Why the monthly go clots - look for the reasons. what to do


From about 12 years of age, every girl has monthly menstrual bleeding. By the nature and regularity of these secretions, one can judge the state of health of the woman and any possible pathologies. Often it happens that the monthly go clots. Why is this happening and is this a reason for unscheduled consultation of a gynecologist?

What are menstrual flow?

What are menstrual flow?

During the entire menstrual cycle of a woman, the inner lining of the uterus prepares for a possible pregnancy. In order for the fruit to attach itself securely to it, its walls constantly thicken. If the conception of the child does not occur, the next menstruation occurs, during which not only the menstrual blood, but also the detached endometrial layer, comes out of the woman’s body. After the end of the monthly discharge, the endometrial layer begins to grow again, awaiting fertilization.

Usually, the blood released during the "red calendar days" has clearly expressed characteristics: a bright red color, a rather unpleasant specific smell and low coagulability. On average, the discharge lasts about 4 days, and during this time no more than 250 ml of blood leaves the female body. The nature of the monthly can vary significantly in the first and last days. At first they have a scarlet color and high intensity, and after the third day they become less plentiful and become brown or dark red.

See also:

  • When do menstruations start after childbirth?
  • How long are the monthly after childbirth?
  • Duphaston in the delay of menstruation

Every woman of childbearing age is perfectly familiar with the individual characteristics of their monthly discharge. In particular, many regularly come out quite large clots, ranging in size from 5 mm to 4 cm. Most often this phenomenon, if it occurs constantly, is due to the fact that anticoagulant enzymes that prevent blood from clotting do not cope with excessively heavy bleeding. In this case, some of the blood may coagulate even in the vagina, leaving it in the form of similar formations.

Causes of clots during menstruation

What are the reasons for blood clotting, why are other periods still clotted? The most frequent are the following.

  • Endometriosis, or pathological proliferation of endometrial tissue. Absolutely all women of childbearing age can be affected by this disease. But in most cases, it strikes girls who repeatedly undergo abortions and scraping. Typically, this condition is accompanied by strong pain, copious monthly and smearing secretions before and after them.

Sometimes the first periods after childbirth begin this way.

  • Sometimes the first periods after childbirth begin this way. This pathology can be caused by the fact that there are particles of the placenta in the uterus. In advanced cases, scraping may be required.
  • Immediately after the curettage procedure (for example, during a missed pregnancy), incisions may form on the uterine mucosa. Sometimes blood gets into such openings, which coagulates and is secreted along with menstruation in the form of clots.
  • In violation of the female hormonal background, namely the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, in some cases there is an increase in the function of blood clotting - it leads to the formation of clots.
  • Uterine fibroids - a benign neoplasm that changes the nature and process of the flow of menstruation.
  • In the presence of an intrauterine device in the form of clots, particles of a fertilized egg can escape.
  • Finally, a change in the nature of menstruation and the formation of blood clots can trigger low hemoglobin, an oversupply of B vitamins, alcohol and nicotine abuse, and psychoemotional instability and regular stress.

Should I go to the doctor if the monthly go clots?

As a rule, women do not go to the gynecologist if they notice blood clots during menstruation.

Indeed, this is often a variant of the norm and does not require a medical examination.

However, in some situations it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to determine why menstruation occurs in clots and to exclude the presence of serious diseases. The following symptoms may be the reason for an unscheduled doctor’s visit:

  • severe bleeding with clots when the gasket becomes wet in less than 2 hours;
  • suddenly changed nature of menstrual discharge;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • copious periods with clots longer than 7 days;
  • the presence of clots more than 5 centimeters;
  • irritability, nervousness, feeling of depression and constant fatigue, feeling unwell in general.

Treatment of pathological clots during menstruation

Treatment of pathological clots during menstruation

In order to get rid of the clots provoked by any pathologies, it is necessary first of all to determine the cause. With timely treatment to the doctor must appoint an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs. This method of research will be able to establish the presence or absence of the main reason for the appearance of clots during menstruation - endometriosis. For his treatment can be used hormonal drugs. However, in most cases only a radical measure helps to completely get rid of this problem - a surgical operation. In addition, the doctor may perform an MRI of the urogenital system in order to exclude the presence of any tumors.

Also, in the event of complaints about the appearance of clots in the menstrual flow, blood tests are almost always prescribed for male and female sex hormones, as well as a complete blood count, with the help of which hemoglobin levels can be determined. Depending on the detected cause, appropriate drugs are prescribed that normalize hormonal levels or increase the blood levels of iron. Finally, along with the complex treatment of a disease that caused changes in the course of menstruation, ascorutin or calcium gluconate is often prescribed.

If the monthly go clots, it is equally likely to be the norm, and a sign that requires medical intervention. It all depends on how this phenomenon is characteristic of a particular woman and whether it does not provoke serious blood loss. In addition, you need to carefully treat your well-being during menstruation and quickly respond to obvious deviations from the usual development of events.