Tingling in the heart


In one popular song there are such lines: "So worried here, in the region of the heart, pain. This is a bad revenge, this is not our role!" A completely accurate description of the symptom of mental suffering and heart excitement, and if less poetically - the usual stress. Yes, it is the usual, because our chaotic life sometimes is sheer stress.

Everything boils, boils around us, and involuntarily you join in this whirlwind, without thinking about health. But there is nothing more dangerous for our heart than constant stress, experiences, excitement. And our heart is one and for life! Tingling in the region of the heart, jumping out of the chest, knocking in the ears - familiar sensations?

Pricking in the heart: causes

slight tingling in the region of the heart may not always be a symptom of pathologies

Of course, we have somewhat thickened paint, and a slight tingling in the region of the heart may not always be a symptom of pathologies. In fact, the heart is an ordinary muscle, and muscle tissues tend to tire of excessive loads. And the body in this way tries to tell us that it needs rest.

In addition, there are several other causes of heart pain, but not associated with pathological changes in the heart:

  • infectious colds - in this case, pain occurs as a result of intoxication of the body with waste products of harmful microbes;
  • depression, unbalanced psycho-emotional state, nervousness;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, such as ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.

However, tingling in the heart can also speak of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. Let's take a closer look at them.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • An increase in blood pressure, pain stabbing or cutting in the heart area may indicate a heart attack. The reason for this is a violation of the arterial circulation due to blockage of the artery by a blood clot.
  • Arterial hypertension - in addition to stabbing pains in the heart, is often accompanied by dizziness and nausea.
  • A spasm of the coronary vessels through which myocardial blood circulates, which leads to a decrease in the amount of blood saturated with oxygen delivered to the heart. And this can lead to the death of heart cells.
  • Angina pectoris is accompanied by burning pain in the chest. The cause of the disease are atherosclerotic changes in the heart arteries. The lumen of the vessels is narrowed due to the deposition of sclerotic plaques on their walls. Blood circulation and oxygen supply to the heart are disturbed, which causes pain attacks.
  • Inflammation of the pericardium. In this disease, the effectiveness of heart contractions is significantly reduced. As a result, heart failure develops over time.
  • Cardiac ventricular hypertrophy - cardiomyopathy.
  • Aortic dissecting aneurysm is the rupture of the largest artery in the body, leading to massive internal bleeding.

Heart diseases often lead to heart failure. And when the heart muscle does not work effectively, the tissues of the body are poorly supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Such diseases are accompanied not only by sharp pains in the heart area, but also by swelling, as well as shortness of breath and fatigue.

Other pathologies

Heart diseases often lead to heart failure.

Tingling in the area of ​​the heart can be triggered by other causes. Among them occupy a special place:

  • body reaction to allergens;
  • side effects of some drugs, for example, corticosteroid drugs;
  • unreasonable panic attacks;
  • heartburn, painful sensation in the chest area;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • neuralgia, which occurs as a result of squeezing the nerves of the intercostal space.

What does tingling mean?

Heart pains differ in the nature of the manifestation:

  • oppressive, aching;
  • baking;
  • stitching.

The most innocuous, if I may say so, are pains in the region of the heart of a piercing nature. Actually, they have nothing to do with the heart and are to a greater extent provoked by the pectal syndrome. This is a reflex pain effect from the pectoral muscle of strangulated nerve endings. The cause can also be vertebral pain of osteochondrosis of the cervical region.

To set aside all doubts in case of such pain and to make sure that it is not the heart that is pricking, resort to the following simple manipulations:

  1. First you need to find out the connection between stabbing pain and physical exertion and determine whether there is an increase in pain during fast walking and various exercises.
  2. Feel the surface of the chest with a slight pressure on the tips of the fingers where the pain is located. If you find pain points, then it certainly does not hurt the heart.
  3. The same can be said when the pain increases or disappears during a deep breath, when you take a comfortable position or during certain body movements - bending, turning.

With such actions, you calm yourself in relation to heart disease, but there are other causes that cause pain, so you need to visit a neurologist and get tested.

How to remove discomfort?

With the appearance of stabbing pain in the heart of unknown origin do not need to panic

With the appearance of piercing pain in the heart of unknown origin, do not panic. First you need to calm down, sit down, but rather lie down. If the cause of the pain is physical or emotional stress, then it will soon recede. You can take any sedative that is on hand: valerian, Barboval, motherwort tincture, sublingual mint tablets.

The aching pain of a neuralgic nature can be calmed down by taking a comfortable position and applying warmth or using a pepper plaster. An excellent prophylactic agent of heart disease can be rubbing the chest with bee venom. For these purposes, you can use the drug Efkamon.

Whatever it was, but if the pain in the heart becomes systematic recurring in nature, this is a reason to go to a cardiologist. In the event of acute pain that can not be calmed down, do not take risks and call the ambulance. Be healthy!