The impact of cycling on health. bike and pregnancy


If you don’t have enough walks, don’t like to run and you don’t have the opportunity to swim, but you have a bike or you can buy one, then there is no better way than cycling to improve your health. The variety and enjoyment of cycling is guaranteed.

In addition to cycling, you can visit a variety of places, see the surrounding nature, they are of great benefit to your body. Any person will not be prevented by the opportunity to strengthen the muscles of the legs, improve the respiratory system and, of course, the work of the heart and blood vessels. You will feel how your endurance increases and coordination of movements improves. For those who want to lose weight, cycling is one of the best activities. You will get rid of excess fat on your thighs without any problems.

All this you can achieve and, doing on bicycle simulators, but walking on a bicycle in the open air, in a park or a forest, will not only bring the same benefits, but also give you real pleasure.

The benefits of cycling

  • Many of the women suffer from such a terrible disease as varicose veins. Some of you have a predisposition for it, so you just need to go cycling. It is the movement of the legs during pedaling, which promotes the rapid movement of blood in the veins, and does not allow it to stagnate, which is an excellent prevention of this disease. Those who are already ill, can improve their condition, allowing their blood to run through the veins.
  • If during a sharp rise darkens in the eyes, the pulse quickens, palms sweat, your chest begins to tingle, and even faints occur, you suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia, you just need cycling walks to make your blood run better through the vessels, and the vessels become more elastic .
  • Overweight with daily cycling is burned very quickly. Thanks to the 45-minute workout, you can easily acquire and maintain the harmony of your figure.
  • You are tormented by numerous problems, thoughts do not give rest, you can not do without cycling. They will help strengthen your nervous system, reject all negative emotions, improve mood and well-being.

Preparing for cycling

Before proceeding with the bike rides, I would like to focus my attention on a few essential points. If you decide to go cycling, but have not been involved in sports for a long time, do not forget to prepare your body for this.

  • Two weeks before the first bike ride, you need to start charging, training first of all the muscles of the back and legs. An exercise called a “bike” is perfect for this. Sitting on a chair, lift your legs and start making them rotational movement.
  • If you are just eating or going, it is advisable to postpone the bike ride.

  • When buying, choose bikes specifically designed for women.
  • Systematically check the condition of the bike, inspect the brakes, tire pressure, bicycle chain tension, whether all the nuts are tightened, in general, do not forget to monitor the condition of your "iron" horse. Failure may result in falls and injuries. Be careful and cautious on the streets with heavy traffic!

If possible, you can sign up for a bike tour with some agency or find like-minded people. So you will not only strengthen your health, but also be able to see the beautiful landscapes, nature, sights.

Cycling and pregnancy

Cycling is also indispensable during pregnancy. They are able to reduce discomfort and keep your body fit. Of course, you can start cycling only after consulting with your doctor and in the absence of any contraindications to sports.

Cycling does not have too much stress on your joints, which is why they can be practiced for almost the entire period of pregnancy.. In later periods, it is imperative to avoid dehydration and overwork. Cycling will strengthen not only your body, but your future baby's body, will help prepare for future births. Your bike should be well-adjusted, do not take a walk alone, avoid trips on uneven terrain, shaking during pregnancy is completely useless. If you are not engaged in cycling before pregnancy, then the load must be increased gradually.

Do not ride on high gears, the pedals must rotate bz special effort. In the first two weeks, go cycling for short distances and avoid busy trails to avoid falling or sudden braking. If the climb begins ahead, better walk it.

By adhering to these recommendations and advice of your attending physician, you will do your cycling, only a source of joy, pleasure and health for you and your future baby. When mother is healthy and baby will be healthy.

This is only a small amount of information about the benefits of cycling. They give us not only aesthetic pleasure, the joy of communicating with like-minded people, but also the opportunity to see the most beautiful places of our homeland. They will strengthen your health, help in the struggle for a beautiful and slim figure, will train and temper your character.

Bike rides have a preventive effect against many diseases and help to cope if they are. They have practically no serious contraindications and they can be engaged, even pregnant women. It remains for the small, choose a route, take or buy a bike, call or find like-minded people and go forward - to the path to your health!

Especially for