the underside of the leaves. In addition, the danger is the apical honeysuckle aphid, the larvae of which overwinter in the bark. To combat pests, you should use vegetable extracts of potato and tomato tops, with the addition of soap and tobacco.
  • Inta-vir will help to deal with leaf-eating insects. 1 tablet must be diluted in 10 liters of water. Remember, honeysuckle chemicals can not be treated in the spring, otherwise they will fall on the berries.
  • In the fall, dry branches with fallen leaves need to be cut and burned. Reproduction of beneficial insects that destroy aphids, for example, golden-eyed, ladybugs or hoverflies, will be an excellent means of protection. You can bring them to the garden by planting dill, coriander or cumin.

How to propagate edible honeysuckle?

For the propagation of edible honeysuckle is used vegetative propagation. For planting at the end of flowering, it is best to use green cuttings, and in late May or early June, cuttings or layering. The optimal time for planting and transplanting will be the autumn period, because in the spring the plant comes to life quite early and can be damaged during planting. In addition, the survival rate of honeysuckle in the spring below. It is for this reason that it is best to plan a shrub planting not earlier than the end of summer. Pass small seedlings preferably at the end of the summer season. They are recommended to plant 5 cm deeper than they grew earlier, into a hole with an area of ​​0.6 x 0.6 x 0.5 m.

Before you decide on planting in your backyard honeysuckle edible, you should carefully study the rules of its cultivation.Only in this case, you can get a rich harvest of healthy and tasty berries.

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