Care for irises after flowering

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Iris (iris) - a perennial plant, widespread among gardeners. This plant attracts by the fact that after a period of flowering they have a good-looking appearance because of the beautiful foliage. They will decorate any garden area throughout the season!

Soil for planting irises

Irises are light-loving plants and they bloom poorly in the shade, so the place for their planting should be sunny. The soil for planting flowers must be prepared. It is best to fertilize it in advance with organic and mineral fertilizers. Then the ground needs to be pierced and dug up. Immediately before planting, no manure should be applied to the ground; it is better to do this a year before planting.

Care for irises after flowering

At one place without grafting iris can grow as much as 10 years, except for a few varieties. During this time, they greatly grow, and they need a large area, otherwise the nutrients will not be enough for all the bushes.

It is best to plant flowers in the summer. The roots of the seedlings are in their infancy, their growth is activated 2 weeks after planting. Plant irises are advised so that the roots are at ground level, and the foliage fan must remain upright. The hole should be dug in accordance with the length of the root system, and at the bottom of the resulting fossa it is necessary to pour a mound of earth, on which the roots are laid. The seedling should be pressed a little and covered with a layer of soil on top. After these manipulations, the plant is watered, it must be re-done 5 days after planting. If on the days of planting the weather is especially hot, then young plants need to be artificially shaded, and if, on the contrary, the weather is cool, then they need additional heating.

How to feed irises?

After the topsoil has dried, the first dressing of the soil should be carried out. After fertilizers (preferably mineral) have been applied to it, it should be loosened by about 5 cm. At the same time, the roots should be not damaged, as they are practically on the surface itself. If the soil was fertilized before planting, then all summer it will not need additional dressing. But with the plants themselves the situation is different - if they do not have enough nutrients, it will adversely affect the development and growth. Most often this occurs during the second vegetative formation of new shoots and during the laying of flower buds. If you feed the irises in this period, then they will bloom abundantly. The most important thing in the fertilizer process is moderate nitrogen addition. It can activate the fattening of plants, so that the bushes and leaves of irises will become thick and powerful, but there will be no flowering.

When to transplant irises?

When transplanting these flowers, you must also follow certain technologies. First you need to take a pitchfork, not a shovel and dig up the bush itself. The root system is very fragile and easily broken, and the roots are rather long, so you need to be extremely careful when digging them. Then the rhizomes need to be cleaned from the ground, and rotten removed. After that, they should be divided into parts, each of which should be approximately 10 cm in length. On the site, which was allocated for transplantation, must lay the leaves in 2 scapula. The leaves on the separated parts of the plant should be cut to 20 cm. Then the bush should be watered.

Care for irises after flowering

If you have chosen the autumn period for planting irises, then you need to dig those plants that already have flower buds, no longer than 6 cm long and 3 cm in diameter, with a well-developed root system. If the weather conditions are good, the plant will soon take root and will bloom next year!

Irises after flowering: care features

Caring for irises after flowering is almost no different from caring for other perennial plants. Weeds need to pull out with his hands, because the roots of the killer are located close to the soil surface.

At the end of autumn, when the period of flowering and development has finally stopped, the bushes of plants need to be covered with foliage, some varieties of this plant especially need it. It is also recommended to cover the planting with a layer of peat 10 cm thick, in the spring it must be cleaned. The leaves, which formed brown spots, should be cut. In exotic species of irises, one should cut half of all leaves at all.

After flowering is stopped, at the base should break out the spike.

A person who once saw blooming irises is unlikely to remain indifferent to them! And it will be especially pleasant to see this beauty on your garden or summer cottage! Even if they are not as picky as some plants, they still require some care. Another advantage of irises is perennials, therefore, there is no need for annual sowing of seeds. From the gardener is required only to observe a few not complicated rules for growing these beautiful flowers!