Callas in pots

Home and hobby

Callas - an ornamental plant, widely known in the circle of flower growers, attracting the eye with large, "solemn" flowers of various colors. If you do not have a summer cottage, you can grow callas in pots. Care at home for these colors to master is easy.

Can indoor callas for beauty and pomp not inferior garden?

Callas in pots: care at home

Before you have a beautiful calla in your house, you need to provide the necessary conditions for its successful growth. In the case of growing flowers in open ground, the plant receives heat, light, a certain amount of moisture in a natural way. Callas need only the correct choice of planting place, root system stimulation by eliminating faded stems, additional watering during dry weather and monthly potassium-based fertilizer.

Home conditions are quite possible to bring closer to the garden, if we consider several aspects.

  • The composition of the soil. Sour earth - the best environment for the growth of callas. If you do not want to buy the soil in a specialty store, you can prepare the mixture yourself. For this you will need:
  • The size of the pot. The height of the tank should vary from 65 to 70 cm; the radius from the sprout location is not less than 15 cm, since with proper care, the calla grows quickly enough.
  1. 40% of the volume of a pot of sod soil;
  2. 20% deciduous soil;
  3. 20% peat;
  4. 20% sand.

Mix all types of soil thoroughly and moisten the plants before planting.

Calla potted: care

  • The location of the flower. It is better to place the pot of calla lilies on the windowsill of the western window, which is illuminated only at sunset. These flowers need partial shading: the development of foliage increases with excess sunlight, and flowering, on the contrary, is inhibited.
  • Proper watering. More intense "drinking" need calla during the growing season. And when the stems become strong and lush enough, the soil should be moistened only after the top layer has dried. More moisture is required for snow-white calla lilies, which do not shed their leaves in the autumn, like color, and continue to grow even during the dormant period.
  • Temperature level If the thermometer in your room is above 20 ° C, spray leaflets from the spray bottle every day.
  • Selection of fertilizers. In winter, the plant is particularly in need of feeding. It is necessary to saturate the top layer of the earth with a nutrient substrate 1 time in 6-7 days. Greatly simplifies the maintenance of the fact that as a fertilizer for this flower any composition is suitable for stimulating flowering.
  • Disease prevention. In order to avoid diseases at which rotting of roots of a plant begins, protect a pot with calla from:
  1. negative impact of the draft;
  2. direct sunlight;
  3. excessive moisture or dry soil.

Following these simple tips, you will soon see beautiful, magnificently flowering callas in pots. Care in the home, and not in the open field is not an obstacle to growth and flowering - see this for yourself.

Reproduction of callas: from the first bush to the greenhouse

Breeding callas

When the flower grows, the root system takes up more and more space inside the pot. To prevent the plant from dying, extra bulbs need to be dug out and planted in 3-4 months.

  1. Tubers carefully break off from the main rhizome, extracted from the pot, just before the frost, when the callas enter into a period of rest.
  2. If the bulbs have a wrinkled or sluggish appearance, it is better to get rid of them immediately, because healthy tubers look fresh and dense.
  3. After digging out the bulbs are put on the tray and stored at 6-7 ° C.

To solve the problem of creating an optimal temperature, you can use the room tubers in a regular refrigerator. Only under such storage conditions do not forget to periodically reach, turn and air the onions.

Please note: a young plant does not need a seedling during the first 2 years of development. In order not to harm your favorite flowers and spread out callas as much as possible, when to dig up and how to store tubers - you can not forget, as well as to replace the rules generally accepted in botany with your own intuitive decisions.

Callas - a flower of death or a symbol of purity?

Callas - a flower of death or a symbol of purity?

In the people sometimes it is possible to hear that callas are flowers of death. Why some people think so often remains a mystery to others. The reason for the emergence of this myth is simple - the cultural characteristics of individual countries. In many European regions white is the mourning color, so white callas with a long yellow center, resembling a candle, are often brought to sad events. But many other colors are also being laid at the foot of the memorials, therefore, it is unjustifiable and unfair to consider the beautiful callus worthy only of a funeral procession.

An old legend about a beautiful girl who, to hide from the unloved, turned into a sparkling white calla flower, reminiscent of her integrity and the struggle for mutual love, is also associated with this flower. Callas are great for the wedding dress, can be a great housewarming gift for a happy young family.

If your apartment is decorated with a sophisticated, exquisite flower calla, how to care for this plant - to remember and implement in practice is not difficult for the diligent mistress. After all, these flowers are unpretentious and perfectly adapt to home conditions. Give some free time to your little greenhouse - and luxurious flowers will become a real decoration of your home.