Bell carpathian

Home and hobby

Currently, more and more gardeners are willing to start alpine slides at their summer cottages, which delight the eyes of those around them with their beauty. The bell of the Carpathian, which is a dense bushes with large flowers, looks very gracefully on the alpine hill.

The dignity of the bell is that it is a perennial plant that does not require annual planting. In addition, it attracts many colorful paints - blue, purple, and pale white. Carpathian bell, often grown from seed.

Ways to grow plants

Bell Carpathian

  • Sowing on seedlings. This method is the most common, so it is used by most florists. It is worth noting that the seeds of the Carpathian bell are very small, so in order for them to grow evenly, it is recommended to pour them with dry sand. In addition, they are quite capricious, so they need to be prepared in early February so that they undergo thermal hardening.

Advance should prepare the boxes for planting and fill them with soil mixture, which is designed specifically for flower seedlings. Its advantage is that it has everything for the growth of flowers. Of course, you can prepare the ground with your own hands. To do this, connect the ground with humus and sand. After about 2 weeks you can see the first shoots.

Do not forget about the hardening of flowers, this is an important factor, as the seeds when planted in open ground should be prepared for the vagaries of the weather. When the first leaves appear on the flowers, they need to be picked out, and at the end of May plant bells in open ground.

Important: In order for the soil to be constantly wetted, the seeds must first be covered with glass or film. But from time to time it should be removed in order to happen airing.

Bell Carpathian white

  • Growing from seeds of the Carpathian bell at home can be done in another way. It lies in the fact that the seeds are placed before planting in open ground in a mixture of wet sand, which is in a plastic bag.

First, the seeds in the package are heated, then hardened in the refrigerator. After that, they are sent to the boxes with the prepared soil without deepening. The temperature for this stage should not be below 15 degrees.

Watering the seeds should be done carefully, from a spray bottle, in this case they will not be washed away. At this time, you need to monitor not only that the seedlings were hydrated, but also well lit, then the seeds will germinate in 25 days.

The seedling of the bell is rather thin, so in order not to injure the seeds, they should dive down 4 seedlings into special peat pots. After about 2 weeks it is worth fertilizing the plants.

Carpathian bell: photo

Carpathian bell: photo

Carpathian bell: photo

Carpathian bell species

A blue or white Dwarf is a very beautiful flower that grows on a bed of small bushes, in each of them a single flower blooms all season.

Bluebell Carpathian Dwarf, growing from seed which is a simple process, prefers only loose soil.

Approximately at the end of April or the beginning of May, the seeds should be planted under the film. With regular watering the first shoots will be noticeable after 20 days. In August, the sprouts are planted in a permanent place, in open ground.

Plant Care and Planting: Highlights

Plant Care and Planting: Highlights

  • Carpathian bell grows well in penumbra and in lighted areas. It is desirable to provide the plant with good drainage and neutral acidity.
  • In order for the bell Carpathian to bloom and delight the eyes of others throughout the summer season, it must be regularly watered.
  • From time to time it is worthwhile to loosen the soil around the plant, freeing it from excess weeds, and at the beginning of October to cut it off a little. To extend the flowering bell Carpathian, dried flowers should be removed.

In conclusion, it should be added that this plant will be a great decoration of any garden or balcony. It, even with minimal care, will delight those around you with its magical beauty all long summer.