The first signs of appendicitis


The human organ appendix performs a very important function in the human body. It cleanses the body of toxins and waste. The first signs of appendicitis occur when inflammation begins in the cavity where it is located.

Appendicitis is an acute condition that requires immediate medical attention. That is why everyone should know the first signs of this disease in order to protect themselves and loved ones from the grave consequences and possible complications.

The main signs of appendicitis

The first signs of appendicitis are manifested along with a sharp onset of pain in the area above the navel.

The first signs of appendicitis

Also the main features include:

  1. The emergence of a sharp pain in the area where the left iliac bone.
  2. Sensation of tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  3. On palpation of the abdomen - the appearance of pain.
  4. Increase in body temperature to 380WITH.
  5. The appearance of nausea, pain, not so often, but the occurrence of vomiting and constipation. At the same time, frequent constipation and disturbances in the work of intestinal peristalsis and causes appendicitis.

Description of the first signs of appendicitis

  • When appendicitis appears, the pain is permanent, rarely can be cramping, but gradually the pain begins to grow. The pain in appendicitis is not given anywhere, only if the appendix is ​​located atypically, the pain can manifest itself in the genitals or lumbar region.
  • Vomiting with appendicitis is not permanent, and may occur only once after the pain, in the early hours of the disease.
  • Increased body temperature does not occur at all, but if there is a chill and the pulse rises, which becomes higher than 80 beats per minute, this already indicates a worsening of the disease and the need to immediately call an ambulance.
  • In addition to the main symptoms, it can also cause suspicion of appendicitis bloating and the inability to take a position on the left side, because it causes increased pain. That is why a person tries to lie on his back.
  • Dryness and language of the tongue appear already when the disease is neglected, so they do not belong to the first signs of appendicitis.

The first signs of appendicitis during a medical examination

At the stage of early diagnosis of appendicitis, it is important to identify the sequence of all symptoms. Doctors usually ask the patient to cough or push out the abdomen, and then draw in, which, if appendicitis causes an increase in pain. When tapping in the area of ​​the right iliac region, the pain will also increase. Doctors begin to feel the stomach from the left area, approaching the place where it hurts the most. At the same time immediately felt the tension of the muscles located on the right side of the abdomen. If you gently put your fingers flat, shallowly and slowly push the abdominal front wall, and after 5 seconds quickly remove your hand, then acute appendicitis will cause a sharp pain.

The first signs of appendicitis during a medical examination

There is a method that accurately determines the occurrence of appendicitis. For this purpose, the abdominal front wall is probed. When pressing in the groin on the right, the sensation of pain does not arise, but as soon as the hand drastically moves away from the place where the appendix is ​​located, there is a sharp pain.

The first signs of appendicitis in children, pregnant women and the elderly

  • In children, due to an unformed body, the first signs of appendicitis are somewhat different, but the pain occurs suddenly. Small children first become restless, cry, refuse food, and with acute appendicitis they scream. The first signs of appendicitis in children include pain in the right lower abdomen, temperature rises above 38, 50C, coated and dryish tongue, very rapid pulse. Children lie, trying not to change positions. For more information, see the article Symptoms of appendicitis in children.
  • In older people, the first signs of acute appendicitis are different due to the peculiarities of age, the development of destructive changes and the low response of the body to the processes of vital activity. All the main first signs of appendicitis are manifested in people of this age, but they are much weaker, making it difficult to determine them. Most often in older people, signs of appendicitis are accompanied by a delayed stool.
  • Quite rarely, but still, unfortunately, appendicitis occurs in pregnant women. In the first half of pregnancy, the signs of appendicitis are not so pronounced, but of them nausea, vomiting, constipation and abdominal pain occur most often, making it difficult to diagnose the occurrence of acute appendicitis. But pain during appendicitis during pregnancy occurs most often in the lower right abdomen.

Acute appendicitis is the most frequent and dangerous disease among the diseases of the abdominal cavity that require surgical intervention. Therefore, when the first signs that may indicate the risk of appendicitis, it is necessary to immediately seek help in the hospital.

It is categorically not recommended to engage in self-treatment at the risk of appendicitis, as this only complicates the determination of appendicitis, removing sharp pain. Delaying a visit to a doctor can lead to tragic consequences, so take care of yourself and your loved ones.