What is useful pear


Pears are not only very tasty, but also healthy. If you regularly eat them, you will strengthen your immunity and preserve health and beauty for many years. Pears are much sweeter than apples, but they contain less sugar. They contain substances that have a fixative, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effect.

Pear Composition

Pears contain many useful substances. One of them is the antibiotic - arbutin, which kills harmful intestinal microflora, such as putrefactive bacteria, and microbes that are the causative agents of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Pears contain a lot of fiber. They contain organic acids (citric and malic acid), tanning and pectin substances, enzymes, fiber, volatile production and flavonoids, provitamin A, vitamins B1, C, PP and P. Some pear varieties contain many trace elements in their composition, especially iodine . Pear juice contains sorbitol.

Who are pears useful for?

  • Those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, eating pears will help improve their health.
  • They are also useful to those who suffer from gastritis with low acidity.
  • Pears will be indispensable for those who have diseases of the urinary and digestive system.
  • Pears will be invaluable for those who suffer from indigestion or chronic constipation.
  • For diseases of the lungs pears will help improve the overall condition of the patient.
  • Due to the content of large amounts of folic acid, pears will be useful for children and pregnant women, as well as anyone who has problems with the circulatory system.

How to use pears in cooking?

Pears are valuable multivitamin fruits.. Of them prepare the jam, candied fruit, jam, compotes, wine, dried fruit, kvass, pear honey and fruit essence. Dried pears can be ground into flour and, mixed with barley and corn flour, make delicious flatbreads. The most useful are those pears that smell fragrant. When buying pears, first of all, pay attention to their flavor, appearance and taste.

Therapeutic use of pears

  • One of the most useful pears will be forest.They will have a strengthening effect on the stomach and intestines. Juice of them will have an excellent diuretic effect. A decoction of forest pears will help with fever.
  • Pear is one of the natural antimicrobial and bactericidal agents. Thanks to vitamin P, pears are able to reduce the permeability of blood vessels and, as a consequence, strengthen capillaries and improve the condition in diseases of the circulatory system.
  • For the treatment of diarrhea, pears should be used fresh, they have an astringent effect, and to combat chronic constipation, on the contrary - baked.
  • Pectins and tannins contained in pears have a protective effect on the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach, strengthening them and helping to improve digestion.

How are pears used in traditional medicine?

One of the main ways to use pears is their use in the treatment of prostatitis. Applying a pear compote during the week, you can feel the improvement of the state, and longer use will lead to full recovery. If your chosen one is over 50 years old, then by harvesting the dried fruits of wild pears and preparing compote from them, you can not only cure it, but also simply have a preventive effect on the occurrence of prostatitis.

The benefits of pear juice

Pear juice has a tonic, tonic and vitamin remedy. It will be very useful in the treatment of diseases of the stomach. Pear juice can accelerate wound healing and reduce fever. It helps to remove slags from the body and clean the urine when it is infected, since it has an antibacterial effect. If you have diabetes, you should regularly drink 60 ml of fresh pear juice.

What is useful decoction, fruit and jelly from pears?

  • Kissel and pear compote have an astringent effect and help in the treatment of pediatric dyspepsia.
  • Eating dried pears with oatmeal broth will improve the digestive process in babies.
  • Having eaten 2 pears in the morning with cholecystitis, gastritis and liver diseases, you can get rid of heartburn, pain and discomfort in the intestines.
  • Pear broth has antibacterial properties. It helps with fever, quenching thirst and promoting urination.
  • Pear decoction will be useful for inflammation of the urinary tract and urolithiasis.
  • A decoction of dried pears will help cure cough and relieve the condition of a fever.

When eating pears, you should follow certain rules. So in case of exacerbation of fresh gastrointestinal diseases from pears should be avoided. Here it is better to eat pears previously boiled. Should not, they are on an empty stomach and drink water. After them you can not eat meat. After eating pears, it is better to eat only after 30 minutes. Remember: only fragrant, ripened, tender and juicy pears have useful properties.

How many calories are in pear?

The composition of calories pear is not a record holder. It contains only 42 kcal. Therefore, it is often included in various diets for weight loss. Pear improves appetite, contributing to good digestion of food and burning fat stores while maintaining a diet and sports. It also contains 10.9 g of carbohydrates, 0.3 g of fat and 0.4 g of proteins.

Pears contain very few calories, therefore they are considered indispensable in the process of losing weight. They contain a lot of potassium, so they are one of the most useful fruits for the heart. Eating pears can improve mood, have a refreshing, amusing and invigorating effect.

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