Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower limbs and veins


The hectic rhythm of life, endless pursuit, bustle - all this is carried on their feet. They are subjected to daily maximum load. Without paying proper attention to rest, without knowing it, we are recording ourselves at the risk of developing vascular diseases. Early diagnosis of the disease will help ultrasound vessels of the lower extremities.

What type of diagnosis to choose?

Ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities

Today, ultrasound diagnosis is considered one of the most complete and reliable methods of research. The main advantage of ultrasound is that this method does not cause any harm to human health, in contrast to radiography.

Ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities is done according to the purpose of the treating specialist. A person can independently undergo such a procedure if his body signals an illness. There are a lot of calls warning us about the development of pathology. They can not be ignored. But we will return to this later, but now I would like to dwell in greater detail on the types of ultrasound diagnosis of lower extremity vessels.

Despite the fact that the vessels we do not see and they are hidden under the skin, their health, cleanliness and permeability are considered important factors for the full functioning of the body. You can talk about it for a very long time. Every person, even from the lessons of anatomy, knows that blood circulates throughout the body through the vessels. Through the blood cells get nutrients, oxygen, etc. Perhaps you understand why exploring the vessels is so important.

In modern medical practice, three methods of ultrasound of blood vessels are used:

  • two-dimensional doppler sonography;
  • triplex ultrasound;
  • duplex type angioscanning.

Initially, Doppler ultrasound was a leader and was the most common way to diagnose vascular ailments. Over time, improved methods of examination began to appear, in connection with which Doppler sonography, or, as it is called in medical practice, USDG of the vessels of the lower extremities, faded into the background.

To date, Doppler is prescribed to assess the condition of the arteries and determine their patency. As is well known, the blood circulates through the vessels at different rates, in connection with which the specialized physicians prefer to carry out duplex-type angioscanning. Through such a diagnostic method, it is possible to assess the deep state of the vessels, the presence of blood clots, injuries, etc. When conducting such a study, different areas of the vessels are marked with certain colors depending on the blood circulation velocity.

Triplex ultrasound is considered the most popular and modern method for the diagnosis of blood vessels. The doctor will be able to assess the condition of the vessels and view them in a three-dimensional color image. Most often, doctors resort to this method of examination before performing a surgical intervention in order to build a treatment strategy in advance.

Does everybody need a vascular ultrasound?

The causes of the development of vascular pathologies are very diverse. Ultrasound examination of the blood vessels helps to reveal many illnesses at the initial stage. As you understand, timely diagnosis is the basis for further treatment and its successful outcome.

Mandatory profile doctors prescribe ultrasound of vessels of the lower extremities in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • high cholesterol level;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • elevated blood pressure;
  • smoking;
  • overweight;
  • severe pain in the legs;
  • surgical intervention;
  • varicose veins;
  • edema of the legs;
  • trophic type ulcers.

Also, an ultrasound diagnosis is recommended to some women who are waiting for replenishment in the family. Such a study is simply necessary when vascular ailments manifest themselves during the period of gestation. Most often they are visible to the naked eye.

Doctors prescribe ultrasound of lower limbs

In addition to sending a doctor for an ultrasound, a person can initiate such a method of diagnosis independently. What are the signals of the body indicate the need for a survey? It is recommended to consult a profile doctor with the following signs:

  • heaviness in the legs;
  • severe swelling of the lower extremities;
  • unreasonable pain in the legs;
  • excessive sensation of cold;
  • the presence of a vascular network;
  • education wounds and ulcers on the skin.

To find out where you can do ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities, contact your local general practitioner or a specialized physician who you are registered with. Most outpatient clinics and private medical institutions have the necessary equipment through which they carry out an examination of the vessels of the legs.

How is the diagnosis?

If you have undergone an ultrasound procedure at least once in your life, then for you this method of diagnosis will not be new. The principle of behavior of vascular ultrasound is the same as in transabdominal examination. The doctor applies a special gel to the lower limbs, which gives a feeling of coolness, and then examines the state of the blood vessels with a sensor.

Information is displayed on the monitor. When performing a triplex study or dopplerography, certain portions of the vessels can be marked with a specific color. In order for the result of such an examination to be reliable and as accurate as possible, it is recommended to carry out diagnostics in various positions: sitting, lying and standing. So the diagnostician will be able to fully evaluate the clinical picture of the vessels at different loads.

The duration of the procedure is no more than one hour. Unlike ultrasound examination of internal organs, for example, the peritoneal cavity, special preparation for the inspection of vessels is not required. The only thing you need is to wear comfortable clothes.

List of contraindications

where you can do ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities

Despite the fact that ultrasound is considered an absolutely harmless way to diagnose, it can not be all. Ultrasound of the vessels of the legs is not recommended in the presence of such illnesses:

  • burn wounds on the skin;
  • asthma;
  • skin pathologies;
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases that are in progression.

As already mentioned, timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment and rapid recovery. If you notice any alarming signals or you are worried about the heaviness in the legs, or maybe after a working day, they swell a lot, then you will certainly undergo an ultrasound of the vessels. This procedure is absolutely painless, so there is nothing to fear.

The advantages of such a method of research vessels are many, in particular, the doctor through the diagnosis will be able to identify even at the initial stage of development one of the following diseases:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis;
  • endarteritis;
  • atherosclerosis, etc.

As has been said many times, ultrasound in modern medicine occupies a leading position and is considered one of the reliable and full-scale diagnostic methods. And despite the fact that the vessels we do not see, in fact, they play an important role in the functioning of all organs. Timely diagnosis of the disease will allow you to quickly begin treatment and get rid of the painful symptoms. Before going through the ultrasound of the vessels of the legs, be sure to talk with a specialized doctor. He will tell you what kind of ultrasound will be the most informative in a particular case. Be healthy!