What helps acetylsalicylic acid


Every day, millions of people open their home kits in search of aspirin. It is taken and with a headache, and from a hangover, and in many other cases. The medicine is so habitual that it is rare for anyone to look in the manual to find out what acetylsalicylic acid helps. But is this drug safe, how can it help and harm the body?

Aspiration: what threatens excessive fascination with acetylsalicylic acid?

One of the most famous drugs is aspirin.

One of the most famous drugs is aspirin. Many trust only him: it is inexpensive, tested for several generations. If the state of health worsened - the head ached, the temperature rose or the symptoms of ARVI appeared, then aspirin becomes the salvation. To him resorted and those who went over with alcohol. Even if he grabbed his stomach, the same pill is used.

During the years of "work" as an analgesic and antipyretic, acetylsalicylic acid has gained a good reputation from patients. This drug is treated all over the world, it consistently demonstrates high efficiency. In addition, aspirin is able to prevent the formation of blood clots - it is prescribed to older people to thin the blood and prevent strokes.

At the same time, physicians suspect that aspirin is not as harmless as it seemed before. Studies have shown that this medicine often provokes internal bleeding. With regular and uncontrolled intake, it can cause serious disturbances in the work of the digestive tract (including provoking an ulcer). There have been cases of development and other pathologies on the background of continuous use of the drug. Thus, due to the ability of acetylsalicylic acid to increase the permeability of blood vessels, the composition of the blood can change, which negatively affects the process of clotting.

There were rumors that in some countries aspirin was in the category of illicit drugs. This is not true. It is simply not prescribed for children under 15, pregnant, lactating and those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system. Acetylsalicylic acid is only useful for those at risk of cerebral hemorrhage. Healthy people can drink 1-2 aspirin tablets, but this should be done only with urgent need. In order not to face unpleasant (and dangerous) side effects, it is better not to abuse them.

What acetylsalicylic acid helps: medical indications

What acetylsalicylic acid helps: medical indications

Each medicine, even as well-known and affordable as aspirin, should be used for its intended purpose. The main indications for taking it are such diseases and conditions:

  • fever;
  • headache (including migraine);
  • circulatory disorders (including blood supply to the brain);
  • thrombosis;
  • heart attack;
  • rheumatism;
  • pain of different origin.

How to bring the temperature down with aspirin?

How to bring the temperature down with aspirin?

In the cold season, acetylsalicylic acid may be particularly useful. What helps? From the temperature, which is accompanied by an infectious-inflammatory process. Chuck it is preferable to water-soluble tablets or powders. An effervescent contains not only acetylsalicylic acid, but also vitamin C, which will help to quickly overcome a cold. If only an ordinary aspirin tablet was at hand, it should be crushed. Effervescent aspirin diluted in 50-70 ml of water at room temperature. The powder is poured into hot water.

Aspirin can not be drunk on an empty stomach! Drink a pill should be a large portion of water or kissel, and even better to use for this purpose milk. The standard dosage is 0.25-1 g from 3 to 4 times a day.

If the temperature lasts longer than 3 days, then you should stop taking acetylsalicylic acid and immediately call a doctor.

Today, more effective and safer drugs to combat fever — based on paracetamol or ibuprofen — have been developed: Panadol, Paracetamol, Efferalgan. The likelihood of side effects when they are taken is much lower than with aspirin.

Can acetylsalicylic acid cope with a headache?

Can acetylsalicylic acid cope with a headache?

Many have experience treating "heads" with aspirin. The result is not always successful. So does acetylsalicylic acid help with a headache? If a person suffers from ordinary pain (rather than a migraine) and take a pill at the first sign of indisposition, then yes, this drug will be effective.

If a headache has overtaken an adult healthy person at work, then you can take a loading dose of acetylsalicylic acid - 2 tablets. If there is an opportunity to rest, then you should not risk it, it is better to take 1 tablet.

Aspirin should not be taken for a long time, so if an indisposition does not go away for several days, then it is necessary to stop taking it and undergo an examination, since pain in the head is a symptom of 40 diseases!

In the pharmacy assortment, you can find more potent drugs of the same spectrum. They cost much more, but they act quickly and much more delicately. This is Have, Nurofen, Ibuprom.

Hangover Syndrome: Will Aspirin Return to Life?

Hangover Syndrome: Will Aspirin Return to Life?

Withdrawal (or hangover) syndrome is a painful condition that deprives a person of working capacity and brings a lot of inconvenience. Many people know that aspirin is a good helper for someone who has drunk too much. Acetylsalicylic acid with a hangover will bring relief, however, eliminate only the external manifestations of poisoning (that is, headache, aching joints and muscles), but not himself, will not help to release the body from ethanol decomposition products. Drinking aspirin is allowed not earlier than 6 hours after drinking alcohol.

The best option for eliminating hangover is effervescent aspirin. It contains adsorbents that remove toxins. The tablet is diluted with a large amount of water - this will reduce dehydration.

Another well-known drug that will “heal” after excessive libation is Alka-Seltzer.

How to drink aspirin to thin the blood?

Such a problem as thick blood becomes urgent in old age. Against the background of hormonal imbalance, platelet aggregation is reduced, which leads to the appearance of thrombi. After 40 years (for women) and 45 years (for men), blood thinning medications are recommended. And the first in their list is just acetylsalicylic acid.

Aspirin is often prescribed to prevent thrombosis in adulthood. To do this, take the drug for a long time (for life) in very small doses. Tablets drink in the evening before going to bed, drinking water. In an emergency, the tablet should be chewed or placed under the tongue. The daily dose of acetylsalicylic acid is 100 mg.

A similar effect is given by the preparations Cardiomagnyl, Warfarin, Aspercard.

How to treat acne with acetylsalicylic acid?

How to treat acne with acetylsalicylic acid?

Aspirin can not only be taken orally, but also used externally. In cosmetology acetylsalicylic acid is often used for acne. To do this, on the problem area impose a mask. It is easy to prepare: you should pound a few tablets, dilute with cool water, bring to a mushy consistency and apply on acne for 5-7 minutes.

When does aspirin become poison?

Before you swallow the next pill of aspirin, it is advisable to make sure that you do not have contraindications to its reception. First of all, this applies to women, since the drug can not be taken during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid should not be drunk in the presence of such pathologies:

  • ulcer;
  • internal bleeding;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • polyps in the nose in combination with asthmatic syndrome;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • allergic to active ingredients.

Patients who suffer from gout, gastritis, anemia and cardiac abnormalities, it is better to get permission from a doctor before taking aspirin.

If a child is less than 15 years old, it is better not to conduct experiments and refuse treatment with aspirin, since WHO does not recommend doing this in order to avoid unforeseen complications. In extreme cases, it is better to give preference to effervescent drug: it has a more gentle effect on the digestive tract.

Categorically, do not use aspirin for chickenpox, measles and influenza, as this can lead to hepatic encephalopathy and death.

What side effects may Aspirin treatment be associated with?

What side effects may Aspirin treatment be associated with?

To minimize or completely eliminate side effects, take the medication should not be longer than 2-14 days, and the largest daily dose should not exceed 3 g (and it should be divided into 2-3 doses).

It is believed that 1-2 tablets of aspirin will not cause harm. In most cases this is true. But even short-term use of acetylsalicylic acid can cause such undesirable reactions:

  • nausea, heartburn, loss of appetite;
  • vomiting, stomach pain;
  • disorders of the liver;
  • dizziness;
  • hearing loss;
  • bleeding;
  • skin rashes.

An overdose of the drug is extremely dangerous.

Aspirin has a lot of advantages, the main of which are low cost and efficiency. But, taking into account all the advantages of the drug, we should put on the scales and such features of treatment with acetylsalicylic acid as the risk of serious complications and the likelihood of side effects. If this medicine helps you, then you should not send it to the garbage can, the main thing is not to exceed the prescribed dose and not to self-medicate.