What does anisocytosis in the blood test


Absolutely everyone wants to be healthy, but it is not always possible, as sometimes indicated by clinical studies. If you have found anisocytosis in the general analysis of blood, then you should not panic and look for quick ways of treatment. It is necessary to understand the essence of this disease, the reasons for its origin and the correct method for recovery.

What does anisocytosis mean?

Anisocytosis shows the development of pathology

When the doctor reported your diagnosis, you naturally had a question: what is anisocytosis? Anisocytosis is a medical term that means a change in the metric parameters of blood cells and indicates the development of pathology. Speaking in a philistine language, this means that the cells have ceased to be of normal size, color or shape (poikilocytosis). Anisocytosis has its own classification and differs depending on which cells have changed:

  • Erythrocyte anisocytosis;
  • Anisocytosis of platelets.

In terms of severity, the disease has four stages:

  1. Changes have undergone blood cells with a total strength of not more than 25% (degree insignificant - +);
  2. Changes reached up to 50% (moderate degree - ++);
  3. Cells that have changed dominate the "healthy composition" and make up to 75% (a pronounced degree - +++);
  4. All cells are replaced and have the wrong size (a pronounced or critical degree - ++++).

In accordance with the degree of change emit:

  • Microcytosis - cell reduction;
  • Macrocytosis - an increase in cells;
  • Mixed type - macrocytes and microcytes constitute no more than 50%. Macrocytes are blood cells whose normal size is from 8 microns, and microcytes are up to 6.9 microns.

Anisocytosis of platelets and erythrocytes

Platelets are responsible for blood clotting.

Platelets in our bodies are responsible for blood clotting. Platelet anisocytosis indicates that they have become non-standard sizes. This fact entails such symptoms as:

  • Fatigue. Patients usually complain of fatigue, fatigue and lack of energy with which they have previously performed long-term work;
  • Palpitations. This symptom can occur even when a person is at rest;
  • Shortness of breath - also a frequent satellite during anisocytosis of platelets;
  • Pallor. It is noticeable on the skin, nail plates, and sometimes, eyeballs.

With the appearance of all the symptoms in the aggregate, and some of them, you should not postpone your visit to a doctor. The sooner you discover the causes of your illness and begin treatment, the sooner the recovery phase will occur. Platelet anisocytosis may indicate the presence of the following diseases: myelodysplastic syndrome, anemia, leukemia, viral infections, chronic hepatitis, radiation sickness, lack of vitamins and others. Remember that you will not be able to determine the true reasons yourself, therefore, for advice and answers you need to contact only a professional specialist. In turn, the red blood cells in our body are responsible for obtaining nutrients by the organs, the supply of oxygen and purification from carbon dioxide. Erythrocyte anisocytosis occurs when large and small red cells become higher than normal. That is, with a general blood test, cells of different diameters will be found. The reasons for this phenomenon can be many, often met:

  • Iron deficiency - anemia;
  • Diffuse damage to the liver or pancreas;
  • Leukemia;
  • Vitamin deficiency of group A or B;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Cancer if metastases affect the bone marrow;
  • Blood transfusion;
  • Myelodysplastic syndrome.

Symptoms in erythrocyte anisocytosis are the same as when changing the size of platelets. The treatment of anisocytosis individually and consists primarily in eliminating the underlying disease, which was the cause of its occurrence. Own health is a big treasure that should not be wasted. Therefore, if you find yourself in the above symptoms, then immediately contact your doctor and deal with their origin. And when making a diagnosis - anisocytosis, do not be disheartened and follow all the prescriptions of specialists.