Whooping cough in adults


Whooping cough is a disease that affects more than 6 million people every year. Viral ailment is common in those countries where they constantly vaccinate. The disease is dangerous for its severe complications. The symptoms of pertussis in adults at the initial stage of the disease are not so pronounced, which is its main threat and cunning.

What is pertussis and how is it dangerous?

Whooping cough - a dangerous disease of the upper respiratory tract

Whooping cough - a dangerous disease of the upper respiratory tract, which is an acute viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. The main symptom is bouts of severe spasmodic cough, up to vomiting and a sharp increase in pressure.

Whooping cough can be shed more than once. And, even if timely vaccination was carried out against the disease, with reduced immunity, there is still a high risk of infection. Vaccination provides only short-term protection. Infection occurs through the upper respiratory tract by direct contact with the patient. From the moment the first symptoms appear, the sick person is potentially dangerous to others for 30 days.

For adults, whooping cough is dangerous with severe complications, the most common of which is pneumonia. Less common is acute laryngitis, bronchiolitis, and non-inflammatory encephalopathy.

Symptoms of the disease in adults

It is believed that a person who has had whooping cough at least once in his life

It is believed that a person who has had whooping cough at least once in his life will form immunity that is resistant to him. But doctors have repeatedly recorded cases of recurrent disease in many patients. However, in them it proceeded in a lighter and faster form, with minimal risk of serious complications.

Characteristic signs of pertussis development are the following:

  • 3-4 days after infection, there is a slight discomfort in the throat area (tickling);
  • then there is a slight cough, which becomes more intense every day; the time between his attacks is significantly reduced;
  • there is no sharp increase in body temperature; in the first week, amid general malaise, it is usually 37-380WITH;
  • at night, coughing fits are more frequent, and its strength increases;
  • approximately 2 weeks after the onset of the disease, mucus is secreted from the upper respiratory tract.

Common signs resemble symptoms of ARVI. But with whooping cough, there is no significant and sharp increase in body temperature, and the cough is strong and frequent, and its intensity, as already noted, only increases with time.

Treatment of pertussis with drugs

With the characteristic symptoms of whooping cough in adults prescribe medication

With the characteristic symptoms of pertussis in adults prescribed medication, after which the general condition of the patient is significantly improved. Therapy can be carried out in several stages. It is aimed at stopping the identified symptoms and preventing the development of complications.

In severe form of the disease, complicated by vomiting, increased pressure, convulsions during coughing episodes, a specialist, first of all, prescribes antibacterial drugs that can stop seizures. With severe vomiting, a special diet can be prescribed to help restore the balance of nutrients in the body.

For patients with a mild form of whooping cough, specialists prescribe macrolide drugs, vitamin therapy, antihistamines. In the event of inflammation in the bronchi, cephalosporins are also prescribed. If you suspect damage to the central nervous system, drugs that improve the blood supply to the brain are added to the complex of drug therapy.

Methods of treatment of folk remedies

With the characteristic symptoms of pertussis in adults, treatment with folk remedies is allowed.

With the characteristic symptoms of pertussis in adults, treatment with folk remedies is allowed.

Warm milk

  • In 1 tbsp. milk boil 1 clove garlic, drink hot.
  • Boil in 1 tbsp. milk a little figs. Allow the broth to cool slightly and drink immediately.
  • At 1 tbsp. milk take 0.5 tsp. soda, 0.5 tsp. honey, 0.5 tsp. butter. Bring the milk to a boil, stirring constantly to dissolve the honey and butter. Add soda at the very end. Drink hot.

If possible, use fresh fresh milk.

Mumiye for the treatment of whooping cough

Mumiye perfectly copes with the attacks of spasmodic cough and additionally strengthens and restores the strength of the body exhausted by the disease.

For 50 ml of water, 0.1 g of mummy is required. In warm water (not boiling water) completely dissolve the mummy tablet. Drink the solution on an empty stomach every morning for 10 days.

Vegetable Compress

Vegetables for the treatment of whooping cough

On a fine grater, rub 1 small black radish. 3 tsp. Heat honey slightly and add to vegetable. Mix well. Wrap the mixture with a cloth and attach to the throat. Top compress wrap woolen scarf or scarf and hold for half an hour. After the procedure, wipe the skin around the throat with a cotton pad dipped in vegetable oil. Compress is best done at bedtime.

Finely chop the cabbage and grate the beets. In 1 tbsp. vegetable mixture, add 1 tbsp. l vinegar (6%) and mix well. Soak in a dark place for 2 hours, squeeze out the released juice and rinse their throats. It can be taken orally, but not more than 1 tbsp. l., diluted in 1 tbsp. l warm water, 3 times a day. This juice is well relieves inflammation in the throat.

Bow treatment

Onions with sugar copes well with the usual cough during a cold, "on the shoulder" to him and whooping cough. A natural antibiotic quickly reduces inflammation and kills bacteria.

Take 1 onion and cut it as small as possible - the juice will be released faster. Spread the resulting mass on top of 1 tbsp. l sugar sand. Vegetable is best put in a deep bowl or mug. Healing syrup will be ready in an hour. You can leave the onions to stand overnight, and strain the resulting juice with sugar and drink 1 tsp. as often as possible during the day.

When using traditional medicine, remember that it should in no way be a substitute for drug therapy. The main task, which will help to cope with folk remedies - is to relieve coughing and reducing the amount of sputum released.

Prevention of whooping cough

When preventing a disease, it is necessary to take into account its characteristic properties.

In the prevention of the disease, it is necessary to take into account its characteristic properties. Taking into account the fact that whooping cough is transmitted by airborne droplets, it is possible to reduce the risk of infection by wearing a tissue bandage during seasonal splashes of diseases. Unfortunately, this is not always acceptable.

It remains only to influence your body in such a way as to strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to the causative agent of this infection. Periodic vaccination will help. Of course, the risk of whooping cough still remains. But after vaccination, the disease is faster and easier, and the risk of complications is reduced to a minimum.

A few years ago, many medical specialists considered whooping cough a defeated viral infection. There are even cases of withdrawal of the use of vaccines for the population. As a result, this provoked the emergence of a new generation of people completely deprived of immunity against this disease, which led to a new activation of the infection and its transition to a new level.