Visit to the gynecologist. when to go


We live in a civilized world, in a world where medicine has reached its peak, but, unfortunately, we remain quite ignorant in matters relating to our health.

Lovely women, remember when was the last time you visited your female doctor? You can imagine your faces now. Of course, the question is unpleasant. For most women, a visit to a gynecologist is associated with the most unpleasant memories. But it is from this doctor, in most cases, our female health depends.

So leave your fears, hypocrisy - nothing is more precious than health and can not be, and we have no right to forget about it. A visit to a gynecologist is an obligatory part of the life of a woman of any age. We often forget that our health is directly related to the health of people close to us: our man and our children.

When to go to the gynecologist?

Ideally, it is recommended to visit a female doctor before sexual intercourse. These visits should be regular - at least twice a year.

Be sure to pay a visit to the doctor if you plan to give birth to a child. A modern life with its transience should not prevent a woman from remaining a woman in the full sense of the word. Any woman is a mother, and it does not matter: real or future. And the mother must be healthy.

If your age is already far from unproductive, and you are nursing grandchildren - a visit to the gynecologist is no less important. Unfortunately, it is at this age that the risk of cancer increases.

Why are we trying to ignore the gynecologist?

In most cases - this is a natural modesty. In the office of this doctor must be openly exposed, and the type of gynecological chair is not conducive to emancipation. And here, dear women, you need the right mental attitude.

Why you should not be afraid to visit a gynecologist?

  • Do not forget that before you - a specialist. He sincerely wishes to help your problem or, on the contrary, to report your full health.
  • For a gynecologist, the examination is far from the first, and he does not pay attention to the shortcomings of your figure. The doctor is well aware that you are experiencing psychological and physical discomfort, therefore conducting a gynecological examination as carefully and carefully as possible.
  • This is a very quick and painless procedure. (All the tools that the doctor uses do not have sharp edges, so you have nothing to fear from pain.)
  • In modern clinics only disposable instruments and towels are used, sterile gloves, so that the risk of infection is completely absent.

Be sure to remember that at the reception at the gynecologist there is not and can not be "shameful" topics. The doctor's questions are not a desire to satisfy curiosity, but an opportunity to conduct a survey with the greatest benefit. Therefore, the answers must be extremely honest. The doctor will not criticize you and read morals, talking about morality or immorality. His task is to conduct a study and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. And the more honest your answers are, the more correctly the diagnosis will be made and the methods of treatment chosen.

When is a gynecologist's consultation especially necessary?

  • With heavy prolonged bleeding or absence and menstruation.
  • With severe abdominal pain.
  • When urination disorder in combination with purulent secretions from the genital organs (especially those accompanied by high fever).
  • With painful sensations during intercourse.

Lovely women, learn to love and respect yourself. Do not self-medicate and especially do not listen to the advice of friends. Go to the doctor and consult only with him. Your health is in your hands. And the best prevention!

Especially for - Rita