Vishnevsky ointment


Vishnevsky ointment was created during the Second World War, so far it is one of the best and harmless drugs of its kind. The scientific name of this tool - "Liniment balsamic Vishnevsky." It has a wide spectrum of action and includes in its composition tar, castor oil and xeroform. All these substances give an antiseptic effect.

Tar is able to stimulate nerve endings; xeroform - dries; Castor oil has a softening effect, so this tool penetrates well into the skin. This ointment has antiseptic properties and has the ability to regenerate tissues for bedsores, burns, frostbite, as well as for acne and infectious agents.

Modern doctors rarely prescribe this remedy, but despite this, in the first-aid kits of many people you can see this ointment, because it not only helps to cure many diseases, but does not cause health damage.

Here are the most common tips on the use of Vishnevsky ointment:

As soon as the furuncle or felon starts to heal, you should make a bandage with Vishnevsky ointment: for this, gauze should be folded in four, apply ointment on it and apply to the wound for 10-12 hours. After removing the bandage, wipe the skin dry.

This remedy is excellent for the treatment of bedsores, which most bed patients suffer from. As soon as redness has appeared on the body, it is necessary to immediately apply dressings with an ointment on them to avoid blackening of the skin.

Since the Great Patriotic War, frostbite and burns have been treated with the ointment of Vishnevsky. After all, after applying the tool, the skin heals and it does not cause severe scars. Impose such dressings must be immediately for 4-5 days.

You can also treat purulent acne and acne on the face, head, back. When the pimple begins to heal, apply a little ointment on a gauze cloth and attach it to it, securing it with a plaster - this will contribute to its early elimination.

Vishnevsky ointment: use in gynecology

Vishnevsky ointment: application

Nowadays, this tool is actively used in gynecology. Here are the main indications for its use in this area:

  1. Thrush;
  2. Cervical erosion;
  3. Inflammation of the appendages;
  4. Bartholinite;
  5. Endometriosis;
  6. Tubal infertility;
  7. Spikes.

But besides the testimony, the ointment of Vishnevsky in gynecology has contraindications:

  • Abscesses in dangerous areas;
  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the tool.

In gynecology, Vishnevsky ointment is often used in conjunction with other means, for example, with chamomile infusion for douching the vaginal area during inflammatory processes. In this case, the antiseptic effect of chamomile infusion interacts with the regenerating and healing effect of the ointment. Often, in diseases that are sexually transmitted, doctors prescribe liniment as an excipient - because it can increase the effect of antibiotics many times. But nevertheless only the qualified expert will be able to pick up the best combination, everything will depend on the general condition of an organism.

If the cause of infertility lies in endometriosis, then Vishnevsky ointment is able to cope with this problem. In this case, the inner layer of the fallopian tubes, which was affected by this ailment, will begin to recover, and allow an already fertilized egg to pass through them, as a result of which pregnancy occurs.

If the doctor has prescribed this liniment to the patient, then some rules should be followed to achieve the maximum result. First of all, you will need simple tampons, which should be soaked with 12-15 g of medication, and then introduced into the vagina before bedtime, and this should be done in 10-14 days.

When using this method of treatment, the patient should not experience discomfort, burning, redness, and other unpleasant sensations. If they are suddenly formed, you should consult a doctor - this may be a sign of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

But, despite the high efficacy of this drug in the field of gynecology, Vishnevsky ointment cannot be prescribed for oneself, and only be used after consulting a specialist.

Vishnevsky drug - effective ointment for acne

Vishnevsky ointment: application

Acne treatment is a very delicate matter and not every remedy can help combat this problem. But the Vishnevsky ointment, when properly used, is able to cope with it. The components that make up this drug are harmless to the human body. This liniment dries and nourishes the skin, stimulates skin receptors, and because it includes xeroform, it also has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

This ointment is capable of literally pulling out pimples from under the skin. Moreover, it can be applied both on bare skin and with gauze, in the 2nd version a compress is obtained. Also, ointment can be lubricated and applied to the affected areas of the skin. Moreover, it is very convenient for extensive inflammation, in case acne or rash covers the entire face. But if there are not many acne, then it is better to apply the ointment locally, that is, apply only to the affected areas of the skin.

It is advised to wash it away 2 hours after application, in this case all components will have time to influence the problem area. But even if the ointment is left on the skin for a longer time, there is no need to fear any negative consequences.

Do not forget that in the treatment of acne Vishnevsky ointment there are contraindications. These include allergy or other intolerance to any of the components, but this happens very rarely.

Drug reviews

Vishnevsky ointment: application

Many people want to know before using the drug - if it has helped someone else in the fight against a similar problem. This is not surprising - who wants to waste their time and money? Here are reviews of patients who used Vishnevsky ointment to treat various diseases:

  • Alice: I had an abscess on my shoulder, I couldn’t squeeze it out with my fingers - the pain is terrible. And it was impossible to wait until he himself had passed - he was big and rubbed on the straps. I applied Vishnevsky ointment on a piece of bandage and glued it to the boil with a plaster. I did this for 3 days, the pus began to approach the surface and then poured out. Then she simply smeared this place with Chlorhexidine and everything was dragged out. And my grandmother used liniment to heal a wound that could not last for a long time.
  • Pavel: I remember this ointment from childhood, especially its smell. It helps a lot in wound decay, for this it should be applied to the bandage and attached to the affected area and fixed. The bandage needs to be changed 2-3 times a day and apply a new ointment. After 2-3 days the wound becomes clean!
  • Margaret: Wonderful drug! Applied it when the boil ripened in the ear, it helped! Particularly pleased that there was no pain. But the only thing is that it is better not to self-medicate, I have an excellent example of the negative consequences of such an act: a colleague at work reddened and a sore knee, another colleague advised her to use this tool. A few days later, the girl nevertheless came to see a doctor, who scolded her very badly for such indiscretions.
  • Alexandra: Once in my youth, my sister badly burned her leg with a samovar, and with what she didn’t receive any treatment, nothing helped. Oddly enough, but she was advised not by the doctors of Vishnevsky’s ointment, but by her friends, or her neighbors. Although the course of treatment was not short (too much skin was damaged), but it still turned out to be very effective! The trail, however, still remained, but the skin surface itself remained even, perhaps due to the impact of this agent! This ointment is always in my home first aid kit!

Vishnevsky ointment is an excellent tool not only in the fight against boils, pimples, wounds, burns, but also in the field of gynecology. But it is better not to neglect the visit to the doctor before using it, it is possible that the liniment will need to be used in conjunction with other means or replaced with another preparation at all!